Sentences with phrase «not judge»

We may not judge according to appearance (John 7:24).
My friends and i go to a christian church and some of the Muslim students have gone with us just to see and learn for them selves what it is like instead of going off rumors and here say... Unless you have experiences something on your own you have no right to talk smack about it... The reason the world is the way it is is because people are to stuck up THEIR butts and THEIR way, to even try and become educated about anything else... im not saying convert or change your ways... But be educated about something before you talk because if your not you really look like a fool... ever religion, race, culture,... they have their good people and they have their bad people and you CAN NOT judge a whole race, religion, culture... off one group... that just being single minded!!!
This means that we may not judge on the basis of insufficient, superficial information.
But I must «not judge «However, telling people truth is not judging When I said we must be there for one another, one said «it's not about works»!
We are not the judge of all the earth.
The real church is always invisible, as we can not judge hearts and it really is a spiritual thing to have faith.
it states not judge people but people do it.
I support you and I will not judge you.
We should not judge a group of believers based on what a minority of radicalists are doing.
And I try not judge, but I'm human, I'm faulty, maybe I came across as judging these people that say their christians but say horrible things.
Do not judge others, lest you be judged.
His concern here, as it was in Colossians, was that Christians should not judge one another about their different customs.
And, as a man who believes in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, I will not judge anyone for how they choose to live.
Though I am not the judge of her spiritual condition, I was once again satisfied with her answer.
I do not judge anybody for their beliefs or their lack of belief's and the biggest thing in my life; I do not use a book to tell other's how they should live their lives.
«I hate using clichés, but I've definitely learned to not judge a book by its cover,» he said.
Though He may discipline you, He does not judge you, for the true penalty for sin has been born by Jesus upon the cross.
That be far from Thee to do after this manner, to slay the righteous with the wicked, that so the righteous should be as the wicked; that be far from Thee; shall not the Judge of the whole earth do justly?
We ask that they shall not judge a part of the picture without seeing the whole.
Jeremiah 18:21, 23) A notable amount of praying in the Old Testament is thus cursing, and lest Christians should assume too much credit in this regard, a similar abuse of prayer, all the more inexcusable because sinning against light, stands in the New Testament — «How long, O Master, the holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?»
He does not judge the woman or the speculators.
She's the most amazing person and her relationship with her wife is so steeped in unconditional love, peace and joy, that I CAN NOT judge her for it.
Jesus said, «love your enemies,» «do not judge,» and «bless those who curse you.»
When did being a Christian Man equate to being a soft little sissy who cowards under I will not judge the pastor?
As I said, while I may not agree with your lifestyle I will not judge you because God warns against it.
But whichever way you decide, make sure you do not judge and condemn those who choose differently.
But Jesus does not judge by outward appearances, and He often chooses the shameful, the lowly, and the foolish — the very same people we would reject.
They do not judge other people in terms of financial status, nor do they think that their own life consists in the abundance of the things which they possess.
I will not judge him and say that he was in sin as so many want to say.
Please, do not judge.
I am an atheist and live a life that does not judge people by their faith but by their actions.
In dealing with sinners He did not judge anyone's sin, but instead, He loved them and extended grace to them all.
Whatever your views on church might be, you will be challenged by these stories to view church a little differently, and to not judge or condemn those people who choose to be the church in different ways than you.
In an apparent reference to the United States, Francis said «one nation alone can not judge» the best means of stopping groups like ISIS, which calls itself the Islamic State.
So we do not judge prayer by whether it «works».
You are right, you are not the judge of others, but you will be held accountable for how well you judged the truth.
Yes, it is true that God made man for woman, but we humans who has been born for the short time we are here must not judge each other for our indifferences and beliefs; we must help each other dodge the evils of this world and come together as the children of God.
«Jesus also taught that we should not judge other people (Matthew 7:1), and that it is God who judges people, so I am willing to let God make those judgments, in the ultimate time whenever it might come.
When it comes to people's eternal destiny... we can not judge anyone, but must leave all such judgment up to God.
I am not the judge.
To put this more concretely, the principle of Pareto optimality tells us that we can not judge whether the addition of $ 1000 to the income of a family now receiving $ 10,000 annually is better than the same addition to a family now receiving $ 100,000 a year.
People want a God who will not judge them.
once again Santa, you don't make the rules and you are not the judge of these things.
We are to LOVE not judge:)
Thou shall not judge.
«Do not judge by appearances,» Jesus said in John 7:24, «but judge with right judgment.»
And that's exactly what He did in the Sermon on the Mount when He told those listening, «Do not judge, or you too will be judged.
To be honest, I do not judge people on what they believe but in their character and how they work.
Then learn that Christ will not judge whether we are Christian or not but whether we did good or we did wrong.
Problem is that you want to sing, «Give Me that Old Time Religion,» but you want to ignore that «Do not judge» part.
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