Sentences with phrase «not of any particular group»

The religious persecution of the gays is pure bigotry.It's well oast time some churches learned that their particular beliefs do not apply to people not of their particular group.

Not exact matches

A salesperson who pitches your product to wholesale or retail buyers, then passes the sale on to you; differs from the manufacturer's rep in that they don't necessarily specialize in a particular product or group of products.
In particular, these factors include, but are not limited to, the circumstances described in the report on risks and opportunities contained in the annual report of the OSRAM Licht Group.
A Thornlea classmate, Ari Blaff, told CBC News he recalls Minassian was «sort of in the background,» not the center of any particular group of friends.
While it's hard to move between engineering fields in this particular group (you're not going to see many biomedical engineers hop over to textiles), there is a lot of teamwork involving sales, science, and management, making it possible for engineers to move on to those areas later.
Admittedly, we have grouped contradictory fears together to add a bit of humor, but we are not at all passing judgment on any particular concern.
«As to whether this particular group of politicians is going to really achieve that success is not something I can make a particular judgment about.»
This however does not necessarily negate the fact that policies are not available for these organizations, it just so happens that there may be some providers that will not cater to particular groups while others will be able to cover any organization regardless of the type.
However, buyer personas also include specific demographics data and information on aspects such as their online behavior, personal, professional, and relationship with us — that is, you're not interested in a «group of people», but that particular «individual» that turns out to be your «ideal client».
Any mentioning, if any, in a Publication of the risks pertaining to a particular product or service may not and should neither be construed as a comprehensive disclosure nor full description of all risks pertaining to such product or service and the Saxo Bank Group strongly encourages any recipient considering trading in its products and services to employ and continuously consult suitable financial advisors prior to the conclusion of any investment or transaction.
The Saxo Bank Group does not in any of its Publications take into account any particular recipient's investment objectives, special investment goals, financial situation, and specific needs and demands.
Hmmm, maybe God established this set of rules for a particular group of people at a particular time and it isn't meant to be taken literally by us today.
«Tribalism,» as he defines it, is «the commitment of individuals and groups to their own history, culture, and identity, and this commitment (though not any particular version of it) is a permanent feature of human social life.»
Yes, hawaii, and I think quite often they do not realize how ridiculous they sound when one (versus the other) will disenfranchise an entire group of people, yet both will say that particular issue is not really a disagreement because it's not a «central» tenet of Christianity.
If you identify yourself as belonging to a particular group you are then put in the «box» of a particlar belief system, even if you personally do not necessarily agree with all that «group».
I have nothing against christians at all until they get some burr on their ass about how their religious stuff overrules people not of their particular little group.
We eventually left that particular church group, not entirely because of the pastors or the problems, but also because our general beliefs and desires for how the «church» meets, began to change.
The Church of England leaders used Matthew 11:28 - 30 to encourage people to lay their burdens on Jesus and said that sin is the heaviest of burdens and» is not a characteristic of a particular group of people», but the same for everyone.
Naturally, when you preach a sermon like this to a group of people who think God hates filthy Gentile women and leprous enemy soldiers, and that God's ultimate goal for such people is to kill them and send them to burn forever in hell, you will not be the most popular teacher that this particular audience has ever had.
They will often have some sort of «designated driver» to lead the group in a particular direction, but often the leader doesn't really know how to get people «home» or what that «home» is.
As I look back, I recognize that there was a strong culture of silencing dissent, and the group as a whole had very little tolerance for criticism or even just suggestions for change, even where it was not directed at particular people.
It is not working to just vote in new politicians every couple years, and preach fire and brimstone on a particular group of «sinners» that have caught our attention this decade.
Indeed, theologians of every radically monotheistic religion realize that its fundamental commitment to God demands that we express that theistic belief in ways that will render it public not merely to ourselves or our particular religious group.
His text is at points deeply appreciative of liberation theology, not only of its base - community populist group movements but also of particular individuals, like Ignacio Ellacuria, S.J., one of the six Jesuits who was slain by members of the Salvadoran army's Atlacatl battalion and to whom Sigmund's book is dedicated.
Whatever disciplining behavior may mean these days on the part of churches, there are no possible powers except exclusion from the particular group (which, in a heterogeneous society, is not being made a pariah) and possibly influencing public opinion.
