Sentences with phrase «not kept active»

On active data network but screen not kept active for long, it still could give it about four hours of extra usage.
The airlines may just empty your account if it's not kept active.
If you don't keep them active with things to do, they'll come up with their own activities.

Not exact matches

Don't just keep it open — keep it active.
Not only will that help you keep feeling active and energetic, there's an additional benefit.
NerdWallet also points out that some frequent flier programs award points don't expire, while other programs require members to keep an active account, either by flying or accruing points through any of its partner programs.
The merino wool is used to keep you cool and dry, but its extra-soft feel is a plus, even when you're not being super active.
Every message worth keeping that doesn't go into one of my seven or eight active folders gets archived in Gmail, and is available via a quick search.
But consumers should also keep in mind that conditions contributing to an older relative's early death are likely to be more treatable now, or avoidable if we make different choices (say, not smoking or by being more active).
thanks, and yes, a pittance of a pension and regular checkups keep us on budget and head off any problems — best decision i ever made (financial or otherwise) was serving our country doing search - and - rescue, oil and chemical spill remediation, etc. (you can guess the branch of service)-- along the way, frugal living, along with dollar - cost averaging, asset allocation, and diversification allowed us to retire early — Vanguard has been very good over the years, despite the Dot Bomb, 2002, and the recession (where we actually came out better with a modest but bargain retirement home purchase)... it's not easy building additional «legs» on a retirement platform, but now that we're here, cash, real estate, investments and insurance products, along with a small pension all help to avoid any real dependence on social security (we won't even need it at full retirement age)-- however, like nearly everybody, we're headed for Medicare in several years, albeit with a nice supplemental and pharmacy benefits — but our main concern is staying fit, active, and healthy!
You know you need to keep your business blog active, but sometimes you just don't have an interesting topic to write about.
I am addicted to colourin as soon as i get up i make a coffee and decide on what picture i am gonna do and the colours then i settle down for the day its a reall help keeping my mind active and so i am not so stressed and ive stopped smoking as my hands are to busy and ive even lost weight and i put it all down to colouring i recomend it to anyone the only downside i keep spending money on books and supplys
Not only will a home - based business help keep you busy and active during the day, but it will also provide additional income for the family.
It is very much beneficial for those traders who wish to keep active while they can not physically participate in the trading process.
Thankfully even though I haven't been very active all of those dividends keep on rolling in!
The policy is paid for and kept active by drawing on the cash value for its premium payments, not directly by regular premium payments.
«And while I think it's a great idea for seniors to be active and possibly working to keep busy, I don't want them to have to rely on that income.»
I won't give you the full quote but it talked about how church as part of active discipleship can make strangers seem less threatening, but how the pull of human nature keeps trying to take us away from that (ie strangers become more threatening).
The brain atrophys if you don't reach into new activities and embrace new challenges and keep the mind active.
We have to keep God's standards (all of them) so that we know that we don't measure up, so that repentance is brought forth, so that the active relationship can continue.
To keep the crucial issue in the forefront by a commitment to God was an active, not a passive, role.
And some of the people who don't understand are people who are in church every week and maybe even active in some of the ministries, but they take little to no interest in what it takes to keep the ministry of the church going.
Those are just some of the questions in a confidential survey sent to 400,000 active - duty and reserve troops this week as part of an effort to gauge reactions in the ranks if the military lifts its «don't ask, don't tell» policy that has kept g - ay and le - sbian troops in the closet for the last 17 years.»
It's like Fox is just having writers write on something as opinion instead of ascertaining facts, getting in depth facts, reporting facts... tainted and with a ludicrous taint that Americans are just supposed to read and not be active in their communties... that all these foreigners are just supposed to be able to come here, sue and costs us money, not get along and that we are just supposed to do what the governement says... while these foreigners change everything weith the help of people like Obama... Fox would do well to keep their forums.
I would love to be able to take a couple with me on active days out to keep me going, but as I am out all day, can not store them in a fridge, and worried that they will melt.
I realize it's kind of a pain to have cups of starter you either need to bake with or throw away, but it's all about keeping the natural yeast in your starter well - fed and maintaining a proper pH. If you try the sourdough recipe without feeding a few hours ahead of time, your starter won't be active enough to leaven your bread.Let me know how your bread turns out; I'd love to hear!
