Sentences with phrase «not main point»

The fraud aspect was not main point of my post.
With so many responsibilities and open positions to fill, you are not their main point of focus.
Also, according to Google, the phones are not the main point here.
The governor continued to avoid gun control Tuesday with a discussion of mental health and school safety, which are legitimate points but not the main point.
(Temperatures were also flat, rather than cooling but thats not the main point at issue).
If the surface emits at an average of 270 K OK, that number is low, but that is not the main point.
But again, that is not my main point; my main point is how the larger forces in play enable and reward dogmatism, with science (not to mention policy) suffering for it.
Many readers with varied views have rightly criticized the prolonged debates about basic points in climate science that frequently spring up on Dot Earth posts where science is not the main point of discussion.
I have deliberately not included the volcanic forcing in either the observed or projected values since that is a random element — scenarios B and C didn't do badly since Pinatubo went off in 1991, rather than the assumed 1995 — but getting volcanic eruptions right is not the main point here.
Platinum Games already said various times that story was not the main point of Vanquish, it was to focus on the gameplay.
Value investing always offers some hope, but that's not my main point here.
The above is not my main point, though.
Which is dandy, but not the main point.
It's not the main point of this post, but recent research has questioned whether defined benefit plans really earn a premium above what individuals earn in their defined contribution plans.
The movie is fairly realistic in its depiction of how humans are likely to act and behave when faced with unstoppable adversity, provided that one keeps in mind that the alien invasion is not the main point of the story.
But, again, that is not the main point of the paleolithic diet (which may be somewhat of an oxymoron).
While not the main point of your post, I can comment about adult meal prices.
Not the main point of your post, but oh how I loved that song!
Conduct is a by - product of religion — an inevitable by - product, but not the main point.
But that is not the main point; the fundamental desire is to be obedient to the sacred Law, without reference to what it commands.
David: just a long thought, and certainly not the main point of your cartoon — I am a former enlisted person and former officer.
But that's not the main point here.
But that's not the main point of the Oakley Airwave.
And I totally fell in love with the 3rd looks shoes (even though shoes aren't the main point of this post)... I have wanted those shoes so badly for a long time!
I don't accept all products as that isn't the main point of this blog, but sometimes I see a product that interests me and that I think would interest my readers.
Story isn't the main point of Haque.
But the story isn't the main point of the game — it's the stealth gameplay and solving huge puzzles.

Not exact matches

That is not a problem: Start summarizing the main points.
But Riley's main point is that it's not just the «Big 9» colluding with the NSA — the government's reach among private enterprise is far deeper.
Don't miss the big picture when you're trying to improve your health and productivity, the main point is to get started.
Despite having previously said he did think a deal would be possible by December, he said last night: «After my meetings here in London my main message is I am more optimistic, there is progress... That is the most important thing because the perspective from a European point of view towards London was in the last weeks not so clear.»
Here are the main points: The IRS has decided that, for tax purposes, it will not treat Bitcoin like currency, which similarly depreciates or increases in value.
But his main takeaways from the hearing did not involve some of the popular talking points on the right.
They point at these quasi-monopolies as a cause, if not the main cause, of the recent slowdown in American startup creation.
Before I run down the main takeaways of the research, it's probably worth pointing out that the vast majority of companies are not Facebook.
Main point two is not «More headcount» but «An increased headcount is critical to strategically manage our department's increased scope of responsibilities.»
Celgene's patents likely won't be challenged by its rivals anytime soon — its three main patents expire in the 2020s, by which point the company will have made a considerable amount of money on the drugs.
But while shorting can add up to three percentage points to his annual return, he says, that's not the main reason his fund is outperforming the S&P / TSX composite total return index.
While we all know leading others isn't quite that simple, the main point is still powerful.
As BuzzFeed founder Jonah Peretti has pointed out, the main reason people share things on social networks isn't because they are true or false.
But, as she pointed out in a recent DisruptHR talk, that's not the main reason why more companies should put in place policies that make them more welcoming to parents.
«You shouldn't view your education as a done deal,» advises a fun sketchbook of the book's main points.
The unravelling of the German talks came as a surprise since the main sticking points - immigration and climate policy - were not seen as FDP signature issues.
Of course, the main point of the gigafactory is not to produce cutting - edge batteries, but to produce existing tech on a scale that will bring costs down — Tesla hopes to sell an electric sedan for $ 35,000.
It's worth noting at this point that Canada isn't only the main exporter of steel to the U.S. — it also buys half of U.S. steel exports.
But, for me, it didn't make sense because of two main points.
For those who have more interest and time, I'm confident that if you follow my five main points you'll do better than someone who does not.
Logically, I don't see the point in those share buttons, as they distract users from the main CTA.
The main points here are that QE has encouraged the dramatic overvaluation of virtually every class of investments; that these elevated valuations don't represent «wealth» (which is embodied in the future stream of deliverable cash flows, not in the current price); that extreme valuations promise dismal future outcomes for investors over a 10 - 12 year horizon; and that until a clear improvement in market internals conveys a resumption of speculative risk - seeking by investors, the current combination of extreme valuations and increasing risk - aversion, coming off of an extended top formation after persistent «overvalued, overbought, overbullish» extremes, represents the singularly most negative return / risk classification we identify.
The main point is to understand that the two games were similar but didn't appear to be on the surface.
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