Sentences with phrase «not nothingness»

No, emptiness is not nothingness.
Can you Redhead fathom the moorings (I am not securing any vessels at the time, although I am sure my uncles fishing boat is pulled up on the beach) of absolute nothingness (yes, I am currently studying dark matter but that is not nothingness) where from all material meanderings (to meander is to be in a constant change of path (like religions) currently are, I am not religious and I do not meander as I see it as a waste of time when traveling from one place to the next.)

Not exact matches

It can't just be left there in the nothingness of the universe.
One night when he was reading Being and Nothingness by Jean - Paul Sartre, Mackey threw the book on the ground, dropped the course the next day, and decided he'd never read another book he didn't want to read.
Soemthing does happen when we die, but whether or not the end result is life or nothingness, we will never know until it happens!
GOD, as being the Holy Spirit, the vast oceanic sea of Nothingness we call outer space can not be denied.
Nothingness is order and can not be contained nor can it be cut into pieces.
«Nothingness is order and can not be contained», «Nothingness, the Holy Spirit, better known as «Chaos» by the ancient Grecians».
Few can match Job for pure misery, a man who went from immense personal wealth and happiness to utter nothingness in a matter of days, and fewer can match him for stony faith — a resolute, steely trust that God had an answer, even if that answer didn't really make sense from an earthly perspective.
Personally I don't care how a person spends their time or worships... they can worship goats, spirits, god, buddha, nothingness or football... As long as they don't criticize others or attempt to propagate to non believers, and by that definition, these atheist are as bad a evangelicals.
Without a model of quantum gravity, it is IMPOSSIBLE to describe the initial state of the universe, or even be sure if it really was a singularity, let alone «coming into existence from nothingness» (not that we even have an example of «nothingness» to compare to.
We have no idea but to infer nothingness is still thinking in our universe terms when all of that didn't exist.
The dimension of the Cosmos of immeasurable universes is ever changing and not stagnant and new universes are always being formed within the depths of the Cosmological Sea of Nothingness.
The Great Sea of Nothingness does not come about with perilless underpinning whereupon the common atheist concerns are afforded.
The absoluteness of the Holy Sea of Godly Nothingness can not be denied by profuse regularisms hellbent upon wantings of denying the beneficiaries their reasoned convictions to join this Sea of Nothingness, the Holy Spirit of God.
The Second Death that is referred to in the Bible is the return to complete nothingness because if one believes that Jehovah will permit anyone to suffer for an eternity can not believe that this same God is the epitomy of Love.
As for the watch problem, its so hypothetical it's really not worth much more to pursue because you are right, I think it highly imporbable a watch would appear from nothingness, and since that has never in the history of the universe as we know it, to have happened, to discuss what I would do in that event is moot.
Why aren't atheists ever swayed into belief by WLC's meanderings about his hypothetical «uncaused caused» (named god) which is made of nothing but poofed everything into existence from its nothingness?
I am no mathematician nor quantum physicist but it does not take a rocket scientist to know that nothingness holds all mannerisms of every kind of matter in its nothing embodiment!
But only if one does not give up after failure can he open himself to this insight, within which is found a creative power working through life, bringing it out of nothingness toward Being.
Atheists don't profess «nothingness».
Nothingness is the force that binds and does bond all things thru gravimetric probabilities now known but is yet unknowably a regarded sound equation due many physicists not wanting to give nothingness a numerNothingness is the force that binds and does bond all things thru gravimetric probabilities now known but is yet unknowably a regarded sound equation due many physicists not wanting to give nothingness a numernothingness a numerical value.
God will not allow us to be swallowed up by the nothingness we fear.
During this short time, we don't have the apparatus to fully understand God, but many of us see the fallacy of believing in things like the «big bang» theory where ordered things come from nothingness.
Don't expect others to necessarily believe it, but for me, being thrown out into nothingness (in my tortured mind) and finding myself rescued from out of the nothingness is something not easily forgotten.
His word, the utterance of a thinking Mind and a deliberate Will, illuminates the dark abyss of nothingness, and calls into being things that are not.
Alone one afternoon, I put my head in my hands and said to the nothingness, «I don't know how to do this.
We just don't think of something and try to prove we are right of it's nothingness.
I confess that I want pagan night — una nox dormienda — not solely, however, because nothingness is better than the prospect of pain, even terminable pain.
Anselm was clearly seeking to uphold the balance of analogy between Infinite and finite because he did not want to refer all human meaning to nothingness.
But we can not cast the other aside, into nothingness, hatred, or death.
It is not without significance that the modern artist has given himself so fully to envisioning evil and nothingness, or has been so deeply bound to visions of Satan, of chaos, and of emptiness; for the artist can not escape the reality of his time by fleeing to an earlier moment of history.
This account of creation, which holds that God created all things ex nihilo, does not explain whether or not God was a part of the nothingness out of which creation appeared.
This is not to say, I hasten to add, that we do not believe in anything; I mean, rather, that we hold an unshakable, if often unconscious, faith in the nothing, or in nothingness as such.
