Sentences with phrase «not issues of fact»

Generally speaking, the Montana Supreme Court decides issues of law, not issues of fact.

Not exact matches

Even apart from the fact that they don't know what they're talking about because they don't know what's out there, the bigger issues are that: (a) almost all of these reports come back with a variety of related findings that may be precisely on point; and (b) the very age of the prior research may be invaluable if the new questions and inquiries have to do with trend lines, changes in attitudes or different behaviors.
«Of course it is,» said Rorsted, before admitting the company has «not had any conversation with Kanye in the last 24 hours» and had in fact not even discussed the issue internally.
Flynn has acknowledged that he misled the federal agents by telling them that the issue of US sanctions on Russia had not been discussed when, in fact, it had.
If this is your company and you're caught in the middle of a minefield, your best option (short of quitting) for conflict management is to rise above it: Point out the specific behavior in question, don't personalize the issue (be objective), communicate assertively and state the facts, and document everything that goes on.
Despite the fact that Trump was widely viewed as having lost the recent debate with Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, and that the election itself is just over a month away, the candidate chose to tweet not about the political issues in the campaign but about his dislike of former Miss Universe contestant Alicia Machado.
The report itself makes no such claim and, in fact, its marginal - cost approach to parenting (that excludes fixed costs such as housing) reinforces its own stated neutrality on the issue of the decision to have, or not to have, children.
For those who have always been taught that swearing is a moral issue indicating some sort of personal fault, this study (and others like it attesting to the fact that swearing doesn't seem linked with anything too problematic) should be a nudge to reconsider.
«We hear all of the time that we are a democracy, but the fact of the matter, even excluding the issue of Washington, D.C., not having elected representatives in the congress, is that, all of you know, increasingly, big money is buying elections,» he said.
But Trump bungled too many trade - related facts and spent too much time focusing on the role of manufacturing in the economy — when most Americans don't work in export - dependent manufacturing — for the issue to be a slam - dunk for him.
Employees say: «I admire the fact that we are dedicated to corporate responsibility initiatives that are not heavily branded, that target people of color and women, and that address issues of inequity within tech and our larger communities.
Exacerbating the issue is the fact that many online shoppers, who are unsure of their size, will place multiple orders and return what doesn't fit.
The study, in fact, does not address the issue of whether a dilbit spill, once it has happened, has more serious consequences than any other oil spill.
In fact, we want you to clarify that it's not because we don't want to have any accident or liability or any kind of issue that might come out of running a car across San Francisco with nobody in it.»
While all of the disciplines have responsibility for revenue growth, the fact is that left to their own device, they'll approach the issue from such different perspectives that alignment can't happen.
APF Canada Disclaimer: Given the controversial nature of this topic, APF Canada has attempted to provide a transparent, fact - based backgrounder that, while referencing the main studies published to date on the issue of foreign - ownership in Vancouver real estate, does not delve into a rigorous academic critique of these studies.
Q: U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren has been very critical of the fact that the issue of «too big too fail» has not been addressed.
This matter - of - fact wording conveys the impression that the panel simply sees this a matter of common sense, not an issue to be fretted over.
Despite the fact that the report was issued through the AER, it is clear that the Shell Jackpine report was not the voice of the AER acting on its own within exclusive provincial jurisdiction.
I don't mean to suggest that safety and security issues are an inevitability — in fact, plenty of restaurants in Canada are quite happy or unaffected by their dispensary neighbours — but it is a consideration.
Intimidation doesn't support either of those and, in fact, may overstate and overwhelm others, creating even bigger issues.
Others (including regulators conducting their own investigations) may have a different view of the facts, or may focus on facts not described in this Report, and may also draw different conclusions regarding the facts and issues.
In fact, the Internal Revenue Service has not issued guidance on the taxation of cryptocurrencies since 2014.
By the same token, the Civil War inflation did not stem from the fact that the government itself issued greenbacks, but that the credit had to be issued at all under the economic strains of war.
The movement started with the Kin foundation announcing they were adding Stellar as a second platform, a fact that, on many levels let it clear that the Stellar network is simply a better blockchain; and this is not surprising at all, Ethereum appears to be dealing with lots of issues from long ago now — and what's worse, the solutions haven't been determined yet.
