Sentences with phrase «not reach an egg»

Like the myriads of Spermatazoa that don't reach the egg, the rest of our race is now irrelevant.
Pregnancy can not happen when sperm can not reach an egg.

Not exact matches

Hopefully by the time you reach retirement age, you've built up a decent - sized nest egg.
If typical Social Security benefits shrink by the time you reach retirement age and traditional pension benefits recede into history, your best hope is to create your own retirement nest egg.
After nearly seven years in my first job out of college, I reached an initial nest egg about 3.5 times my annual salary at the age of 29.
Better corporate performance means higher profits, which will ultimately mean a larger nest egg when you reach retirement age.
The law says we can kill and eat animals as long as it's done in a safe and humane way, it also says a fertilized egg isn't a human until it reaches 24 weeks.
And as for me not caring about the sperm just because they diddnt reach the egg, I do care its just not immoral because it is 100 % natural that they diddnt make it.
Some female methods of birth control (including the birth control pill / patch / shot and IUDS) do not only attempt to prevent an egg from being released or stop the sperm from reaching the egg.
I was making cookies the other day, had 1/2 the mix in the mixer, reach for an egg and there wasn't any.
Then I don't always follow my own instructional advice — a Swiss meringue is a cooked buttercream where you must «cook» egg whites and sugar in a bain marie (aka double boiler) until the egg whites reach 160 degrees F. and the sugar is completed dissolved.
Add egg whites and sugar, and simmer over a pot of water (not boiling), whisking constantly but gently, until temperature reaches 140 degrees F, or if you don't have a candy thermometer, until the sugar has completely dissolved and the egg whites are hot (you can feel a drop in between your fingers to ensure no granules.).
Heat the egg white mixture until it reaches 160 degrees fahrenheit, whisking frequently so as not to get scrambled eggs.
Milk, oil, water or another liquid?I know that of course one wouldn't be able to reach the exact same consistency but I still I would like to know how and if you've ever «vegan - ised» any recipe that contained eggs.
If the milk and eggs aren't quite warm enough, place them in bowls or measuring cups in a shallow bath of warm water in the sink for a few minutes until they reach the appropriate temperature.
Over a double boiler, in a large metal bowl whisk together the sugar and the egg whites, whisking constantly until the mixture reaches approximately 46ºC and the sugar grains have dissolved and are not longer gritty to the touch.
Stir the milk - egg mixture into the dry ingredients, then stir in the melted butter, mixing until a soft dough forms.Once the oil has reached 350ºF, use a small ice cream scoop to drop about 1 tablespoon scoops of dough into the oil, careful not to overcrowd the pan.
I don't know why, but I always reach for egg whites instead.
Make sure no speck of yellow gets into the bowl of egg whites... Don't pour the bourbon in so quickly that it scrambles the yolks... Gently fold — don't chop — the fluffy whites into the mix... Do NOT shake the nog or you run the risk of incurring froth damage before the tasty toddy has reached its peak.
The QB pipeline isn't dry after him, mind you — four - star prospect Keytaon Thompson got thrown into the deep end when Fitzgerald went down early in the Egg Bowl — but how quickly Moorhead and Fitzgerald can reach the same page will set the bar for 2018.
These birth control methods use synthetic hormones to suppress ovulation, thin the uterine lining so the egg can't implant there, and thicken cervical mucus to block sperm from reaching the egg.
If IPs would like to proceed with a donor and there are other IPs in her queue, the egg donor manager will reach out to the IPs who are first in the queue, ask them if they want to proceed and if they do, they have priority to match with the donor; if they do not want to match with the donor then the matching manager will send the donor to the next IPs who are in queue.
However, in December 2011, because no European agreement had been reached on enforcing the ban on battery cages, the British government announced that it had instead been working closely with the domestic egg industry, processors, food manufacturers, the food service sector and retailers to reach «a voluntary consensus» not to sell or use battery - farmed eggs and help British consumers to avoid buying them unwittingly.
Because it lives intracellularly, it can not easily infect new victims; instead, it needs to hitch a ride in eggs to reach the next generation.
Because Americans consume a variety of proteins to reach 20 percent — mostly from animal foods like eggs and meat in addition to dairy — Hawrylewicz argues that casein may not be harmful if consumed in modest amounts.