Not only is the mutable world separated from its divine principle — the One — by intervals of emanation that descend in ever greater alienation from their source, but because the highest truth is the secret identity between the human mind and the One, the labor of philosophy is one of escape: all multiplicity, change, particularity, every feature of the living world, is not only accidental to this formless identity, but a kind of falsehood, and to recover the truth that dwells within, one must detach oneself from what lies without, including the sundry incidentals of one's individual existence; truth is oblivion of the flesh, a pure nothingness, to attain which one must sacrifice the worNot only is the mutable world separated from its divine principle — the One — by intervals of emanation that descend in ever greater alienation from their source, but because the highest truth is the secret identity between the human mind and the One, the labor of philosophy is one of escape: all multiplicity, change, particularity, every feature of the living world, is not only accidental to this formless identity, but a kind of falsehood, and to recover the truth that dwells within, one must detach oneself from what lies without, including the sundry incidentals of one's individual existence; truth is oblivion of the flesh, a pure nothingness, to attain which one must sacrifice the wornot only accidental to this formless identity, but a kind of falsehood, and to recover the truth that dwells within, one must detach oneself from what lies without, including the sundry incidentals of one's individual existence; truth is oblivion of the flesh, a pure nothingness, to attain which one must sacrifice the world.
You people actually believe you have something with your almighty nothingness wonder??? Take your college degrees and books away and what do you have??? Your almighty nothingness, so please start reconciling with yourselves that your not going to amount to anything in life other than being piggy bank for the U.S. Govt.
If, as Stoics like Aunt Emily believe, he has simply been reabsorbed into the circumambient nothingness, why is human life not absurd and worthless?
It seems that we assume that nothingness is the natural state and that something can not possibly be created from nothing.
That really does not phase a materialist because there is nothing to fear from the grave as it represents an eternal rest in nothingness.
That's as simplistic as I can so write CK... For before the Holy Spirit became flesh and bones, Chaos ensued and immeasurable amounts of Big Bangs began to multiply within great distances from each other... We are aware of but one Big Bang and I am in sorrows that our astrophysicists can not rightly fathom the plausible conditionings that permeate the theoretical potential for immeasurable amounts of Big Bangs leisurely being born / established within the Holy Spirit and / or Spatial Nothingness...
Last summer my cousin Antwyn Golden was murdered and I wrote a song about forgiving his killer as Christ forgave me, it wasn't an easy or overnight process and I turned to other things to fill the empty void but they were unsatisfying and only left me emptier, Christ was truly the only reason that I didn't go crazy, retaliation is never the answer its just continuing the destructive vicious cycle of nothingness and putting another family through the same pain that you experienced and no one wins in that.
The self, then, is not a being in the sense of being a static fact, nor is it mere nothingness.
This huge, blue planet is in existance just so we can be born, live, make a living, have a baby, then die... no connection, no spirit, no soul, no more appreciating the beauty around us, no more being astounded at the improbabilities, no more being amazed at the wonders of life... because none of that has any meaning any more, it's just a bunch of junk that happened accidently... who cares, we're just all going to fade away into nothingness... become one with the dirt, because we are actually no better than the dirt... I don't know about you, but I'm depressed now... but then that's what's great about our country, you can choose to believe or... not... in this... country... that has... no particular meaning... in the grand scheme of thngs... oh, yeah, that's right there is no «grand scheme of things»... so never mind.
In this instance God is not exemplifying what Whitehead calls «the principle of contemporary independence» (Process and Reality, An Essay in Cosmology 96); rather, he is treated as an exception to this principle invoked to save the collapse into nothingness of the past.
As it perishes, however, it is not totally thrust into nothingness.
Yes: man is in fact nailed down — like Christ on the Cross — to a grid of paradoxes... he balances between lie torment of not knowing his mission and the joy of carrying it out, between nothingness and meaningfulness.
Yes i know two counsellors i told one of them about this and i want to know why Jesus Christ without any mercy sends that person to hell forever to suffer and never ever forgives them even though they didn't commit any thing like murder and that also forever you can forgive that person went in minutes of that sin with in a snap of a finger then only why that sin why not give him another life in Earth after forgiving and punishing him for the rest of his sin it is said that god and Jesus Is very merciful then why he is giving such a life sentence that is much more worse than eternal nothingness and why doesn't he punish Satun with eternal nothingness because i think most of the sins in Earth are committed because of him only?
But it's not like one is able to know or experience the nothingness once they are dead.
That would mean there is only one state that could not be known by the perfect knower — total nothingness.
It is important to remember here that we need not argue that total nothingness is a possible state, only that Hartshorne has not shown that it is not a possible state.
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