Sentences with phrase «not failures»

Mistakes and dead ends are inevitable, and are not failures.
They're not failures; they're challenges you've overcome.
These are not failures from a gameplay perspective.
These are not failures of predation, but successes, interrupted, comparable to what happens when a hyena chases a cheetah off a half - dead gazelle and appropriates the meal for himself.
Doctors, and probably the rest of us, tend to define themselves by their successes, not their failures.
Maker mind - set creates a culture where experimentation is safe and valued, where initial attempts are not failures but unanticipated results, and where students feel centered in their learning.
«We are a failing school, but we're not failures.
Since many of these students had failed the test several times before, my challenge was first getting these students to see themselves as achievers, not failures.
And, for sure, these students knew they were not failures.
We all know that while the state has a significant achievement gap due to poverty, language barriers and unmet special education needs, our public schools are not broken and our children and teachers are not failures.
I was motivated by her encouragement to remember my daily accomplishments, not my failures.
As one of those moms who occasionally leaves Tipat chalav sniffling and dejected, it's nice to hear from a respected source that we're not failures if our children don't fit the mold.
Hope your story will help others understand that they are not failures, and to listen to their instincts!
Mothers need to feel like they are not failures if they can not breastfeed.
God makes greatness, not failures.
Ancient kingdoms tend to record their successes and not their failures.
These were not failures of a free market in banking.
And how true, you are not a failure until you stop getting up again.
Set your employees up for success, not failure.
You need to keep in mind, you are not your failure.
She said that «failure is an imperfect word» because, if you take the time and have the patience to learn from your failures, then they aren't failures any longer — they're lessons.
It's not failure if you don't write a book.»
When a baby is learning to walk, takes its first step, falls down and bursts into tears, that's not failure.
At LexION, the ethos is feedback, not failure.
That way, workers can adjust their workload accordingly and set themselves up for success, not failure — or worse, unhealthy habits or a potentially life - threatening health risk.
Most startups fail because of lack of customers, not failure of technology, yet so few entrepreneurs put in the effort to understand market potential in a disciplined way.
At the same time I had started 2 pretty big real estate deals and was determent to prove to myself that I wasn't a failure.
Still, this wasn't a failure to support the good candidates for the Supreme Court, which is of primary importance, and McCain has room to maneuver and explain.
God is not a failure.
Yet death is not the end, and therefore it is not a failure.
It's not the failure of our school systems to teach science, it's the failure of our parents to embrace it.
When schools are bombarded with religious idiots demanding Intelligent Design be taught, it isn't the failure of the school.
Young people should be taught that becoming a grown - up is not failure but an achievement that takes work, investment, and seriousness.
It is the great failure, the refusal to enter into the dialogue, not the failure in the dialogue, as exemplified by Biblical man.
Has not the failure of decolonization, in some areas at least, been as spectacular and tragic as the general failure of collectivism?
Yet it was not all failure, by any means, even by the standards by which Jesus reckoned success; so much is clear.
The best thing a Christian sister or brother can do for someone struggling to gain release from relapse is to remind them they're not a failure.
Jesus is not a failure; he is on the way to becoming king (Acts 2:32 - 36) The risen Jesus must teach this lesson to his confused disciples (cf. Luke 24:26) The criminal recognizes both the justice of his own sentence and the true possibility for salvation in Jesus.
If we see the sacraments as mere rituals, is that not a failure of the church to keep word and sign together?
Hence the trial scene in Act IV, which so unsettles modern audiences, manifests not the failure of Shakespeare's art, but rather its triumph.
A man who spends most of his day reading storybooks, wiping noses, changing diapers, and driving kids to basketball practice is not a failure.
Well, that is an internal failure of the Catholic Church, not a failure with the Obama administration.
But maybe it wasn't a failure at all.
Whoever receives their task from the hand of God and orients their action to God, will find suffering to be not failure, not the end, but a «transformation» of their task and their action.
After letting it sit in the fridge for a few hours, I thought the favors would become stronger, however, if anything they became weaker As this was my 1st (but definitely not my last) attempt at hummus, I'd have to say it wasn't a complete success, but it wasn't a failure either.
The first batch wasn't a failure but it was too boring and dry.
not this failure kroenke who is afraid in taking the big step....
Not a failure of the FO, and the stats don't reflect the positions that these guys have been put in.
I guess if Yak's only team was Edmonton and Griffin's only team was the Islanders I might be tempted to agree, but doesn't failure rest on the player (and therefore the drafter) and not the developer, at some point?
maybe he's too scared of * success * (not failure): if he had a squad capable of the title, and they did nt get it, people would wonder whether wenger still has it.
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