Sentences with phrase «not necessary»

It is not necessary to know everything about Christianity to understand what people today believe.
That is not necessary, since we have developed superior secular morals and ethics since then.
Elaborations were not necessary.
Uniformity in such interrelatedness is not necessary: the activity of the Holy Spirit is seldom very orderly.
With Michael Walzer, he would probably place it under the heading of a «culturally differentiated morality,» about which «consensus is not necessary
26 Was it not necessary for the Christ to suffer these things and to enter into His glory?»
Understanding is no different than money or any other worldly goals — it is not necessary.
Yeago can thus propose the unthinkable: that the schism was not necessary and that some of the fault was on the Lutheran side.
This is not a necessary outcome, he argues, and many good things did and still can come out of liturgical and architectural reforms.
For some of us, it is not necessary.
You set up a distinction that is not necessary to make.
It is not necessary, however, that we learn a new vocabulary.
Otherwise, it must be possible for it to exist without S», external relations being those not necessary to a thing.
And it's certainly not necessary to include fossils to create the «appearance of maturity.»
Because of these bonds, sexual relations themselves are not necessary as a cure for loneliness.
He concluded that God's gifts were more important than the giver, that dependence upon God and obedience to His revealed will were not necessary.
It's not necessary to believe in evolution to excel in science or any other intellectual endeavor.
The teaching of the Church, for that matter, is clear and I am a son of the Church, but it is not necessary to talk about these issues all the time.»
And for the record, when I say the evidence out there supports creationism, I'm also not necessary saying all things were built by the will of some all knowing intelligent being though I don't preclude it as a possibility.
For Reno, Christianity is sufficient to address the concerns he has about the U.S. — but it is not necessary.
Tradition has it's place but it is not necessary to be a follower of Christ.
Love the fact that people give sexual expression to «who they really are»» whether heterosexual or homosexual» but hate these men for belonging to an institution that teaches that sexual expression is not necessary to being who you really are.
And merely to assume that temporal process is not characteristic of all cosmic epochs, and hence not necessary, is to assume the very conclusion in question.
Since it sounds like the woman was informed that the snake was non-poisonous it was not necessary for her to kill it.
The bible is not a necessary book in this world, not when it is full of hate, bigotry, oppression, murder... now if you need it to guide you, so be it but not all are so weak.
If there was a cause, yes, but as you've already indicated, a cause is not necessary.
If hate is necessary, it is not a necessary virtue.
«The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary; men alone are quite capable of every wickedness.»
Indeed, a real object is not necessary for some intentional objects, such as our consciousness of a unicorn or other imaginary entities.
Given the possibility of constitutional amendment, some may argue, it is not necessary to limit constitutional stipulations to formative conditions.
It's not necessary to do any study into this scripture.
It is thus not necessary for my argument for me to introduce more technical parts of the Whiteheadian scheme such as the difference between a physical entity (an occasion dominated by physical prehensions) and a material entity (a society of physical occasions) and to distinguish correspondingly between the physical properties of individual occasions and the material properties of societies of occasions.
I do agree with you that in order for multiverses to exist, based upon decision trees and expanding entropy, a supreme being or sentient creator is absolutely not necessary, which suggests that such a «being» probably does not exist.
A precise statement of what the correspondence or the clash might be is not easy to produce and is not necessary here, since our main purpose in these remarks is merely to emphasize the point that value experiences depend for their character upon the kinds of relationships that exist between subject and object.
It is not necessary to illustrate this situation here at the beginning of our reflections with particular examples of the questions or proceedings which gave rise to disquiet, since we shall have to go into the matter, as far as is necessary and possible, when forming a judgment on it.
God is not Necessary for happiness, people are.
We saw in relation to the inclusion of the body, that it was not necessary to think of the person as a vast multiplicity of acts of being in order to do justice to the bodily character of personal being.
Insofar as such structures and institutions are of legal character they may, of course) be regarded as merely human and thus mutable, not necessary laws, because they did not always exist but have been — or have still to be — established.
The average church has so established itself organizationally and financially that God is simply not necessary to it.
It is not necessary here to stress the important role played by relationships in the family; these affect the mental health of every member of the family unit, and especially that of the children and adolescents in their development into adulthood.
For him it was better to have a minimum of realities that ennoble the nature of a thing than to multiply realities when they are not necessary and do not ennoble nature — or as we might say today «keep it simple» and elegant!
It is not necessary, for instance, to settle every contested question in the interpretation of Locke, to regard the founding as a purely Lockean event, or to deny the presence of classical and Christian elements alongside the unmistakable Lockean elements.
It's not necessary.
So Luther could say: «God does not have to have Christians as magistrates; it is not necessary, therefore, that the ruler be a saint; he does not need to be a Christian in order to rule, it is sufficient that he possess reason.»
Not necessary and incredibly rude.
Having a racial focus in the books, magazines, movies, documentaries or other learning tools is not necessary.
Of course, it is not necessary for each individual to study natural theology before he is prepared to accept revelation.
It is not necessary for an individual to outwardly profess a particular set of theological dogmas for Christ's work to be effective for redemption in that individual.
The Catholic church is not necessary, as such they are more akin to any other organization that can be abandoned and suffer extinction.
The God - postulate is not necessary to solve our human problems.
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