Sentences with phrase «not obvious pattern»

However, for complex traits there is not obvious pattern from one generation to the next.

Not exact matches

Once Exact Transactions was able to display that data on TV monitors throughout the company and to employee mobile phones, decision makers were able to detect patterns that hadn't been obvious before their ability to see it visualized over time.
They serve the purpose of understanding oftentimes unarticulated and not - so - obvious patterns of insights — which I add — data and analytics can not uncover.
Great article Nial, If markets didn't follow certain patterns and rules then no one would be able to profit (I know i am stating the obvious but this is reality).
To those that may be concerned; I was not talking to Dalahast but making a comment about his quite obvious pattern of behaviour on this blog.
It is obvious not all maintained the pattern of sober, industrious life.
Second, it is trying to more thoroughly explain, and in the light of my Tocquevillian / Liberal Education sociology of middle class music / identity, why the transition from rock n» roll to Rock occurred in the first place, and why it set a certain pattern of middle - class mixtery - music that was doomed from the beginning to fall into its now - obvious mode of Perpetual Repetition.
@hawaiiguest [Re post] Reading all of these posts there is an obvious pattern in that those that don't believe in creationism seem more threatened and less reasoned than those that do.
Such authentic sayings, whose exact wording can not well be reconstructed, whose translation is uncertain, whose out - of - date thought patterns are obvious, are none the less more important historical sources for encountering Jesus» history and person than would be the chronological and psychological material the original quest sought in vain.
The pattern is clear in the Epistles to the Romans, Galatians, Colossians, and Ephesians, and when it has been recognized in these clear examples, it can be traced by analogy in other epistles, where it is not so obvious at first sight; not only in epistles written by Paul but in those written by other authors as well.
Such pattern or meaning is certainly not obvious to everyone.
Some babies might be super vocal and very obvious in their eating patterns, others not so much.
«The pattern was obvious: They were going after me and making me jump through hoops that they weren't making my white male counterparts go through.»
«If you interact with an organ that's better, you can find patterns that aren't obvious
However, a lack of obvious shoreline patterns doesn't rule out the possibility of vast torrents scouring Mars billions of years ago, researchers write in the 1 October Geophysical Research Letters.
Still, it's not obvious how the cortex gene would change wing patterns, says Saccheri.
If a person can not detect a rather precise pattern of warming and pause in warming in the Global temperature record starting in 1880 I can only say that to me the pattern is obvious.
Although the Dietary Guidelines have not come to a dietary pattern recommendation that is substantially different from the pattern they would recommend if the traditional limit of 300 mg / d cholesterol stayed, it seems obvious that the final result is an amalgamation of different interests and viewpoints.
I'm a fan of mixing patterns and it's obvious you're not intimidated by it either.
The patterns are fairly obvious, and now when people hear about the latest craze you see comments like «can't wait to see this near me».
But Tammy's slovenliness, minimum - wage job, and obvious lack of education — she doesn't know what «pattern» means — contrast sharply with details like the good housekeeping of her home, Faxon's zombie - like unflappability, and the mis - typecasting of Allison Janney in soccer - ready Solondz mode as her mom.
It's a wonder that Pollack so readily thinks that the people of Edison will be shocked by what's going on, as F.R.A.T. barely makes any effort to conceal their pattern of illegal behavior, leaving behind obvious clues, doing a poor job of screening their candidates, and the head of the organization himself (Heard, White Chicks) can't seem to have anyone assassinated without doing do in front of dozens of witnesses.
In addition, differences in usage patterns — and therefore people's individual needs — are not obvious during the interdependent stage of an industry's evolution.
We did not find any obvious relationship between alternative patterns of distributed leadership and state test performance of students in each school from 2002/03 to 2005/06.
Create sequences that have a logical pattern that is not immediately obvious, and have students explain the sequence or predict the next item in the sequence.
Instead, it asks them to solve problems they haven't seen before, to identify patterns that are not obvious Read more about What America Can Learn About Smart Schools in Other Countries -LSB-...]
Most people won't get an alignment unless the tires show obvious tell - tale wear patterns, so this is up to you.
If you do not see a pattern of HH HL or LH LL, but instead you see sideways price movement with no obvious general up or down direction to it, then you are probably looking at a range - bound market or one that is simply chopping back and forth.
The proper trading mindset means that you don't expect to win every trade and you wait patiently for obvious trading opportunities to form; you aren't jumping at every little pattern that comes along.
Less obvious signs of pain include changes in sleep patterns, hiding, behavioral issues and aggression, an overall decrease in appetite, and an objection to being brushed or stroked.11 The signs cats may display when they are experiencing pain are widely varied and vague and, even when present, do not provide much information as to the source or cause of the pain.
bombs will always blow up in a pattern, & c. And there are rules that aren't not nearly as obvious.
The intention is to allow everyone to see how each company is performing and highlight trends and patterns which are not always obvious when looking at a spreadsheet.
The carefully selected, closely framed shots made using 35 mm film are filled completely by the seemingly impenetrable, monochromatic patterns of the rainforest flora, and — with the exception of the obvious existence of a camera — do not evoke any kind of human presence.
Model results don't depend critically on resolution — the climate sensitivity of the models is not a function of this in any obvious way, and the patterns of warming seen in coarse resolution models from the 1980s are very similar to those from AR4 or the upcoming AR5 (~ 50 times more horizontal grid points).
@Doug Rusta 35 — It is not obvious that cyclical patterns will evolve over long time scales.
The matter of thresholds, eg where bifurcation takes place and systems can move along diverse paths / patterns, is clearly a very important area and it is not necessarily obvious that such thresholds may emerge directly from model calculations.
What is surprising (and more than a little disturbing) is that obvious problems / errors with Marvel et al were not addressed during peer review; this seems to me a recurring pattern in climate science.
Since this is obvious and can't be disputed, there must be an overriding reason for the pattern.
If it is not immediately obvious the «recent research» analysis about the cold weather is trying to make an argument about weather patterns as an indicator of longer - term climate change.
At Workplace Blog, Paul Secunda reflects that Justice Ginsburg has the better of the argument, because individual pay decisions by themselves may not have obvious discriminatory intent until a pattern is established, which takes time.
Computers analyze such data to look for patterns that might not be obvious, such as a link between a preference for curly fries and higher intelligence.
Computers analyze the data to look for patterns that might not be obvious, such as curly fries pointing to higher intelligence.
Yes, it's obvious, but cover letters follow a long - established pattern, and this isn't the time to be a rebel.
Missing data analyses demonstrated that missingness was due largely to attrition / absence and did not present in an obvious pattern.
Videotaping is a useful tool to allow the therapist to review the session afterwards, to identify patterns not obvious during the session, and to improve his or her own clinical skills.
Adolescent girls often engage in unhelpful relationship patterns that may be obvious to others but not to them.
Tends to fall under the not so obvious negative thinking patterns and the «I can't» tends to fall under the obvious negative thinking patterns both of which I will explain below.
Not so obvious negative thinking patterns are really just a bunch of excuses of indecisive people or people who are afraid to step out for fear that they may fail.
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