Sentences with phrase «not heal the wound»

They may not heal the wound, but at least they have some band - aids to stop the bleeding.
Time won't heal all wounds; only awareness can do that.
Contrary to the old wives» tale, our pets mouths have a lot of germs in them and saliva does not heal wounds — instead it becomes a source of infection.
«Time may not heal the wound opened by the death of your loved one, but it can give you perspective on your financial options,» Lynch says.
The map regenerates, keeping the action fast - paced, but time doesn't heal all wounds.
However, although couples experience reduced life satisfaction leading up to the divorce, it is possible to regain some of that lost happiness following the separation, suggests «Time Does Not Heal All Wounds A Longitudinal Study of Reaction and Adaptation to Divorce,» published in «Psychological Science.»
Putting duck tape over the wound may make the blood stop from oozing out of you for a few minutes, but will not heal the wound.
Time does not heal all wounds.

Not exact matches

So it's not time that heals all wounds, but it's time during dream sleep that provides you with emotional convalescence.
and while being reviled, He did not revile in return; while suffering, He uttered no threats, but kept entrusting Himself to Him who judges righteously; and He Himself bore our sins in His body on the cross, so that we might die to sin and live to righteousness; for by His wounds you were healed.
With the help of Cher and her lipsticked posse, I learned the game of love has a lot of rules: getting love requires a wide selection of outfits and a plan, you don't show all your cards, you can't text back too quickly, shopping heals most wounds, and you only want the people you can't have.
I see your blog as cleaning out the old wounds so that infection does not set in and healing can begin.
Some wounds long ago healed, but my disdain towards the afflictors had not.
How can we be healed if we can't acknowledge the wound?
The wound in your heart may not yet have healed.
Wounds that we don't understand, wounds that keep festering, that don't heal, that down right stink — wounds that can never make us turnWounds that we don't understand, wounds that keep festering, that don't heal, that down right stink — wounds that can never make us turnwounds that keep festering, that don't heal, that down right stink — wounds that can never make us turnwounds that can never make us turn away.
When we remember who the real actor is, we feel humbled; but we also experience, like Gregory, a sense of relief: itis Jesus, not we, who leads his flock, heals the wounds of sin, and raises up the people to divine union.
Such a wound can not heal.
In my own pastoral counseling experiences, I have found that most divorcing couples are realistic enough not to want superficial, cheap attempts on the counselor's part to heal their wounds lightly by telling them, in effect, that their divorce and their prior marriage are unimportant.
I don't think he has a bandaid big enough to heal the wound he is inflicting.
If the wound grows together, the wish is wiped out and then eternity can not heal, then temporal existence has in truth bungled the illness.
You can be very useful in «defending» your nation from beihnd a desk or in a hospital or clinic helping heal the wounded, while still choosing not to «take up arms» yourself.
this is adding salt to a wound that has not healed and that will most likely never heal.
Abnormal or pathological grief reactions are like infected wounds which can not heal.
«One who does not feel the pain of a wound will not seek any healing remedy.
They should be rooted in the facts of what will help a wounded person heal and find a fresh start» and not on a litigation «market price» based on the last highest settlement paid by another institutional defendant.
While Capernwray provided those key principles, it also provided me with something I did not expect; a place of healing from a deep wound left by someone when I was younger.
I replied, «It took me four days of rewriting it, until I was sure that it contained what would heal him... and could sense that everything in that letter was for his wounds, and not for my scars.
Rebuilding its pride, Russia has bullied its neighbors and cultural wounds have not healed.
Gregory as well as Luther and Calvin knew that man lacked many other things besides the one thing needful and that the cure of all his other diseases would not ensue automatically on the healing of his deepest wound.
The only memories that pain me, are the ones connected to wounds that have not fully healedwounds that have left scars that throb, wounds that have left me disabled — other memories, even of times that were devastating do not bother me at all because redemption, healing, and reconciliation have occured in those areas.
I know, we look at some of them and say «all they need is a good swift kick in the patootie and to stop their bellyaching» but they really need to be in spiritual intensive care for a while until the wounds heal... and then we need to be careful that we don't pull the scabs off.
In interviews by e-mail, Heyman, now 68, said, «I personally doubt that Eshleman and I will be able to sort things out — wounds caused by backstabbing do not heal quickly, and the abuse of scripture perpetrated by [Campus Crusade] is an ongoing affront to the Word.»
Not only because it is Afro - Americans themselves, especially men, who now inflict these wounds upon themselves — through the ways they betray those who love them and bear their progeny, through the ways they bring up or abandon their children, through the ways they relate, or fail to relate, to each other, through the values and attitudes they cherish and the ones they choose to spurn, through their comforting ethnic myths about their neighborhoods, through their self - indulgences, denials and deceits — but because only they as individual men and women can find the antidote to heal themselves.
In the last 15 years, psychologist Mark Laaser, author of Healing the Wounds of Sexual Addiction, has seen «an escalating crisis in the church» so that «rarely a day goes by that I don't get a call about a «fallen» pastor.»
If we can't heal, at least we should not add to the wounding in our world.
It was a wound that would not heal, a scab picked at till it bled, then some healing then more picking at the wound again.
But he is not able to cure you or heal your wound.
The other side of the picture, and at the moment the far more important side, is that, while there have been real wounds, there are today powerful men in our country who specialize in reopening those wounds, not to help them to heal more completely, but for quite other purposes — to gain a partisan political advantage or to secure personal publicity; but most often in order to discredit by insinuation, if not by direct charges, all who believe in some changes in the economic order.
They are also, at times, made by my fellow members of the Body of Christ, who do not realize that while their words hold the power to bring healing to others, they also hold the power to wound.
Is not Jeremiah's prophecy simultaneously a healing promise and a wounding reminder?
But as the shooting's psychological wounds began to heal, Monville said she heard God calling her to a new mission: to share her message of hope and to tell others that, even after Charlie's crushing actions, her family not only survived, they thrived.
«Love one another...» Hitherto the evangelical precept has seemed simply to mean, «Do not harm one another», or, «Seek with all possible care and devotion to diminish injustice, heal wounds and soften enmities in the world around you.»
To heal a wound, the bonds of constraint must be in the right proportion — not too tight, not too loose.
Professional theologian or historian I am not, but only a reasonably informed Christian who looks at the wound of the Schism and wonders why churchmen routinely expect it to take more than a thousand years to heal.
My point is, life is not a bed of roses for the Christian, you are right, and the thorns of the rose bush still hurt when they stick us, but the wound heals much faster because we are Christian.
Shawn, what you say is true, but we still live in a world that has not realized the power of Grace to heal and repair our individual and collective wounds.
In other words, there is clinical evidence that the adage «Time heals all wounds» really does not fit parental bereavement.
Mary Cooper adds an element of grace, whereby we can see that «Sheldon's problem is not solved by treatment of Asperger's but rather an understanding of original sin and the sacrifices we need to make to heal our own wounds
Soon I had some relief and my bowels opened without blood or force, but the wound of the previous rupture isn't healed yet, and I had to suffer a good deal of pain because some flesh extruded.»
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