Here are a few of those affirmations: all baptized Christians have Spirit - granted charismata assigned to them; offices are a particular type of charismata; there is no ontological difference between officeholders and other members of the congregations; the priesthood of all believers does not divide a congregation into distinct groups (laity and clergy); ordination is a public attestation to the presence of the particular charismata by the whole congregation; ordination is not necessarily an irrevocable appointment to a lifelong task.
Thus, if the commands of one with authority are perceived to lie within what might be called a «circle of permissibility» recognized by the church (or nation), those demands ought not to be considered infringements of liberty even if individuals or entire groups within the church disagree with particular decisions.
We shouldn't be fighting about whether a cross should be standing outside the monument, promoting the interest of any particular religious group.
Um, regardless of how you feel about the Bible, you can't really say this particular church is the brightest group in the bunch.
From a finite set of particular observations one can not derive a universal generalization with certainty (the much debated logic of induction can provide no inferential grounds for making assertions about all cases when only a particular group of cases has been examined).
In quantum mechanics, the idea of probability only applies to groups of systems and not to individual systems; in particular, no measurement exists for the supposed probability property for an individual system.
By not making it about me but Jesus I find that paradoxically I have become more of my true self, letting go of a false self due to social programming and over identification with any particular group.
A refugee is someone who has fled their home country and can not return because of a well - founded fear of persecution based on religion, race, nationality, political opinion or membership in a particular social group.
O'Malley is especially single - minded in eschewing the use of terminology such as «liberal» or «conservative», making the valid point that such broad groupings were not easily identifiable at the time and were often marked by a certain fluidity in connection with particular issues.
There are, in each case, courses of action or attitudes that are considered, according to basic religious principles, or according to tradition or custom within a community of faith, as very specifically not in harmony or actually contrary to the spirit of the particular cult group.
So if you are firmly part of one particular tradition and want to push and promote it on others, this discipleship group will not be a good fit for you.
I think it is poorly written sarcasm not making fun of any particular group because the target is not clearly identified.
But all of this only reinforces my opinion that you should not condemn or judge a particular people group unless you are friends with someone from that people group (which then makes it nearly impossible to judge and condemn them).
If you don't understand which particular group is being spoken of at a particular time / place, you will end up with all sorts of confusion...
This community is not only the particular church group to which we belong, but the whole living body of those who in all times have sought God and been found by Him.
«Islamic State, Boko Haram and other groups represent particular manifestations of a global phenomenon, and it is not clear what our broader global strategy is - particularly insofar as the military, political, economic and humanitarian demands interconnect.»
I haven't been going to one of my church groups recently because I've not felt like being with people, following a particular loss.
Obsessions with place and time are the cancers of those who are unaware that eternal truth is timeless and not limited to any particular location or specially chosen group.
To tell His followers to be mindful of a particular group doesn't necessarily preclude the rest of humanity's responsibility to each other.
It comes from a particular vocal group of naturalists on one side and a much smaller but equally noisy lot of creationists on the other, both of whom have increasingly been declaring their respective philosophical views not merely to be true but to be true in a specifically scientific sense.
20This is not, however, to say that all interest is «biased» or «ideological» in the sense that it expresses, in Ogden's words, «a more or less comprehensive understanding of human existence, or how to exist and act as a human being, that functions to justify the interests of a particular group or individual by representing these interests as the demands of disinterested justice» (The Point of Christology [San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1982], p. 94).
No one but the murderer himself has anything to answer to and it's creepy to suggest that any particular group has to «prove» itself by making some special statement of condemnation that others don't need to make.
Kerek your religious code does not apply to people not of your particular religious group.
If we look at particular groups who are supposed to be representatives of one of the types, we find that there are many ways they do not fit the type at all.
Why wouldn't you (particularly you) take it as a series of historical documents (which they are), that have errors (as all historical documents do), and that relate the experience of a particular community or group?
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