Sentences with phrase «not go to jail»

After successfully completing drug treatment court, not only have did I not go to jail but I have made great stride in my recover and am not able to hold full time employment.
At the conclusion, the Court DISMISSED ALL CHARGES so that Client did NOT go to jail and has NO CRIMINAL RECORD.
So I will most certainly not go to jail for it.
People doing the same thing here, most definitely do not go to jail for having committed some specious crime.
Typically, a person with no related record who has not killed or injured someone in the course of the offence, does not go to jail; however, there are circumstances where this could happen.
Oh well, I get to keep all, y limbs and not go to jail for lashing out at some crazy person.
Andy arranges for Dave to not go to jail for perjury and witness tampering and pay - back for that and the MTA job is to use WOR to do a hit on Batra!
If I do, I will automatically win in court, because revenue is pretty much the only criteria by which I am allowed to sort candidates and not go to jail.
More scientifically, 80 % of offenders do not go to jail, and that's ignoring petty crime.
In our justice system, we believe it is more important that innocent people do not go to jail, than making sure the guilty do.
How can anyone say that children are seducers, that first - time offenders should not go to jail?
Groeschel had said that priests who sexually abuse children «on their first offense» should not go to jail and added that in «a lot of cases,» the child is «the seducer.»
In the meantime, Flynn Jr. is maintaining an optimistic front, telling his critics on Twitter, «the disappointment on your faces when I don't go to jail will be worth all your harassment.»
I can't go to jail for being a cannabis investor.
Child molesters shouldn't go to jail, they should be taken behind the shed and flogged and beaten and humiliated!
that Giglio is not going to jail, let alone was he manhandled or murdered for his faith.
You don't go to jail if you write a will that does not conform to your government's laws.
Glen, I'm not going to jail.
Please don't go to jail because you wanted to order a delicious cocktail and make a basketball reference.
So a member of Congress can't go to jail for lying during a debate in Congress.
«When I was in the City Council, people weren't going to jail,» he said.
I often found myself wondering whether what Piana was talking about was even legal to talk about — couldn't he go to jail for openly discussing his exhaustive drug use?
I'm surprised I didn't go to jail during my month of amusement with our Four Seasons hot hatch.
Julian's arrival further compounds the guilt because if her mother had not gone to jail Julian might not have been put up for adoption.
You can't go to jail for not paying your credit card debt: The United States does not have debtor's prison.
You won't go to jail for not being able to pay back your debts.
But weigh the pros and cons and remember one other thing: You can't go to jail just because you owe someone money.
I don't give legal advice online, but as a general matter, you won't go to jail for failing to pay a judgment.
Journalists don't go to jail for lying — they just get fired, e.g. Jayson Blair and that guy at the New Republic.
I can't go to jail on the specific charge of being «anti-science» or even a «serial misinformer».
Start concentrating on the impending Constitutional Crisis if the hard left players don't go to jail.»
«You don't go to jail, you don't pay a fine, you don't get convicted or plead guilty to a criminal offense — it's like it didn't happen from a criminal standpoint.
You are not going to jail because you recorded a conversation without consent.
Adultery is considered a crime in some states, although spouses typically don't go to jail over it.

Not exact matches

Speaking generally, without naming names, about those responsible for the toxic investment vehicles of the time, Cramer said: «They didn't rob a 7 - Eleven, where they would go to jail.
In fact, in two jails depicted in the gripping documentary series «60 Days In,» inmates go to great lengths to get high when the guards aren't watching.
«It's not every day, of course, that you're invited to hack into government computers without going to jail,» Halderman says, muffling a giggle.
Turn the other cheek isn't going to help when a criminal refuses to go to jail for a crime and becomes violent.
I don't care if he goes to jail or a psychiatric hospital, regardless, he needs to be put a away for a long, long time.
God had four decades to give me some evidence he was out there, and he didn't, and I'm not going to go vandalize a church and end up in jail to see if what worked for you will work for me.
In many countries you can be jailed for hate speech, and a lot of the fundamentalist preachers in this country would be jailed for what they say — why do you think they go to places like Africa with their hate and not to Canada or Europe?
I am sure many things they do you may not like, but if you don't pay you go to jail, so you pay.
I don't believe I'll spend eternity with such people in heaven, but I am more than willing to go to jail for them on earth.
That's why he goes to jail... surely he doesn't think we should no longer convict?
See, and the thing is, in most places, merely possessing marijuana is not going to result in a felony or jail time.
I learned that fish like sweet and sour candy, and that the reason they don't come out of the water is because they are scared of going to jail.
Notice that the teacher doesn't jump right to the final punishment with the first failure» As an adult it would, you break the law you go to jail.
I guess that is checkmate (or is it do not pass go - go to jail).
For example, he tells the story of the early days of the Birmingham demonstrations when things were going badly for the SCLC, and King and his advisers were debating in their motel whether or not King should himself go to jail.
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