Sentences with phrase «not extract»

Jane Barlow is the lead author of a randomised controlled trial (RCT) of the effectiveness of video interaction guidance in preterm babies, which could potentially be eligible for inclusion in the review; she will not extract data from this study should data become available.
For infographic resume designs, or others made with advanced graphic design software, PDFs are a safer choice than JPG or PNG files, because the latter ones do not extract raw text.
After British 15 - year - old Saleem Rashid created code to «backdoor» Ledger's wallets in November 2017, the company released posts describing the events as «NOT critical» and said possible attacks «can not extract the private keys or the seed.»
They did not extract anything from anywhere.
The police can not extract any information because your hard drive is encrypted.
A «drill string and bit» becomes stuck in the hole and the Respondent can not extract it; «Precision advised Yangarra that the drilling mud was in order, when it knew or should have known it was not.»
The copyright owner merely suspects, on a hunch, that the user did not extract or obtain the content legally (e.g. they didn't dvdrip the content).
But why not extract the minerals first?
Next, because SST can drive temps for coastal stations and because the regression does not extract this, there will be stations where the local detail is wrong.
«Mathematics may be compared to a mill of exquisite workmanship, which grinds you stuff of any degree of fineness; but, nevertheless, what you get out depends upon what you put in; and as the grandest mill in the world will not extract wheat - flour from peascod, so pages of formulae will not get a definite result out of loose data.»
What you call «conventional» standardisation can not extract that long - term environmental signal, hence the development of RCS.
Rearranging, the power per area is Wind turbine blades do not extract all of the available power out of the wind.
We do not extract healthy teeth.
A cat food can therefore be labeled nutritionally complete even if the cat's digestive system can not extract those nutrients.
Do not extract their contents.
Even so, Mercedes will not extract more than 550 HP from the 4.4 - liter unit as opposed to the 510 HP found in the GT S. AMG engineers consider that the weight advantage over its more humbler versions is enough to boast a 3.6 seconds 0 - 100 km / h run and 200 mph top speed.
In contrast to Porsche — his former employer — Bez announced that Aston Martin would not extract a premium for the track model; stripped for competition, the limited - production N24 would cost about as much as a regular V8 Vantage.
We have noticed the references to quillaja bark in many online sources as being «unsafe for consumption» are referring to the consumption of the bark itself — not the extract itself.
United States, Canada and the European governments require scientific laboratories to prove that all cookware does not extract lead or cadmium.
I can assure you we do not extract / use users data in any way.
According to the Untied Nations Food and Agricultural publication, «Value Added Prodcuts from Beekeeping», water does not extract as many valuable components from the propolis, as does alcohol or oil.
Get stevia leaf powder — not extract.
They seem to be the whole food as far as I can tell; not an extract.
In a bowl, mix the oats, coconut flour, oat bran, flax, raisins, baking soda, ginger, cloves, cinnamon and pure stevia powder (not extract or powders with fillers).
Normally using vanilla bean powder tho, not the extract.
Observers suggest a lower - profile administration post — perhaps the next head of the National Nuclear Security Administration — could fall victim to a Graham hold if he does not extract the concessions he is after.
The sodium salt of the soluble iron complex, [Fe (III)- EDMA]-, is used in large quantities as an iron micronutrient in citrus agriculture, for plants that can not extract iron from alkaline soil in which the iron is insoluble.
Picard says the software amplifies the cues we already volunteer, and does not extract information that a person is unwilling to share.
Because the brain can not extract a coherent picture from these incompatible percepts, the two images seem to flip back and forth in our mind's eye, each image rivaling the other for dominance.
Ban could not extract an adequate amount of DNA from the sample, so he increased the number of polymerase chain reaction DNA - copying rounds to try to increase the chance of obtaining usable profiles.
«Government should deliver public services, not extract campaign contributions and enrich well - connected consultants and government staff.»
When your baby is not properly latched she may not extract milk efficiently, which in turn may mean she's not getting enough nutrients and it may reduce your milk supply.
KellyMom says that a pump will not extract as much milk as your baby will, but a good electric breast pump will help you to get as much as possible.
While I understand that many articles and experts say pumping does not extract as much milk as does nursing, this is not a factor for me.
I found they had good agreement but acetonitrile was good when doing heavily coloured samples such as cayenne powder as it did not extract so many interfering substances.
The saison contains not extract but English cucumbers, skin and all, added during fermentation.
In a bowl, mix the oats, coconut flour, oat bran, flax, raisins, baking soda, ginger, cloves, cinnamon and pure stevia powder (not extract or powders with fillers).
In the absence of writing, however, it can not extract meaning.
We can not say biology leads to atheism because we can not extract from science something that is not scientific.
Men who spend their entire lives pouring over the Bible still can not extract all there is to know because the interpretation is always in the eye of the individual reader.
This is just what Japan did to promote its industrialization — by providing government credit intended to promote tangible capital investment, not extract financial rake - offs.
Below that price, the agency concluded, firms might not extract bitumen.
We do not extract any information about individual users or their computers as a part of this process.
«The problem specifically with Chapter Nine for states is the municipal market does not extract a penalty rate or an insurance rate against states going into bankruptcy because it is not allowed,» said Mier, a Managing Director at Chicago's Loop Capital.
While technological improvements have allowed producers to access resources they couldn't extract economically before, the deteriorating quality of reserves and rising production costs have put a floor under prices, a report from McKinsey & Co. argues.
Here, he also mentions that he doesn't extract any dividends out of his utility group.
I tried that method and it doesn't extract enough from the rice.
Spirulina is a real food, not an extracted or refined food.
lemon juice no lemon extract yes, perhaps Remember not all extracts can be use equally (1 teaspoon vanilla extract does not equal 1 teasoon lemon extract).
The hammock effect is comfortable for adults but dangerous for babies who can't extract themselves.
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