Sentences with phrase «not out of necessity»

While I've curbed my interest enough not to become a serious philatelist, over the years I've bought stamps not out of necessity, but because the design was irresistible.
We frequently exhaust the full panoply of these procedural options not out of necessity but from fear of imperfect justice and complaints to the law society.
That's not to say that there is no place for banjos, kazoos — or scientists — in public life (though I can not think what they might be), but that the idea of them being essential is one ultimately borne out of the immediate problems of politics, not out of the necessity of public policy.
The only thing I go to the store for is groceries — and that is only because I enjoy the process, it is not out of necessity.
Today's outfit features a purchase I wouldn't have made if not out of necessity: a midi skirt!
«For our opposition to be effective, we have to say there is no need for cuts, and that they are being driven by a political imperative, not out of necessity.
Plenty of parents like using baby detergent, though, not out of necessity but because it has a classic smell associated with snuggling a tiny human.
There entire team defends but not out of necessity but it is a part of the team's philosophy.
She is choosing to eat more gluten - free foods, so it's not out of necessity from an allergy or celiac.
3) The Hussman Strategic Growth Fund has gradually shifted from smaller to larger capitalization holdings in recent years, not out of any necessity due to Fund size (at the Fund's current asset level, we could easily populate the Fund with mid-caps if it was optimal to do so), but precisely because large stocks generally carry the best relative valuations.

