Sentences with phrase «not meet threshold»

The License Appeal Tribunal found that the agent's conduct did not meet the threshold necessary to revoke the license.
This Plaintiff did not meet the threshold test and did not receive any money for her pain and suffering.
The Ontario Superior Court recently released a decision finding an injured Plaintiff did not meet threshold on the basis that a «disabling» impairment to the left shoulder was not causally related to the accident.
The Court not only confirmed that, when it comes to an alleged disability, the onus of proof lies with the complainant, but it found that a disparate and temporary condition does not meet the threshold for protection under human rights legislation.
My adjuster says that my Ontario car accident injuries case does not meet the threshold, do I still get a settlement?
Those categories are available to Ontario injury victims in many cases even if they do not meet the threshold — many people do not know that.
Accordingly, your injuries will not meet the threshold to sue for pain and suffering.
For the purpose of committal, there is a distinction between cases involving frail identification, as in Mezzo, supra, and cases where, on the whole of the evidence, the identification does not meet the threshold requirement of a positive identification.
Thus, minor accidents in Florida probably will not meet the threshold for filing an auto accident lawsuit.
If the judge determines that your claim does not meet threshold, you are deemed to have no right to sue and your case will be dismissed.
The respondents, we further determine, can not meet that threshold standard.
I am wondering if there was an out in that contract if sales of a version fell below a certain level — then EA did its best to make sure the 3DS and then the WiiU versions did not meet the threshold.
I had accepted my fate and knew I would be dropping down to just a casual flying on AA, for I did not meet the threshold of Gold Elite with AA that requires 25K EQM.
We like to think these conversations are collaborative, but attempting to convince Mr. Smith that he is not proficient in Questioning and Discussion for 25 minutes does not meet that threshold.
The foreign minister Alan Duncan, however, said the government would only pressure the territories to adopt new transparency measures when they became a global standard, and insisted that an EU commitment to introduce public registers did not meet that threshold.
Secondly, the vagueness and ambiguity of the exceptions made, provide an argument to be overcome by the Special Prosecutor when the objection is raised in Court that his decision to prosecute a corruption offence does not meet the threshold standard stipulated in the Bill.
Schemes that do not meet this threshold can no longer be justified.»
Advisers that do not meet this threshold generally are regulated by the states and investors should contact their State Securities Regulator for information pertaining to individuals managing less than $ 100 million in assets.
If you don't meet that threshold, consider getting the Capital One ® Spark ® Cash Select for Business instead.
If your company doesn't meet these thresholds, the Spark ® Cash may be preferable due to its lower annual fee.
For exporters whose products don't meet that threshold — if they are re-exporting products primarily made elsewhere, for example — they're fresh out of luck when it comes to benefitting from EXIM programs.
Atheists say that the believers have not met the threshold of evidence.
If a candidate doesn't meet that threshold, then the top two vote getters will face off in a primary next month.
If schools don't meet the threshold for «multiple years» or don't make progress towards it, their department of education «will implement additional actions and interventions as appropriate.»
If your company doesn't meet these thresholds, the Spark ® Cash may be preferable due to its lower annual fee.
This doesn't mean beat yourself up if you don't meet the threshold exactly.
If you don't meet that threshold, consider getting the Capital One ® Spark ® Cash Select for Business instead.
In the judge's words, Scherr was seeking «a threshold of seriousness,» and arguing, in effect, that his client's work didn't meet that threshold.
If your injuries only lasted 1 year, and then you returned to a normal life, there's a good chance your injuries will not be found to be «permanent»; and therefore, you won't meet the threshold for pain and suffering damages.
While Gregory Kennedy eventually abandoned the application over the lack of aboriginals on the jury after conceding he couldn't meet the threshold for challenging the array in Form 40, Goodman went ahead and ruled on the issue anyway given the issue's «significant import to the administration of justice.»
Following suit, Google decided today that, while the content didn't meet the threshold for hate speech, it did violate its premium ad partnership requirements.
Spending on students with additional needs applies to those requiring extra support, but whose needs don't meet the threshold for high - needs funding.
My concern in distinguishing between stagflation and inflation is that I am largely sitting on the sidelines right now because the deals I see aren't meeting my thresholds for returns.

Not exact matches

Hendarsah said while most companies meet those requirements, they have not gone beyond the minimum threshold.
One is an agreement with Harvard Pilgrim, a nonprofit health plan covering 1.2 million people, to pay rebates if a patient's vision doesn't meet certain thresholds in 30 to 90 days, and then 30 months after treatment, under a model known as outcomes - based pricing.
In a federal trademark infringement case, for instance, a plaintiff seeking a quick injunction would encounter at the threshold the high hurdle of showing «irreparable harm» — a standard that won't be met if money damages will provide the plaintiff with adequate recompense for any damages incurred — and it might also have to post an expensive bond (a major hurdle for a nonprofit).
While individual asset managers may have had the requisite experience, ownership of firms by minorities and women was more recent, so they didn't meet the institutional ownership threshold.
In awarding incentives to individual named executives who manage business lines, they also considered that the Wholesale Banking Group managed by Mr. Hoyt achieved its maximum business line financial goal, the Community Banking Group managed by Ms. Tolstedt met its target financial goal, and the Home and Consumer Finance Group managed by Mr. Oman did not achieve its threshold business line earnings goal.
While not all healthcare trades or businesses fall into this definition, most owner - operated clinical entities are generally considered a specified service trade or business, which disallows the deduction unless the owners meet certain taxable income thresholds.
By contrast Skyworks» shareholders did not have any special meeting rights when the shareholder proposal was submitted back in December; however the board subsequently implemented a 25 % threshold in January 2018.
It is possible that during Genomic Sequencing, a part of your Genetic Information will not meet our quality thresholds.
«A loan eligible under these special «small creditor» QM definitions must meet the general requirements of a QM, except that these loans receive greater underwriting flexibility (i.e., do not need to meet the quantitative DTI threshold of 43 percent or less).»
Besides, meeting the threshold is not a guarantee that you will earn the reward.
In March, it was notified that its $ 5.5 million in shareholder equity doesn't meet the NYSE American minimum threshold.
The careful design of the fund is meant to preserve the passive nature of the portfolio, allow outperforming cryptocurrencies to accumulate larger positions in the fund, capture rising coins in the ecosystem, and exclude coins that do not meet institutional thresholds.
The careful design of the fund is meant to preserve the passive nature of the portfolio, allow outperforming cryptocurrencies to accumulate larger positions in the fund, capture rising coins in the ecosystem, and exclude coins that do not meet stringent institutional thresholds.
Even the San Francisco 49ers know that this is true: They implemented «cell phone» breaks into practices and meetings every half hour, because studies from Stanford show that millennials are too distracted and really aren't learning anything after that threshold.
For ACA considerations, all employees may be combined as a group to determine whether or not the employer meets the 50 FTE threshold.
While our experience with a veggie burger in the U.S. hasn't historically met this threshold, we remain open to future menu options that could.
(And there are days you might not meet the «reasonably clean» threshold.)
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