Sentences with phrase «not generalized»

SCARED subscales of social phobia and separation anxiety disorder, but not generalized anxiety disorder, revealed better discrimination proprieties than total scores to screen for that specific disorder (p <.05).
Prospective schools are looking for professionalism and not a generalized template.
You must describe a specific event or situation, not a generalized description of what you have done in the past.
Not the generalized and politically correct safe driving tips you find everywhere else.
[See note 8 below] It is not a generalized inquiry into an insurer's conduct [See note 9 below], where there must be a linkage between the insurer's consideration of the violating factors and the unreasonable delay or denial.
To me, the NSIDC has described weather patterns, not generalized warming.
If your pet is carrying a leg or reluctant to use one, the problem is probably not the generalized arthritis of old age.
General education preservice and inservice programs have not generalized these research findings to all learners.
So, breaking fashion rules should be personalized not generalized!
But good, sensible argument, not a generalized attack on the government's competence is needed.
My state has strong homebirth laws and accredited LM's who hold their own credentials and go to school only for L&D issues not generalized med surg.
But at the moment of evaporation, the event is unique; it is not generalized.
«We would not generalize from events in Romania to the region.
In my book, I talk about how we can not generalize when it comes to millennials.
Note also that the principle supposedly at play here doesn't generalize very well.
But I would not generalize that ALL believers are, because I am not angry as you appear to be.
That being said I retract my statement about Americans because a few scared and crazy individuals shouldn't put a black mark on all Americans and I shouldn't generalize.
I wouldn't generalize — some of the brighter, less abusive ones have interesting things to say.
You can not generalize the whole thing nor dismiss everyone who does not feel the same way.
I did not generalize nor stereotype... just noted some of the comments that you get everyday from some / many believers.
Even Paul did not generalize it fully.
Don't generalized so much.
Kr wote, «a lot of atheists...» He is not generalizing like you.
You can not generalize and base you statements on your own personal individual experiece.
Don't generalize people by their religion.
Unless you have actually spoken to someone who is Muslim, and I mean spoken to, not lectured or yelled at, then you can't generalize what their religion means.
At least we're not generalizing.
Like your church except they go there everyday not like you going for one hour on Sunday then going and getting wasted... Not generalizing but maybe you should stop generalizing.
I shouldn't generalize either.
Buttiglione argues that because «the variety of situations and human circumstances is too vast,» you just can't generalize about communion for the remarried.
Are we sure Jonathan Acuff isn't generalizing because none of these criteria fit my Christian upbringing.
I shouldn't generalize against all of them but my reserved nature against more Ligue 1 players, I feel, is understandable to say the least.
He is a joke in your eyes maybe, don't generalize here because you do not represent the absolute truth.
Now if tons of women just read what I typed guess what the typical reply would be, most of them immeiately PERSONALIZE a comment they don't like rather than keep it generalized and, ot that they'd say «oh, you can't generalize»....
Please don't generalize the experience in your country as if it is the norm in the rest of the world.
Don't generalize «Pennsylvanians» to «Americans».
«As with every clinical study, you shouldn't generalize the finding to people who weren't eligible for the study,» he says.
«You can not generalize and say it is good or bad to have alien plants,» says Aizen.
Because the participants were all health professionals and mostly Caucasian, the results may not generalize to other groups.
If expertise in using a computer mouse doesn't generalize to other motor skills, migrant workers without previous computer experience should do far worse than the other two groups on these other tests.
«Because [that research] concentrates on the region of the United States in which high - tech immigrant entrepreneurs are most likely to be found, one can not generalize easily from it» to the rest of the country, Hart and Acs write in a paper titled «High - Technology Immigrant Entrepreneurship in the U.S.,» which is forthcoming in Economic Development Quarterly.
«Obviously,» the researchers add, «the more patients who are excluded from the ARTs, the greater the chances that the results will not generalize to the routine clinical practice.»
So you can't generalize about all math abilities.
But even if you switch successfully, that's just finding a new microfocus, not generalizing.
«This is a qualitative study, so we can't generalize these findings to all college athletes, «Romo says.
All patients also either owned a smartwatch or, for the cardioversion cohort, had a coordinator to assist with device setup, so results may not generalize to less «tech - savvy» individuals.
«When it comes to animal protein, you can not generalize without talking about the specifics of how the meat has been raised and what food the animals ate.
We can not generalize the results, but if you're trying to lose weight with intermittent fasting, the probability of facing one of these challenges is fairly high.
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