After spending a relatively leisurely winter and early spring luxuriating in warm tropical climates, they migrate north for a brief but highly eventful summer in North America, during which they must complete three energetically demanding and time - consuming tasks: (1) they must build nests, lay eggs, and provide for their offspring until the young reach independence, (2) they must completely replace all the feathers in their plumage as part of the annual molt, and (3) they must prepare for the fall southward migration by eating prodigiously and storing the body fat that will fuel their long - distance flights.
Each cage was placed so that the queen could not reach the large cells where she could lay drone eggs but only the small cells where she could lay worker eggs.
They don't reach sexual maturity for two years, and when they reproduce, they must release their eggs in water roughly 1,000 meters (or about 3,200 feet) deep.
The new and improved ouabain was shown to successfully target sperm - cell proteins in rats, effectively hamstringing their ability to swim, so they couldn't reach and fertilize an egg.
Of the remaining 11 females, two did not produce any eggs, two produced unfertilized eggs with no sperm present on the perivitelline layer and seven produced eggs that had been reached by sperm from one male only.
A study published in Human Reproduction found that for young women whose moms stopped ovulating before 45, their number of eggs declined more rapidly than those of women whose mothers didn't reach menopause till age 55.
Heat the egg white mixture until it reaches 160 degrees fahrenheit, whisking frequently so as not to get scrambled eggs.
I love everything about my beloved egg protein powder BUT when the lovely people from Twin Labs reached out to me and asked if I was interested in trying the chocolate whey protein from their new CLEAN SERIES, I couldn't resist.
Even experts can't reach a consensus about whether eggs are healthy.
The addition of methionine to soy isolates greatly improves Soy's BV and nutritional value, though it still does not reach the BV of whole egg or a good whey protein for that matter.
Also maxing out contributions when possible, eliminating debt, avoiding risks with your nest egg, planning for multiple streams of income once retired (social security, pensions, dividends, part time work, etc.) and making catch up contributions once you reach 50 should all be part of everyone's plan.
For example, go to a tool like T. Rowe Price's Retirement Income Calculator, plug in a $ 1 million portfolio and assume an initial 4 %, or $ 40,000, withdrawal that will subsequently be adjusted by the inflation rate, and the calculator will estimate that there's roughly an 80 % chance that your nest egg will be able to sustain that level of withdrawals for at least 30 years, or, if you retire at 65, until you reach age 95, a reasonable planning assumption given today's long lifespans.
But if your nest egg has reached $ 300,000, that same annual return will grow it by more than $ 47,000 over the same period, even if you're not adding new money.
That's still a hefty nest egg, but well within reach of many middle class Canadians approaching retirement age.
You will have a nice nest egg and be able to live comfortably when you reach retirement age.
With the ability to grow and protect your nest egg, FIAs could be the long - term relationship you have been looking for to ensure a steady income stream during retirement.Designed for the long run, FIAs won't break your heart, as you work toward reaching your retirement goals.
But whether you've set $ 1 million as a target or you just want to build the largest nest egg you can, here's how to reach your goal given diminished expectations for returns.
He discusses some simple strategies within Blueprint to Wealth to grow your nest - egg to reach Financial Freedom.
If your nest egg has reached the million - dollar milestone, you are now, in financial industry parlance, considered «high net worth.»
One caveat: while reaching a seven - figure nest egg may be a nice target to aspire to, you need to be careful about getting too hung up on any particular number.
Hitting this figure each month will help you reach your goals more quickly, from getting out of debt to accumulating a nest egg.
To answer that, you'll need to figure out (1) How many years you want the nest egg to last, (2) How much you need to withdraw each period, and (3) How much you are willing to work and save to reach that goal.
«Yet despite upward adjustments in perceptions of what constitutes an adequate nest egg, the vast majority of employees are nowhere near reaching their goals — 75 per cent say they have put aside less than a quarter of what they will need in retirement up, from an average of 73 per cent over the past three years,» the association said.
Investing can help you reach your financial goals, such as paying for your children's college education, passing wealth to loved ones, or building a nest egg for your own retirement.
By the time they reach their early 80s, the nest egg is depleted to zero.
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