Sentences with phrase «not important»

I made mine with grapes, and found that what you start with is not important, the starter becomes whatever is naturally occuring in your house, if you take San Fransico starter to Atlanta it becomes whatever is occuring in the air in the room in Atlanta.
Labels are not important to us, only how we feel about what we eat is.
Some of my Christian friends think that this is not important.
From some points of view all this is not important.
The foot bath as such is not important.
It was not important!
When is not important.
It is not important whether and how far the master systematizes it and makes it a requirement; it is imminent in the master's existence.
The matter is not important enough in connection with this saying to warrant a full discussion of the problem; it becomes important in connection with the «present» sayings which lie outside the scope of our present enquiry.)
The male principle was simply not important to the people of Old Europe.
But this does not meant that repentance is not important.
The rest is not important.
And even for me as an individual, is it not important to note that this is by no means the first time I've been a church - goer, that I had been recently finding a kind of joy (one might call it an experience of the sacred) reading T. S. Eliot, that my commitment to the new church is by no means total (in the sense of excluding work or family or friends), and that if statistical predictions work in my case I will probably have moved on to some other kind of commitment in five or ten years.
For most of them, biblical scholarship and hermeneutics are not important.
Its not important that we believe the book of genesis word for word, what is important is that we believe God had a hand in creating our world and us.
This earth must certainly be important to God, but it is not all important.
«I am sometimes asked why, if mediumship is not important in ITC, some people receive contacts while others do not.
Perhaps we are not important to the world or to the process of life in general, but we are part of it and are allowed to have meaning to ourselves and to the people around us.
We are not content to think that preserving this world is not important, for we who are «saved» will go to heaven and maybe have «all those virgins.»
Note that I never said that doctrines on which genuine Christians may disagree are not important.
Again, if this type of categorization was not important enough for Jesus to have bothered with, then why do we?
But this is not the important point.
There is no mention of when he started either because it's not important.
Numbers are not the important thing, but looking to Christ as the head.
We ought to be saying to people, «let's find out what you feel are the barriers to belief, and talk them through and explain them», not «let's find out what you feel are the barriers to belief, so we can ignore them, or fudge the issue, or pretend they're not important».
Details are not important.
It is not important to the story of the Bible.
6k, 12 k or 3.5 billion years of a creation process is not important or God would have made it a central point.
It is not important to better the world through struggle for peace, justice and a human environment.
John Richardson I am not aware the Bible gives a time as that is not important in the story of the Bible.
That is not important to baptism itself, but for the experience it is something special,» said Robert Ekh, the senior pastor from Livets Ord (Word of Life) in Uppsala, Sweden.
Fear no evil, because your life and survival simply are not important.
Profanity is not an important area of human behavior.
Ideas are not important because they are big, Holmer reminded his students.
This does not require pretending that there are not important differences between faiths.
Not all important problems can be treated, of course; nor can any of them be discussed fully.
Perhaps the reporter is not blind, deaf, and dumb - She knows more about the history of your so - called Mormons than Mia Love knows I bet - Furthermore, Mia Love is brainwashed and believes that her race is not important - only that's what they tell her... Please get off your high horse and watch the video yourself..
So the question of how much goodness there was in Jim, and whether he could have been saved from himself had his «waywardness» not been seized upon by the Doors and their fans, i.e., by Rock, is not the important one.
«How we did it was not important.
I think he's also making a point about what things are and are not important.
childhood is over and it is a cruel human joke to get people to live as if this life is not important.
Does not education that ignores religion tend to influence the pupils to believe that religion is really not important?
And what I keep finding is people who tell me, by words or actions, that I am not important enough for them to care.
The Christian identity of the black self was not important to Malcolm X. For him, Christianity was the White man's religion and thus had to be rejected.
The cultural identity of Christianity was not important to Martin because he understood it in the «universal» categories he was taught in graduate school.
But this is not the important fact about the proposition.
Incidentally, it's a good example of the kind of differences between Gospels that is not important.
According to economic theory generally, environmental issues are not important.
There are many people who claim that Cain and Able I believe were twins... The whole ideal of the Bible being translated makes a lot of ideals (some not important) unknown.
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