Sentences with phrase «not good things»

«We don't really know, but probably not good things
Which means this uptick in Art of the Deal - style pushiness — if it's a real phenomenon — probably isn't a good thing for the men employing it, their negotiating partners, or their companies.
Being a ninja is not a good thing to be associated with your personal brand, but I'll save that for another article.
And ambiguity is not a good thing for McDonald's, as evidenced by a tweet from ESPNW columnist and on - camera host Sarah Spain: While lovin» may indeed be greater than hatin», «Hatin» Beats Heart Disease.»
And that's not a good thing.
Gaining traffic is not a good thing unless your blog is also achieving its other purposes.
And even those of us who believe fervently in the value of free markets can see that it's not a good thing that a CEO can afford to build a $ 50 - million home while others living in the same country can't afford a roof over their head at all.
First, let's be clear: failure is not a good thing.
Indeed, if Snap had an analog in the pantheon of social media companies, it wouldn't be Facebook, but rather Twitter — um, and that's not a good thing.
Most people's automatic reaction is to «make it shorter,» and that's often not the best thing.
In other words, «manufacturing hell,» as CEO Elon Musk had so elegantly put it last year, will continue to reign, which is not a good thing for an amateur manufacturer in a world full of pros.»
That is not a good thing for the market.
«If people are waiting for food, it's not a good thing,» he says.
Its not a good thing when the central bank dumps cheap money left and right to «create» a desired outcome in the markets.
And so a lot of people that were you know using big winner like this is not a good thing here.
She added that «anything less than 600 is not a good thing
«That said, having too many will confuse the general public so it's not a good thing if there's too many.»
Food costs rising are not a good thing for a restaurant.
And it's not a good thing
Religion is not a good thing unless you keep it in it's protective box and never use it to attack people.
When a family functions like a government, it's not a good thing.
There is nothing to compare it to, and that's not a good thing.
But beyond all debates about what caused the 2008 financial crisis, even during the prosperous years of the aughties a sense of unease was growing, a feeling that if this society was what triumph of global capitalism entailed, in which the small towns shriveled and most manufacturing went overseas, then maybe it wasn't a good thing.
If u believe then u know it is not a good thing.
Not a good thing, actually tied to a spirit of lawlessness.
Growing up in the home that I did, I obviously knew that pornography was not a good thing.
I would go further and say that to dismiss sin as something that tests «God's patience with your underestimation of his love and this is not a good thing to do in your walk with Christ» demonstrates a complete lack of understanding of who God is and what he expects of his children.
You can however test God's patience with your underestimation of his love and this is not a good thing to do in your walk with Christ.
I sometimes doubt that or wonder much about where He is leading me, but it is good to be reminded that I can trust Him to lead me where He will for He knows best, even when it looks as though it's not the best thing.
Brainwashing your child is not a good thing.
Telling people they are sinning for being LGBT or for having an abortion or using birth control or trying to impose your specific set of beliefs upon others in the public square is not a good thing and certainly doesn't show that you have a clue as to the meaning of the word respect.
Playing with Jesus is not a good thing know one knows when Jesus is coming in which we are our last days
Wouldn't the better thing be constructive criticism with controlled anger absent of bitterness?
whatever she did to cause thing to get out of hands and to get her father arrested is not a good thing.
The fact that people can be easily duped is not a good thing, of course, but knowing that this is true can at least help us understand the world we live in.
Good time to reflect on just what has gone wrong that would cause such reaction, not a good thing to bite and bark at everyone that walks by.
While Dykstra's book is full of such complexities and pleasures, that is not the best thing one may say about it.
Can you see now why faith is not a good thing... eg.
Wouldn't you say to them «Hey, owning another person isn't a good thing».
Until this main problem is not eradicated and all human women are really free, this religion is not a good thing for humanity — and that is a true fact.
Thus for example, Adam's death, which is not a good thing in itself, serves a good purpose in God's justice.
Because some people don't want to hear that the Universe doesn't revolve around them, and that they're not the best thing since the creation!
No, really, it's NOT a good thing.
Some people get carried away with form over substance, though — that's not a good thing.
The people you mention (Moses, Lot) are in the Bible did things that were not good or not the best thing that could have been done.
And that final phrase, in the world, reminds us of Ephesians 2:2 showing us that it is not a good thing to be in the world.
I'll take the side that leads to mystery with the hope of answering the unknown, instead of purporting to already have all the answers... life is much more interesting this way - I tried yours and it only lead to being like you, not a good thing.
He was asked whether, in view of all the threats to Israel, it was not a good thing that the Jews of the world also live in the diaspora.
Not a good thing.
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