Sentences with phrase «not illegitimate»

It is not illegitimate totality transfer to identify different elements in different passages that are emphasized about this ONE specific message required for salvation.
«We are not illegitimate children,» they protested.
But she needs to be married so the innocent child is not illegitimate.
«Interpretation does not mean or require departure from the tradition,» he writes, «Though justified discontinuity is not illegitimate, but rather that the Scripture is capable of unanticipated relevancy through reinterpretation» (CC 61).
But acknowledging this reality should not obscure the fact that, to borrow Soloveitchik's language from another context, what we have in these opposing forces is not some illegitimate, unstable hybrid, but a radiant, integrated, and nuanced account of man's self - realization before God.

Not exact matches

«This order demonstrates more clearly than ever that the United States will not allow an illegitimate dictatorship to take hold in the Western Hemisphere at the expense of its people,» national security adviser H.R. McMaster said at the time.
«The government does not recognize cryptocurrency as legal tender or coin and will take all measures to eliminate the use of these crypto - assets in financing illegitimate activities or as part of the payment system,» Arun Jaitley told lawmakers in New Delhi, according to a transcript by The Hindu newspaper.
«The Government does not consider cryptocurrencies as legal tender or coin and will take all measures to eliminate the use of these cryptoassets in financing illegitimate activities or as part of the payments system.»
«The Government does not consider cryptocurrencies legal tender or coin and will take all measures to eliminate use of these crypto - assets in financing illegitimate activities or as part of the payment system.»
While in theory not all cloud mining is illegitimate, it's very complicated and there is a history of lawsuits in this space.
«The government does not consider crypto - currencies legal tender or coin and will take all measures to eliminate use of these cryptoassets in financing illegitimate activities or as part of the payment system,» Jaitley said.
From the ascension of Queen Victoria in 1837 to her death in 1901, as Prof. Himmelfarb shows, the crime rate, the poverty rate, and the rate of illegitimate births were not just stable, but actually declining.
If men didn't want to have illegitimate children then they have an equal option not to drop their drawers too, but your whole line of thinking never supposes any obligation for men, does it?
Presidents from Truman through Clinton «operated on the ideological conviction that liberal democracy is the only legitimate form of government and that other forms of government are not only illegitimate but transitory.»
Some, however, do not, and even the ones that do are normally used for illegitimate reasons.
I'm really not sure what you're making such a big deal about — we disagree, but you insist my disagreement has some illegitimate basis while yours does not.
Grow up — If you only «BET» that you know about the number of illegitimate children etc — you shouldn't be commenting.
Furthermore, despite the significance of procreation in the Old Testament, Matthew argues, infertile marriages were not considered illegitimate.
With reason restored to its proper place in the world, we are not susceptible to the criticism of Thomas that we are making an illegitimate transition from the ideal to the real order.
It says that because of this the pre-Christian religions, too, need not simply be regarded as illegitimate but that they, too, can very well have a positive meaning.
Breaking the myth of size means realizing that small churches are not necessarily premature, illegitimate, malnourished or incomplete versions of «real» churches.
If we hate only our enemies then certainly we do not hate disinterestedly, but for self - centered and illegitimate reasons.
But since we had a stated commitment to group decision - making, all those decisions were therefore illegitimate (it's not like we all agreed that future decisions would be made by the elite (s) only).
Case in point: I have actually had the Lord SAY things to me that some other person I met somewhere else had an exact same story of the Lord saying the exact same freaky thing to them — and I KNOW this person didn't know my story, and now I'm feeling I'd be illegitimate to tell him that the Lord spoke the exact same thing to me, because he shared his story first.
In short, to sin is to do «what isn't done,» whether this means getting drunk, having an illegitimate baby, robbing a bank, or committing a murder.
But illegitimate production, production without immediacy, is no criterion, for it is not reality but delusion.
It becomes illegitimate, however, when it is not utilized or when it serves to impede the work of others, in an effort to gain a profit which is not the result of the overall expansion of work and the wealth of society, but rather in the result of curbing them or of illicit exploitation, speculation or the breaking of solidarity among working people.
For example, insulting another's illegitimate spelling of legitimate doesn't validate or invalidate one's arguments.
The fact that the politics of earth is not the harmony of heaven renders neither irrelevant nor illegitimate our engagement in that politics.74
The facts are at the core of this: as more and more contraceptives have been distributed to young people, the abortion rate and the illegitimate birth rate have both gone up, not down.
I'm not foolish when it comes to the needs of MY health, clearly I'm not foolish because I don't have children and not on Springer with my 6 illegitimate kids from different fathers.
In sum, there must not be an illegitimate dehistoricizing of the inhabitatio Spiritus sancti either.
And just as there are those playing dirty tricks to try and make the current president illegitimate, these same tricks will be brought out against any GOP president who isn't a WASP.
It would therefore be illegitimate to conclude that the Church represented by this book was not interested in other aspects of Christianity.
But this crossover benefit, in which the arts seem to have formed their own Mutual Admiration Society, does not apply to what perhaps should be called the illegitimate daughter in the family of the Muses: the art of the theater.
There may not be a hope of remedy in sight, but we dare not let ourselves get used to this illegitimate regime.
In a world where Reichian quackery rules, we do not debate the limits of modesty for the simple reason that the very concept of modesty itself is illegitimate, a fundamentally oppressive notion.
For centuries the church discriminated against those who were illegitimate, for example in not allowing them to be ordained, thus punishing children for the sins of their parents.
But the pope did not declare Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union illegitimate, despite the genocide and mass murders, which were surely as much violations of the moral law as abortion.
But when Jeremy suggests its wholly illegitimate I say the Word of God says that's not true.
If abortion is the litmus test of a moral law that can not be violated by positive law, then all of the Western democracies that legalize abortion» and do so by the legislative rather than judicial process» are illegitimate.
Where the Pope insists that we must embrace the highest truths of our own regime, FT wonders whether we would not be better off deserting it as illegitimate.
No one ever said he was an illegitimate candidate (which tea partiers STILL say about Obama), we just said he shouldn't be in the race ie the electorate will soundly reject him when the time comes
If an illegitimate claim is made and substantiated it is not that of Adonijah, but Solomon.
Over the decades, any church which did not participate in the social aspects of the missio dei began to be viewed as illegitimate.
Whereas Mr. Leithart was not willing to admit of any legitimate development in Christianity, Mr. Haas is not willing to admit of any illegitimate development, provided that it occurs within the Roman church.
In situations where clearly differentiated religious structures do not emerge, as in the Confucian case and in quite different ways the Jewish and Muslim as well, there is a strong sense that political authority is illegitimate as long as it does not conform to transcendent ethical norms, as in almost all empirical instances it does not.
My * point * was that you can't accept this as legitimate on the issue of slavery, but then insist on principle that it is an illegitimate approach on all other issues.
From what I see, I think this is highly ironic, because it is you who is guilty of illegitimate totality transfer by claiming «there are about 50 things the NT includes in its definition of «Gospel»» on your «Gospel Word Study» chart!!!
We are not radical democrats who believe that judicial review of legislation is in principle unconstitutional and illegitimate.
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