Sentences with phrase «not pure possibilities»

Even «the ultimate evil in the temporal world» concerns how present actualities obstruct past ones (PR 340), not pure possibilities.

Not exact matches

In them we are dealing with «pure» possibilities that have not yet been subjected to the conditions of already completed realizations.
The Primordial Nature is God's eternal envisagement of pure possibility, not unlike Plato's «forms.»
For instance, there are the hermeneutical questions of whether the image of Christ emerging through the glasses of Islamic mysticism is what the Bible or Biblical authors «intended»; If the purpose of the crystallization of the supposed authorial intention or purpose is to connect the ancient and the present «viewpoints» or the worldviews, one may ask if such a possibility of a pure state of intention possible to extract at all, or is it not that the reader often always creates» at least some elements of the supposed «intentions».
For example, it is a general or pure possibility that I might win the 100 - meter dash in the next Olympic Games, but this is not a real possibility given my creaky joints, advancing years, etc. «Real potentiality» refers to those possibilities for the ingression of eternal objects which still remain after one strikes from consideration the impossibilities which the conditions of a given, factual world eliminate from the horizon of any particular actual entity or set of actual entities arising out of that world.
Nevertheless, there are difficulties inherent in the solution.5 It enlarges the scope of what is nontemporally valued to include not only all pure possibilities but also all real possibilities.
Panexperientialism does also speak of «eternal objects,» or «pure possibilities,» which are not physical.
They never really staked themselves on the possibility of a truly pure and independent account of anything anyway, so that to be told that their definitions and descriptions are value - laden, subjective, contextual, and speculative is not the problem it would be for a Continental dualist who accepts still a fact - value distinction and the possibility of purely factual, value - free description.
Why can not possibility be simply an inner mode of pure actuality?
Whitehead was saying there is a grasping at a new possibility, a feeling out, groping, establishing something not just as a result of pure chance.
For we could not think of pure possibilities, if all eternal objects, of which the ideas of mathematics only constitute a subgroup, necessarily had to find an application in nature.
Not some brain crunching, deep philosophical thinking, just pure appreciation of all my abilities and the endless possibilities that come with living.
Dumbledore (Michael Gambon), the wise mentor figure, has a double, his brother Aberforth (Ciarán Hinds), who insists that Voldemort has won the war, and the sibling further hints at the possibility that perhaps his brother and Harry's most important teacher was not the pure figure of the young man's recollection.
In my mind this opens up a really thrilling possibility (and it's important to note that this is pure, wild speculation on my part): It's entirely possible that in this game combat isn't governed by artificial stats like armor or hit points.
Abstraction within the modernist tradition searched for the absolute, for a disembodied realm of pure relations and correspondences, while Atria's interest focuses not on the possibility of approaching pure relations but rather on its impossibility.
«From the beginning we looked upon the term [Zero] not as an expression of nihilism — or as a dada - like gag, but as a word indicating a zone of silence and of pure possibilities for a new beginning as the count - down when rockets take off — ZERO is the incommensurable zone in which the old state turns into the new.»
The fact that GISS shows more warming since 1990 than any other dataset indicates this possibility (and the others are not pure as driven snow here either).
Using pure enough N2 or filtering for specific frequencies NOT related to CO2 & H2O should eliminate those possibilities 2) The change in temperature will change the index of refraction, which could lead to a wavering effect (like you see over hot roads of hot roofs).
It is not the first time we are hearing about possibilities of Android One coming to the U.S.. However, latest rumors bring about an interesting development about this affordable range of Google devices that run a pure bloat - free Android OS.
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