Not exact matches

We can, and must, do something to expand opportunity for every young person — not simply as a moral imperative but out of economic necessity and competitiveness.
Originally, out of necessity because I didn't have any kind of business partner, I started doing it myself, and I really love it.
«And they don't do it out of a desire to have me be the center of that, but they do it out of necessity, because it would be impossible for them to have a staff meeting every single day to talk about the schedules of 100 - plus athletes.
Most of these businesses are small and born out of necessity — desperation, even — but not all of them.
He innovated, sometimes out of necessity, but often because his own brand of humor didn't yet exist in American pop culture.
Even SoundCloud, one of the most popular streaming platforms on the Internet, has reported that they are quickly running out of cash and exploring potential acquisition deals (not so much out of choice, but by necessity) because artists have no way to monetize their audiences.
«Anything that's not an absolute necessity, kids coming out of school today can't spend their money on,» Cuban said in an interview with Inc. in 2014.
When I get an email from a friend of a friend saying, «I have a financial problem,» it's almost always because they're spending too much on housing, cars, or medical bills — the necessities All Your Worth warns us not to let get out of hand.
The idea that if the US contracted its bilateral deficit with every major country — and if deficit countries like the UK and India don't do anything to shift their policy (they'll remain deficit countries — the UK will do so due to London and India'll do so out of necessity)-- the US current account deficit will fall.
And women, who tend to start businesses out of necessity, are not generally innovation - driven.
Some content marketers write out of necessity which mean that they constantly in a state of practice and it is not attracting prospects but instead just dumping information after information.
I work in not - for - profit marketing so I've learned basic coding out of necessity.
The findings from the Kauffman Foundation, which studies entrepreneurship, suggest more individuals are landing jobs and not opting to start businesses out of necessity — a group referred to as necessity entrepreneurs.
REALITIES OF THE AMERICAN JOB MARKET — 41 % of employed Americans chose to work in a traditional job — 19 % of employed Americans are working in jobs they took out of necessity — 19 % of employed Americans want to find jobs that allow them to be more creative — 9 % of employed Americans have one job to pay the bills and another that allows them to be creative — 9 % of employed Americans identify as underemployed (i.e., their job does not require their level of degreOF THE AMERICAN JOB MARKET — 41 % of employed Americans chose to work in a traditional job — 19 % of employed Americans are working in jobs they took out of necessity — 19 % of employed Americans want to find jobs that allow them to be more creative — 9 % of employed Americans have one job to pay the bills and another that allows them to be creative — 9 % of employed Americans identify as underemployed (i.e., their job does not require their level of degreof employed Americans chose to work in a traditional job — 19 % of employed Americans are working in jobs they took out of necessity — 19 % of employed Americans want to find jobs that allow them to be more creative — 9 % of employed Americans have one job to pay the bills and another that allows them to be creative — 9 % of employed Americans identify as underemployed (i.e., their job does not require their level of degreof employed Americans are working in jobs they took out of necessity — 19 % of employed Americans want to find jobs that allow them to be more creative — 9 % of employed Americans have one job to pay the bills and another that allows them to be creative — 9 % of employed Americans identify as underemployed (i.e., their job does not require their level of degreof necessity — 19 % of employed Americans want to find jobs that allow them to be more creative — 9 % of employed Americans have one job to pay the bills and another that allows them to be creative — 9 % of employed Americans identify as underemployed (i.e., their job does not require their level of degreof employed Americans want to find jobs that allow them to be more creative — 9 % of employed Americans have one job to pay the bills and another that allows them to be creative — 9 % of employed Americans identify as underemployed (i.e., their job does not require their level of degreof employed Americans have one job to pay the bills and another that allows them to be creative — 9 % of employed Americans identify as underemployed (i.e., their job does not require their level of degreof employed Americans identify as underemployed (i.e., their job does not require their level of degreof degree)
Thus, if Jesus Christ speaks of his destiny out of his sense of God's will, and if the resurrection is a vindication of Jesus Christ's sense of God's will, then the language of necessity that dominates our text can not be explained away.
For the unfinished present to attain its fullness in the future, it is not only reasonable that it believe and hope, but it must of necessity, as the very law of its being, hope and believe; otherwise despair which takes the drive and soul out of the struggle will take over.
What we observe in large parts of Africa is what might be called the Haiti Syndrome: entities nominally classified as states which have virtually fallen out of the international economy and which seemingly can not provide for their citizens elementary justice or allow them to provide for themselves the basic necessities of life.
In Kierkegaard's earlier works are found the germ of some of Buber's most important early and later ideas: the direct relation between the individual and God in which the individual addresses God as «Thou,» the insecure and exposed state of every individual as an individual, the concept of the «knight of faith» who can not take shelter in the universal but must constantly risk all in the concrete uniqueness of each new situation, the necessity of becoming a true person before going out to relation, and the importance of realizing one's belief in one's life.
In the name of necessity, or security, or advancement, or just out of cowardice, these people abrogate their individual responsibility and take part in questionable or immoral or illegal activities because they are following orders, or because business demands it, or because if they don't somebody else will, or because it's the only way to get that extra dollar, or because it's simply easier.
And this love is characterized, once again, as qualifying the nature of God's power: «Not that you, Divine Omnipotence and Eternal Wisdom, gave unwillingly, as though compelled by some sort of necessity, but rather that you freely bestowed your love, out of the boundless flood of your loving generosity, upon an unworthy and ungrateful creature.»
The cosmic enterprise is like a great adventure, in which deity moves out towards the creatures — not as if it were only an incidental or accidental act of God, but because God by very necessity of the divine nature itself is constantly outgoing, self - identifying, receptive, and responsive.
One believes in him and follows his laws out of love and gratitude, not because of being compelled by necessity.
I'll try not to fan out too much as I ask my question: I'm reading a book by pastor Jonathan Martin in which he discusses the fact that, in our current culture, fame and notoriety are treated as necessities, while obscurity is considered the kiss of death.
Bohm indeed appears to find not only room for, but, even within physics itself, a necessity for «hidden variables,» which the usual scheme of quantum theory has ruled out as a matter of principle.
There is not a final contradiction here between what love requires and what we accept as political necessities so long as we recognize that the threat of nuclear destruction may help to restrain nations from all out war long enough to allow the growth of a minimal world order under law which can bring the weaponry under control.
Thus the spectacle of persons in Stalin's Russia willingly confessing deeds or words they never committed or spoke, not out of guilt or masochism but out of loyalty to the necessities of the movement's logic which has called for a certain kind of crime to be committed and confessed at a particular point in history.
It helps me realize I am not alone in my aloneness and the necessity of «going out on a limb» in the search for authenticity and truth.
It was not long, however, before one woman's necessity turned out to be another's convenience, and abortion on demand became the order of the day.
Why couldn't we have evolved a conscience out of necessity for living in a successful society?
did not reject the necessity of working on the liturgy and removing it, but he did say, «Only he who cries out for the Jews dare permit himself to sing in Gregorian.»
As I have already pointed out in describing the classical notion of a republic, there is a necessity in such a regime not only for asserting high ethical and spiritual commitments but also for molding, socializing, and educating the citizens into those ethical and spiritual beliefs so they are internalized as republican virtue.
That is, he points out that although the God of process theism «could not create beings possessing the positive capacities of human beings but lacking in libertarian freedom,» the God of traditional theism, not being limited by any metaphysical necessities, could have.
The strength of my belief in the «rightness» of the choice of an abortion given the context of my life and in the necessity for women to have the legal right to make the choice that I exercised enabled me to carry out my decision; but these convictions do not protect me from suffering the consequences of my choice.
Though relativity physics establishes that temporal ordering of causally independent events (contemporaries) depends on one's perspective within the universe, special relativity theory can not rule out universally inclusive experiences of simultaneity (the very meaning of «uni-verse «21) because the necessity of such a cosmic ordering also implies the necessity for relative orderings within the universe.
So the human response to parents, mixed as it is with duty, guilt, and emotional dependency, appears not to arise out of any biological necessity.
Or if one perceives the world as made up of inexorable forces that by pure necessity work out their effects, then the responsibility which Christianity attributes to persons can not be acknowledged.
I took down my charitable giving by $ 300 and took another $ 147 out of activities I don't deem life necessity (one restaurant meal, hair / nails, etc).
reverting to Pullups sometimes when he has accidents (out of necessity — otherwise we wouldn't leave the house)
Mine worked with these substitutions - of - necessity: 1 Baked in 5 ″ x 9 ″ glass loaf pan 2 Used parchment paper, not greased pan 3 ran out of coconut oil so it was 3/4 parts coconut oil, 1/4 olive oil 4 Once again, used Trader Joe's almond meal, didn't have blanched alm flour on hand today Yes, as you commented jgentry, it was the perfect blend of almond and coconut flours so as not to be almond flour dry or c - flour sweet.
Interestingly, it wasn't a genius discovery so much — it was rather born out of necessity.
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