Sentences with phrase «not fleeting»

There is a feeling of anxiety about the consequence of our human urge to dominate but also a youthful faith that all is not irrevocable as long as these moments of belief are not fleeting.
For a portion of these people however, their depression is not fleeting and it can become a crippling condition that leaves the person feeling trapped, alone and simply unable to function.
In fact, the presence of a book shelf in a home or an office points to the fact that books are meant to be a fixture, not fleeting.
Each small accommodation of my physical environment is an admission that things are not improving, that this is not some fleeting horror, that perhaps?.?.?.
It is not a fleeting thing but something that lasts through the years.
Microlearning is not a fleeting fad, which means that eLearning professionals should know what's what about this bite - size approach.
In this formula, H = enduring happiness (one that will last over a 6 - 9 month period, for example, not fleeting); S = set range (everyone has a baseline of happiness, without working at it.
«The imperceptible God desires images that are not fleeting, but neither does he want fixed, determined images» (Alphonse Maillot).
Not the fleeting, spur of the moment, double glance at an attractive woman, but the long looks and the porn movie that played out behind my eyes.
And, with additional engagement and follow - up, this increase isn't fleeting — it lasts for the long term.
And creating a habit daily or weekly around organization will assure that your lightness isn't fleeting.
His visit to the World Jamboree wasn't fleeting — he pitched a tent and actually camped on the grounds with the other 40,000 of us.
And that warm feeling of pride and appreciation after being thanked isn't fleeting, either: Researchers found the effect of giving a little gratitude kept couples happy over the course of six months.