FYF not only post your recipes to Facebook, but reference older food posts you choose as recipe inspirations, keeping older posts active.
Fresh yeast won't keep all that long and any sources of fresh yeast that I've found are SO much more expensive than the largish jars of active dry yeast that I keep in the refrigerator.
He felt not only a sense of responsibility but also a desire to keep up with his growing family and be an active partner to his wife, Hana.
The starter is an active culture of yeast that should live indefinitely as long as you do not allow it to get contaminated and keep it hydrated and properly fed.
But he underscored it isn't enough simply «to keep your finger on the pulse about what is happening in the Farm Bill and to be active as individuals, companies also must invest,» and one way to do that is to visit representatives in Washington, DC, with the Organic Trade Association this spring to ensure politicians understand what is at stake and who it impacts.
All three operations have been successful in their major purpose, which is to give boxing a talent transfusion and, in the case of Larry Smith, to keep leading fighters active when television can not use them.
I don't mind this and one positive I see is that we will have enough games to keep everyone in our relatively large squad happy and active
to make it short once the SPUDS scored the first goal they started believing they could win and they kept pushing forward taking the initiative and ultimately winning the game... WENGER has changed and it has been in part because he felt the pressure from Fans and experts alike, but he needs to become even more pro active, the SPUDS ran over us no question about it, but it was not because they are better, but because we let them do it.
He makes dangerous runs like always stays active with out the consequences of leaving the middle exposed n But I don't think wenger has the stones to keep Ozil out of the starting 11.
How you keeping ppl on active roster yet not playing DUE to injury most of the year (ala Amerson) then cuz you did nt bring Borders up during the season, ripe for being signed away YET you kept some serious scrubs on the roster which just kept getting torched every time they stepped the field & have shown us their ceiling already (McDonald, Hamilton, etc)
Same sh @@ with wenger every summer... Can't admit that his chosen progeny ain't up to the task of winning trophies so fails to strengthen in key positions but always active and makes a tantalizing addition to keep the junkies on a high through Xmas when things go pear shaped...
The regularly scheduled workout would not only keep your body physically fit and all mechanism active but also boost you up mentally.
While it is almost impossible to avoid at least some days that don't go as planned, it helps to set a goal to keep your entire family active on a weekly basis.
-LSB-...] for more inspiration of games to keep kids active like Hide and Seek why not try our Traffic Light Game and also Move Like A....
Second option, wouldn't hurt to take a rest but keep your child active.
Even if they are not active in their child's sports activities, it might just encourage them to participate more, and, at the very least, it helps to keep them up to date on what is going on their child's life.
There is every reason in the world to not be physically active; reading to our children, providing quality meals, addressing their social needs, researching all medications / foods / education, shopping to have the «best» deals on the highest quality, spending quality play time with our children, limiting screen time, grooming them, keeping house, bonding, learning and executing proper child passenger safety (installing that perfect car seat that took 3 weeks of research and a small loan to purchase), and being sure every minute of their every day is filled with only the best developmentally appropriate activities.
There are lots of great craft ideas online to keep the kids busy at the party but not a whole lot of play ideas so I wanted to share some of my favorite, spooky ways to keep kids active.
With the coming of the computer age and the development of computer games, Wii, PlayStation and the like, parents are not only dealing with less space for their children to run and play, also with safety issues from human wickedness as well as massively increased traffic on the roads, but they now too have to pull their children away from sedentary entertainment like those listed above and find ways to keep them more active.
But you don't want to exercise trimesters 1 and 2 and then just stop, it's important that you keep yourself active and moving and a well designed fitness program that's safe for you will be safe for the baby and will benefit you come that day of delivery and be good for both you and for the baby.
And while TV can keep kids busy, too much TV can actually cause more fighting because it's so often the object kids fight over but also because it's not an active kind of play.
If you're looking for great babysitting ideas to keep kiddos active when you're not... more
It is a challenge for any diaper to keep an adventurous, active two - year old dry.Most parents do not want to think about blowouts and leakage.
With a new slim and trim fit, Depend ® Silhouette Active Fit Briefs have the look and feel of real underwear, don't show even under yoga pants and give you the freedom to keep living your life without worrying about light bladder leakage.
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