The sad fact is that, for most of the years we've worked on this issue, the SEC actually made the problem worse, not better.
And it doesn't come from any unique insight of the Austrian School, other than the fact of the combination of the subjectivism coupled with the inherent boom - bust cycle makes those of us who use Austrian Economics very sensitive to issues of price and value.
Additionally, Brazil's outlook is supported by the fact that it does not have a lot of external debt, so its fiscal issues do not have to be fixed right away.
The fact is that over the past decade, the EURO countries have not been willing to take policy actions to ensure the stability of the EURO, because they involved issues related to sovereignty and fiscal integration: two areas where there were opposing entrenched views.
At the heart of the issue is the fact that not all federal loans qualify for the PSLF program.
I'm not even going to address how ridiculous that argument is in light of the issues of overpopulation or the fact that gay people can indeed have children (my wife and I are planning to have five), or how many orphans there are in the world that could use a loving home.
The fact is that the issues you speak of are not because the people are members of the LDS church but in fact this is what happens in any society of humans living as close together as we do in large cities.
The fact that they make such a big deal out of being AGAINST sexuality in any but the most tightly Churchian - state controlled circumstances, i.e., marriage, PROVES their attachment to the issue, not their «freedom from sin.»
The fact that you are uneducated is not the issue of those of us who are... read a science book for a change and get your head out of that 2000 year old book... only children and schizophrenics have imaginary friends..
Whether or not they are two different groups of people does little to take away the fact that many Jews use a guise of anti-semitism to avoid issues revolving around Israel.
I am no expert in Vatican politics, but I know better than to close my eyes to the fact that there are those who do not share the insight that Weigel attributes to John Paul II and to Benedict» the insight that Nielsen herself embraces» «that all social issues, including political and economic questions, are ultimately questions of the nature of the human person.»
Romney's religion is not in itself an issue, but that fact that he the type of person who actively believes that the fairy tale of John Smith is true is a fair game when evaluating his fitness to be president.
Cross told Premier how Christians should approach the issue: «From Christian point of view I don't think we should veer away from the fact that there is evil going on that there is sin and that we need to be prepared to step in into that and deal with it.
One of my biggest issues with religion is that it teaches people that if you believe something hard enough it must be true even if facts, logic, and evidence say it isn't.
I wouldn't be surprised to learn that many of those who do in fact leave the Church over issues related to sexuality do so because they've been told over and over again that their value as a Christian, and as a human being, is wrapped up in their virginity, so they no longer feel welcomed or worthy.
We do know basic facts and those point towards issues of concern, concern because trust and loyalty and commitment are not throwaway traits whenever temptations strike.
In fact, to have made an issue of physical cosmology would have detracted from, if not subverted, the religious message.
In fact, I have tried to keep silent on certain issues over the years, but the problem, or maybe I should say the benefit, of teaching through books of the Bible the way I do, is that I can not avoid certain issues for long.
The reason I speak out about this issue is not because I am passionately committed to the theory of evolution; it's because I am passionately committed to the fact that it's not worth leaving the faith over!
Once again your se.xual orientation is not my issue, the fact that you preach about how good you are and how true your belief in the buybull is but yet you are being a hypocritew... hope your god delusion sends you to those burning pits (not that either exist but to point out the irony of your hypocrisy and expose you for what you are - a liar; a hypocrite; a poor example of good christard)
The issue is not that fertilized eggs are potential people, but that they are, in fact, human beings from the moment of conception.
While economics as a descriptive study is not concerned with moral issues, the facts of economic life inescapably point to the moral element in human nature.
So, having said these things, I will still vote for President Obama not so much for the other issues I agree with him (immigration and especially economy), but because of the facts you Baptist Minister also mentioned about Bishop Romney (he was indeed a Mormon priest in Boston and a Mormon missionary in France).
We will talk more about predetermination and foreordination in the future posts about Unconditional Election and the Sovereignty of God, so I don't want to use a lot of room to discuss these issues here, except to say that Scripture, reason, and experience all seem to point pretty clearly to the fact that God expects us to make wise choices and holds us accountable for the choices and decisions we make.
The issue of whether faith should gird us to not fear scientific truth is an intriguing one; the Holocaust was scientifically true, after all, meaning the facts could not....
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