Sentences with phrase «not hold the view»

Equities are essentially 50 - year duration investments at current valuations, and even if investors are passive and don't hold any view about future market returns at all, one of the basic principles of financial planning is to align the duration of ones assets with the expected horizon over which the funds are expected to be spent.
Just to reiterate, I do not hold the views I am criticizing, I am saying that the views you have make no sense to me and I do not understand how you can believe there is meaning in your lives when you believe the things you do.
I would suggest you ask a Hewish person about their view of the Torah and Prophets — because they do not hold your view and yet «they love the Torah».
I am a devout Christian and I do not hold those views and I know others that feel the same so... to cut and paste «sorry» but you are attempting to lump all Christians in together.
When you have to assume that it does not hold those views, then you make your vision apparent by shock.
I watched the DNC this week and, apart from the fact that I don't hold the views that many at the...
It amazes me how Arsenal fans can not hold that view.
«No - one has ever told me in the Conservative party I can't hold those views, that I'm not allowed to say what I say, vote how I vote.
Strangely we don't hold those views and we've played with a lot of tablets.
I don't hold this view with a ton of confidence, but today's selloff was supposedly due to the Fed deciding to consider selling some of the bonds that they have bought over the last six months or so.
I think the US is the «least dirty shirt,» but I don't hold that view strongly, and am willing to be challenged on that.
If you don't hold this view you should be liquidating shortly.
I do not hold the view that one stand - alone theory can adequately offer my clients the flexibility to work with the many challenging life issues.

Not exact matches

Because they aren't trying to protect the multi-million dollar investment they made in our business, independent board members hold a more objective view than the VCs around the table.
It can be a challenge to view a person who has always done a certain set of tasks or held one position in a different light, but you are doing your business a disservice not to create opportunities for advancement for your strongest employees.
It didn't cost the company in actual stock price or value, but many hold the view that the legal troubles took Microsoft's focus off innovation, costing it untold potential profits, specifically in search engines, and permanently damaging its reputation.
The Milwaukee - based, privately - held life insurer isn't owned by stockholders and likes to emphasize that it has a longer view than its publicly traded peers.
Barclays said, given the growth in Netflix's programming over the past year, the number of hours viewed per subscriber should arguably have increased, not held steady.
I don't think that point of view holds water, but the fact that it's put forward with a straight face makes it pretty unsurprising that a small handful of Wall Street types are going to cling to the notion.
Your «default» beliefs and worldview are not always reasonable; it's healthy to «argue against yourself» and see how your views hold up.
Now, however, Silicon Valley's reduced involvement frustrates civil liberties groups because of a widely held view that Section 702 poses a far greater threat to privacy than the telephone program, which did not harvest actual content.
It's not unusual for business school students to hold views that are on the left end of the political spectrum.
While 40 percent indicate that they prefer to do business with those who hold the same political view, the vast majority of those with the opportunity to display political signs or posters at their business don't.
If you have a friend who loves Trump and you don't, and all he or she talks about is Trump, well, spend less time with that person or just explain that you appreciate his followers» passion for the candidate but you hold a different view and don't want to let politics get between the two of you, so best to leave it behind.
The organization's annual award ceremony, held last night in Mountain View, Calif., did not disappoint.
Critics have said Limbaugh and his allies in conservative media did not sufficiently express during the primaries that the now GOP nominee did not hold conservative views on many issues.
The Supreme Court has held that students at public schools have a First Amendment right to express their political views but schools also have a right to ensure that learning isn't disrupted.
The comments, opinions and analyses are the personal views expressed by the investment manager and are intended to be for informational purposes and general interest only and should not be construed as individual investment advice or a recommendation or solicitation to buy, sell or hold any security or to adopt any investment strategy.
A vocal few Canadians hold anti-vaccine views, but they are not the main reason for insufficient childhood vaccination coverage across Canada, finds a new report from the C.D. Howe Institute.
The comments, opinions and analyses are the personal views expressed by the investment managers and are intended to be for informational purposes and general interest only and should not be construed as individual investment advice or a recommendation or solicitation to buy, sell or hold any security or to adopt any investment strategy.
All this was viewed (by classical economists) as something that government regulators should get rid of, either by not permitting it in price, or by holding the monopolies in the public domain, or by the land itself being either nationalized or taxed.
Here is a post from Libertarian News that begins, «I recently got into an argument over on the Reddit Bitcoin boards where I held the position that fractional reserve banking with Bitcoins was not possible,» which sounds fun; he recants that view but does make what I think is a very valid point:
[167] Obama delivered his acceptance speech, not at the center where the Democratic National Convention was held, but at Invesco Field at Mile High to a crowd of approximately 84,000 people; the speech was viewed by over 38 million people worldwide.
This can be a sponsored press launch and doesn't essentially replicate the opinions or views held by any workers of The Merkle.
But investors who stay focused on the long term strategy of TPL and view price declines as an opportunity, not a risk, should enjoy the benefits of buying low and holding «forever,» thus eventually being rewarded for their patience.
John Beck: I don't think they're sufficiently geared up, I mean that's not just my view, I think that is broadly a view held across many of the fixed income groups within Franklin Templeton.
In the event of Brexit, the glue that has traditionally held the EU together may not prove as strong, and in my view, that's something that the whole of Europe needs to watch.
One of the benefits of investing with us is that our long - view investment style naturally gives rise to lower distributions in any given year — because we tend to buy and hold for longer periods and therefore don't trade as often, we tend to trigger relatively fewer gains from year to year.
Nothing contained on the website constitutes investment advice or offers any opinion with respect to the suitability of any security, and the views expressed on this website should not be taken as advice to buy, sell or hold any security.
Investors tend to view all financial advice providers the same, though that is of course not true since different advice providers are held to different standards of care.
«We do not subscribe to the widely held view that share price volatility is synonymous with risk.
Norm Boersma's comments, opinions and analyses are personal views and are intended to be for informational purposes and general interest only and should not be construed as individual investment advice or a recommendation or solicitation to buy, sell or hold any security or to adopt any investment strategy.
Mainline Protestants (Methodists, Presbyterians, Episcopalians, and the like) and evangelical / fundamentalist Protestants (an umbrella group of conservative churches including the Pentecostal, Baptist, Anabaptist, and Reformed traditions) not only belong to distinctly different kinds of churches, but they generally hold distinctly different views on such matters as theological orthodoxy and the inerrancy of the Bible, upon which conservative Christians are predictably conservative.
I see Mitt as a used car salesman he will say whatever he must and not only flip flop but deny he ever held the previous view that was juxtaposed to his new one.
It is subject to demographic shifts... those under 40s who hold «modern» views are less likely to have a lot of kids than the ones who don't... and social preferences... morals were lax in the late 1700s and early 1800s but then the Victorian era happened.
A person can hold a personal view of God that does not depend on any organized religion.
I don't know what other reason people really have in holding this view?
The acceptance that allows us to hold those views and remain a community simply does not exist in the midst of most Christians.
We do not force anybody to hold our views or values.
Or, maybe we can just accept that there are different views in this world and just because someone doesn't hold our same values doesn't mean they are a bigot at all, but that might really be too much to ask in today's America.
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