Sentences with phrase «not feasible»

However, it is essential you earnestly seek a partner as a later stage in playing the drums retreat is not a feasible choice.
These costs can easily add up to as much as $ 30 or more a month and, for a lot of people, this is just not feasible.
This saves a lot of time and money, and something certainly not feasible when dating the traditional way.
Money and bills must never get in the way of education, but is simply not feasible for some of the youth of today's times including Australian students.
It's not feasible for you to join every sugar daddy dating site on the internet, it would be a waste of both time and money.
You all know that I'm a huge fan of long cardigans for fall, but with temperatures still in the 80's & 90's here, it's just not feasible to start rotating in all of my comfy, cozy sweaters yet.
It's just not feasible or worthwhile.
Would also tag folders if I had more time but it's not feasible now.
So, although mixing my perfect shade is ideal, it's not feasible every day.
I want each pair to become a part of my life, but since that's not feasible, I hope at least one or two pairs can become a part of yours;)
Preparing, packing, carrying and maintaining this can be too difficult and not feasible.
If this is not feasible however you can find a quiet place in your home and meditate.
The reason is that it is not feasible to skim cream from raw camel milk because it is so low in fat.
It may also have great value for use in areas where delivery of low PPM isolated silver is not feasible and / or acquisition of distilled water makes creating quality colloidal silver nearly impossible, such as in third world countries.
It's not feasible, right?
Since 120 mcg is the maximum dose available in supplements in Canada, this is not feasible north of the border.
All human studies pertaining to health and longevity are inferences and not proofs as, I'm sure Jaminet will agree, it is not feasible to carry these experiments out lifelong in people.
Flax does indeed cyanide like byproducts when consumed in large doses, but these large doses are not feasible unless one is eating several bags of flaxseed a day.
It's not normal, it's not applicable and in certain cases not feasible.
Still there are times when grassfed, pastured, or wild is just not feasible.
Gaining weight is a caloric surplus and fat loss is a caloric deficit, so it is not feasible for everybody to lose weight at exactly the same rate.
And if a whole body bath is not feasible, simply doing a foot bath can also be helpful.
Because spending tons of time on your makeup is just not feasible when you're rushing to the office or scrambling to get to a dinner date, we're all for smart hacks that streamline the process.
If sun exposure is not possible or not feasible, supplementing orally is necessary.
in the heart it is not feasible to study changes at the tissue and cell level.
«The general feeling in the field used to be that stem cell therapy for Alzheimer's was not feasible, because the disease was too complex and too many cells would need to be replaced,» said Yadong Huang, MD, PhD, a senior investigator at the Gladstone Institutes.
The statisticians also discussed cost - effective experiments, strategies when a control group is not feasible, the integrated use of administrative data and surveys, and avoiding and reducing survey errors and biases.
At the longest passband (3.5 micron), which is not feasible from the ground, NIRSS will be 500 times more sensitive than WISE.
However, international shipment of chimpanzee brain tissue is not feasible due to restrictions related to CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora).
Grid integration testing is not feasible either with the existing utility or in a hardware test bed.
When not feasible, a suitable adult donor is pursued.
As it is not feasible to generate this standardised name manually for the many thousand lines available, an automatic tool was implemented that generates a unique traceable namei to a cell line upon registration of nomenclature relevant information.
For many applications, it is not feasible to use entire cells, especially if the necessary molecular machines are scattered among many incompatible species.
I am sorry to confirm that because we carry over 90,000 products, it is not feasible for us to stock small sample sizes of our products to send on request.
«Assessing the composition of the blood meal inside the bloated tick is not feasible because, unfortunately, the tick did not become fully immersed in resin and so its contents were altered by mineral deposition,» explained Dr. Xavier Delclòs, an author of the study, in a statement.
Shendure's University of Washington team developed new computational tools for this study, including one for lineage reconstructions that are not feasible when using standard evolutionary phylogenetics tools.
For example, it is not feasible at present to recycle many paper products, because recycling them takes more energy than making them from scratch.
«The size and nature of the calculations we had to do probably were not feasible until maybe four or five years ago, and the spatial and temporal resolution of scanning tunneling microscopy was not there,» Mavrikakis says.
This is not feasible as there is limited space in the brain for implants while frequent recharging means the implants can not be used for long - term recording of signals.
Such intensive exercise is not feasible for all people, whereas milder exercise is, and any activity...
-- In promulgating regulations under subsection (b)(1) with respect to the issuance of international offset credits under subsection (c), (d), or (e), the Administrator, in consultation with the Secretary of State and the Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development, may modify or omit a requirement of this part (excluding the requirements of this section) if the Administrator determines that the application of that requirement to such subsection is not feasible.
«Other options like rail or truck are not feasible for the transportation of large quantities,» said Elizabeth Shope, anti — tar sands advocate with environmental group the Natural Resources Defense Council, in a conference call with reporters, noting that such alternative transportation more than triples the cost of moving tar sands oil.
Researchers note that the genetic strategy employed in the preclinical model is not feasible in humans.
However, because such intakes exceed the LOAEL, it is not feasible to use them in studies of healthy adults, especially in long - term studies designed to evaluate health effects.
«We are exploring alternative directions for developing this compound, including potential use of the animal efficacy rule,» Cihlar said, referring to a regulatory mechanism under which the U.S. Food and Drug Administration may consider efficacy findings from adequate and well - controlled animal studies of a drug in cases where it is not feasible or ethical to conduct human trials.
They also say they're being pressured to sell first - line treatment for less than $ 100 per person per year, which is not feasible given their slim profit margins.
Adaptation projects worth $ 500 billion are not a feasible option for developing countries nor a cheap option for developed ones.
However, for a reaction taking place on a solid surface such an approach is not feasible.
Consulting without team spirit is not feasible.
Future structures based on this work may help lead to new composites with controlled structural damping and low weight that could enable low maintenance, high speed rotorcraft concepts that are currently not feasible (e.g. soft in - plane tiltrotors).
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