Sentences with phrase «not fond the place»

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As Harrison is fond of saying, CP is no place for anyone who doesn't like change.
And I really wish Christians would make up their minds about Jesus's place in the big scheme of things: is he a co-equal third of a trinity of ent.ities who somehow make up one large god, or is he a lesser god sent by his greater father god to suffer in order to straighten out the weird sin situation he created and didn't get around to fixing for thousands of years (the whole John 3:16 thing people are so fond of quoting only makes any sort of sense in the second situation).
Take all of your fondest memories, mix them with your wildest dreams, put them together with the most beautiful places on earth, add in the most enjoyable people you know of to be around, and if can imagine such an event, you have not even come close understanding what God is preparing for those who love him.
If you've truly grown out of this blog, then go in peace to wherever else you should go and don't give this place a second thought beyond some hopefully fond memories.
Your blog fits me perfectly because I'm fond of food and travels.Me and my husband are real globe trotters and every time we come back home from our travels, I try to replicate what we've eaten abroad.Sometimes the results are unexpectedly good, some not but however it's a great way to learn something new and to remember the place we've been.
place for us to eat dinner, and I have fond memories of taking a very old and good bottle of wine there on free corkage night one time and thinking that there could not be a better place to open something special.
By the time I decided to wean both of my toddlers, I knew I mentally and physically couldn't maintain breastfeeding any longer and simultaneously retain the overwhelmingly fond, happy, positive view of breastfeeding I was lucky enough to achieve in the first place.
The first few times in the tub can be a bit scary, especially if your child isn't fond of baths in the first place.
Of course, there are other places that you can find everything you would need but I'm not too fond of the styles these other places offer.
Man has been crafting arrows from wood, metal, and stone since practically the dawn of civilization, so if you're in the market for the best bow hunting arrows and you aren't fond of modern methods, you've come to the right place.
Aldershot About Blog Music fans, not critics, this is a place for the Spectral Nights team to wax lyrical about bands we like and gigs we've been to — from album reviews to new music videos and much more besides, including the occasional interview, festival review and band playlist, we mainly focus on alternative music, but have a fond love of pop music and will endlessly quote High Fidelity.
If you are not fond of spicy or hot tasting foods, this is not an ideal place for you.
I can't wait to visit this magical place again, armed only with my 3D glasses and fond memories for that day.
Union leader Adam Urbanski, whose essay follows, is fond of saying, «Peer review is controversial in all the places that don't have it.»
Lastly, the offset rear number plate is a clear nod to the previous - gen Discos; however, we aren't too fond of this new layout as it makes the rear - end look out of place with the rest of the design.
So fond was King Charles II of his little dogs, he wrote a decree that the King Charles Spaniel should be accepted in any public place, even in the Houses of Parliament where animals were not usually allowed.
For example, you're driving your dog to the groomer, which is a place he's not fond of.
Aldershot About Blog Music fans, not critics, this is a place for the Spectral Nights team to wax lyrical about bands we like and gigs we've been to — from album reviews to new music videos and much more besides, including the occasional interview, festival review and band playlist, we mainly focus on alternative music, but have a fond love of pop music and will endlessly quote High Fidelity.
However, I am not particularly fond of caves and dark places so we decided to skip it.
I actually drink Sparking Apple Cider for New Years Eve (I'm not fond of champagne or wine or well, alcohol in the first place) so it was nice to have it ingame too!
Now, I didn't pour as many hours into Skyrim as most did, primarily due to having to juggle multiple titles at any given time, so after around twenty or so hours I became distracted and moved on to whatever else was vying for my attention; with that said, one of my fondest gaming memories of recent times involve questing with my homeboy Sven until we somehow became separated, arriving at Whiterun to be confronted with a letter informing me of his death (Which I tried fruitlessly to avoid by spamming previous saves to no avail) and then venturing back out into the bitter wilds alone in order to retrieve his corpse and place it upon a shrine behind my abode in Riverwood.
Yep that's right, Burnout is back and whilst it's not a new entry for the beloved arcade racing franchise, those with fond memories of their time in Paradise City can now get back into the smashing, crashing and high - speed racing that made those memories so fond in the first place.
The worst part is, this bureaucratic process wouldn't be necessary at all if Bush's EPA hadn't ignored the advice of its own scientists in the first place — a habit the administration was all too fond of indulging.
Aldershot About Blog Music fans, not critics, this is a place for the Spectral Nights team to wax lyrical about bands we like and gigs we've been to — from album reviews to new music videos and much more besides, including the occasional interview, festival review and band playlist, we mainly focus on alternative music, but have a fond love of pop music and will endlessly quote High Fidelity.
Aldershot About Blog Music fans, not critics, this is a place for the Spectral Nights team to wax lyrical about bands we like and gigs we've been to — from album reviews to new music videos and much more besides, including the occasional interview, festival review and band playlist, we mainly focus on alternative music, but have a fond love of pop music and will endlessly quote High Fidelity.
I am not particularly fond of rat - hole sized dwelling places being passed on as «homes», though in the case of an 8 «x40» HC container, one can make a decent sized dwelling, with a bedroom, living area, kitchenette, bathroom, and a removable deck outside.
I wouldn't be a good agent because I would just be like «look Fred, the open market places zero value and does not give two sh-ts about your fond memories with your late Aunt Sally in the dining room.
They can evoke fond memories and make your home feel alive, a place you can't wait to get back to at the end of the day.
I'm not fond of pedestal sinks; they have their place, just not in my house!
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