Not exact matches

Mauro Porcini, the chief design officer of PepsiCo, argues that true innovation isn't about creating the «next big thing» to capture their fleeting attention.
These spikes are nice, but PR can be fleeting and does not always result in long - term traffic.
Humans are not good at decision - making, because our attention is fleeting.
When they do — if you don't move them in some way in two fleeting seconds — it's game over.
Here's the thing: I actually agree with many of the points Sinek shared in his talk, and I actively write about them often: don't over-indulge on social media, don't binge on Netflix, don't mistake fleeting social interactions for deeply gratifying friendships and relationships, etc..
It's not glamourous, rewarding or even very interesting, but that's a lot of what living abroad is — looking stupid, trying to look less stupid, terrible loneliness, fleeting successes, and insights that seemed difficult to wrest.
The trouble is that most companies don't realize their halcyon days will be fleeting, so they aren't opportunistic enough with their high stock price.
When the 54 - year - old world leader manages to steal a few fleeting moments to unwind past dark, he reportedly reads good, old paper books, and not always about politics and domestic and foreign affairs.
Not only will you give respect, you'll earn it — the respect that comes from making a difference, however fleeting, in another person's life, which is the best kind of respect there is.
And counter to what many believe, this doesn't change when your company is doing well — every moment of glory is fleeting, quickly swept away by the next looming crisis and the need to reach the next level of success.
Physical pleasure is fleeting, but even a lifetime of cheesecakes and other pleasures don't measure up to the long - term, rich and complex emotional reward of something I work for, like muscle definition on my abs, or being able to swim across the Hudson River on a whim, or to come in second in a footrace for the fun of it.
Okay, maybe not completely over, or even close to almost over, but is sure was nice for a while to taste the sweet nectar of oil prices over $ 50, no matter how fleeting that might be.
And if you follow the quotes logic, if you don't end up choosing something like a set of ethics to guide you, you'll probably ending up venerating something like yourself, the money you earn, or your fleeting power, all of which can easily lead you to ruin — especially in finance.
I didn't position for this because that's not my job so calling it gives me absolutely nothing — except a sense of self - satisfaction, which will be fleeting.
It's not quite right to think of we Americans as questing after fugitive moments of happiness; really, we're questing after fleeting respites from happiness, too, just as we're oscillating constantly in our strivings for individuality on the one hand and a relief from individuality on the other.
I remember (but could not find to link) a splendid editorial by the Christian Century's David Heim (some uncertainty about the author) from quite a few years ago (presumably before the 2008 election) wryly encouraging evangelicals to enjoy their moment in the political and cultural limelight because it would prove fleeting.
But underneath it all is a small, almost imperceptable current of life, and a promise of things so wonderful, we can not even comprehend them.I've seen it and sensed it, and tasted it, even if only for sporadic fleeting moments.
Dostoevsky does not appear in the index, though Ivan Karamazov is mentioned and there is a fleeting reference to Fr.
If these are to be more than easy expressions of cheer and fleeting good intentions, they must be seen not as sentiments but as commands, words that summon not just a mood but a steady and faithful obedience.
When it comes to Jesus, a portrait is not an achievement of external verisimilitude, but a means for us to catch a fleeting and clouded glimpse of the divine, to allow the eye to see what the mind might not know unaided.
The world has been waiting a long time for Black Panther, a film that doesn't settle for fleeting entertaining trifles and instead delivers something unlike any superhero movie you've seen before.
Grant rather that each day may do something so to strengthen my hold upon the unseen world, so to increase my sense of its reality, and so to attach my heart to its holy interests that, as the end of my earthly life draws ever nearer, I may not grow to be a part of these fleeting earthly surroundings, but rather grow more and more conformed to the life of the world to come.
that's not how you do things, you prove rational ideas, things that are based on the world around us, not emotions, or fleeting whims..
From a first - person perspective this passing out of being is not experienced as the passing of a fleeting now - moment.
Hence, new qualities that emerge are not merely empirical qualities of new «occasions,» they are also «eternal objects,» belonging to a world of what Plato called forms or ideas; they are both immanent and transcendent: «Here Alexander inclines towards an empiricist tradition... which identifies that which is known with the fleeting sense - datum of the moment; Whitehead, with his mathematical training, represents a rationalist tradition which identifies that which is known with necessary and eternal truths.
Or you have heard it presented like this: To be a Christian you must have mystical experiences — and then a picture has been drawn of inward tumults miraculously stilled, of upheavals like a storm in summer coming to a sunset all peace and glory, so that, not having attained to such experiences or having found them elusive and fleeting, you have cried once more, I can not.
In this manner, therefore, Hartshorne also adopts Whitehead's contention that the world is not a conglomeration of dead, material atoms but a vast congeries of fleeting aesthetic sensitivities or feelings.
Healthy, growing couples don't rely on destiny and fleeting feelings.
You may quickly discover that perception is fleeting and thus can not be Truth.
So he has prepared us to see success for what it is — sometimes the result of faithfulness and hard work, sometimes not, sometimes used rightly to glorify God and care for his creation, sometimes used wrongly to glorify ourselves, never an entitlement, often a stumbling block, and always fleeting.
The issue is to «present to the people not just a fleeting word, related to the person speaking it, but something visible and accessible to everyone.
To love someone fiercely, to believe in something with your whole heart, to celebrate a fleeting moment in time, to fully engage in a life that doesn't come with guarantees — these are risks that involve vulnerability and often pain....
I knew that, in turn, I would not be experiencing this bliss if it had not been for the wonders of electricity; obeisance then to its discoverers, yes, and to the electricians, the technicians, the music publishers, the record publishers, the record producers, the instrument makers and cabinet makers, the storekeepers, the delivery men, yes to all those myriad men and women whose seemingly un-coordinated efforts, which in themselves were the product of millennia of past strivings, had unwittingly, conspired to bring me, yes me, paradoxically as it must seem, a few fleeting moments of timeless bliss.
The world has been waiting a long time for Black Panther, a film that doesn't settle for fleeting entertaining trifles and instead delivers something unlike any superhero movie you've seen...
As transhumanism becomes more prevalent, as the sexual revolution identifies more perversions as «rights,» as technocracy overtakes ethical reasoning and truth is more frequently confused with power, believers will find themselves ever more frequently in the position of explaining that some realities are not contingent on the prevailing ethos of culture, or on our judgments, or on the fleeting whims of self - definition.
To give one specific example, it is surely impossible for us to conceive of what an electron's experience would be like, but we must conceive of it as some kind of experience or not conceive of it at all.1 Therefore, it is probably less misleading to state that human experience is the one keyhole through which man may catch a fleeting glimpse of the vast panorama of the universe instead of the clue that solves the riddles of the cosmos.
The final clue in this epic journey is the word Tolkien invented to describe what he saw as a good quality in a fairy - story — and that word was eucatastrophe, this being the notion that there is a «sudden joyous «turn»» in the story, where everything is going well, «giving a fleeting glimpse of Joy», whilst not denying the «existence of dyscatastrophe — of sorrow and failure».
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