Sentences with phrase «not religious people»

The simple minded people I was referring are the people responding to this post who are implying that if you don't believe in religion, then you can't believe in god or some kind of intelligent creator, and not religious people in general.
religious as well as not religious people shouldn't even care about this.
We are not religious people either.
Its not religious people who are ignorant.
Not all religious people try to enforce their beliefs in schools.
Spiritual but not religious people are especially prevalent in the younger population in the United States, although a recent study has argued that it is not so much that people have stopped believing in God, but rather have drifted from formal institutions.
You're right about imposing, but not all religious people are trying to impose their beliefs — many are just trying to share something they feel is important.
Those are not religious people by their own definition.
Spiritual but not religious people are still brain - washed but at least they are not gullible enough to give their money to the child molesters at their church.
Therefore they are not a religious people.
Not all religious people are dumb, its just that most dumb people are religious.»
The study, published in the January edition of the British Journal of Psychiatry, says spiritual but not religious people, as opposed to people who are religious, agnostic or atheist, were more likely to develop a «mental disorder,» «be dependent on drugs» and «have abnormal eating attitudes,» like bulimia and anorexia.
The answer to that question is «yes» for religious people, Deists and Spiritual but Not Religious people and «I'm not sure» for agnostics.
They are not religious people.
I have a better idea, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and Benjamin Franklin were not religious people (Deists, believers in a distant God).
Not all religious people condemn atheists.
Bill Nye is addressing the small number of evangelicals that believe that the world is 6000 years old, not all religious people.
I am not a religious person but I what you do is truly inspiring.
I am not a religious person, but today I am a different person from that experience and very grateful for our young Chaplain friend, «Chris».
Even Einstein, who wasn't a religious person, wrote, «Science without Religion Is Lame, Religion without Science Is Blind».
I'm not a religious person but I think this is great... The pope is a bad * ss.
Why don't all you religious people keep your religion at home and at the place of worship.
Just fyi, I am not a religious person and I believe everyone on this planet has the right to live their life as they see fit as long as they are not hurting others.
Also I said I am not a religious person and that means I do not believe in any of this stuff but I am not going to say it is impossible because I think almost anything is possible so calling me a religious anything is about as empty an insult as anyone can toss my way, read before you insult, oh yes and make sure you retain what you read, that might help you a little.
I am not a religious person and I do not believe that the rapture started on May 21st but I wouldn't expect the end of the world to be a two minute event.
Maitreya fulfills the coming of the teacher under various names, the Christ, the Messiah, Kalki Avatar... but he is an educator, not a religious person.
I am not a religious person so I try to come at this issue from an outside perspective as someone who understands that taking away someones right to believe also harms my right to NOT believe.
Funny this guy is a false prophet, I am not a religious person but during my life I did try to find a religion tried many, and the one verse I always remember is (stay out of her my children) meaning stay out of the gov and not mix - it into your faith, the one religion that sticks to this are jehovah's witness.
By and large, music journalists aren't religious people, and, if the philosopher Max Scheler is to be believed, the non-religious are as able to describe the psychology of religion «as a person totally blind is able to describe the sensation and mood produced by vivid colors.»
«Why can't religious people just have common sense like me?»
I am not a religious person, at all.
PHOODPHITE I noticed quite early that Paul's letters were theologically complex n religious people will often misquote them.
I myself am not a religious person, but before you make comments like there is zero proof to support stories in the bible then maybe you need to actually take the time to research it yourself or even read a real history book.
I feel a sense of awe and humility when I look at it; I would even consider it a sacred object even though I am not a religious person.
I'm not a religious person, but why are those atheists doing that?
I'm not a religious person, but I believe this paints an even worse picture of christianity in the public's eye even though it's only a small minority of the religion doing this.
I am not a religious person, so things like «Command,» «Faith,» and «Prayer» don't really do it for me.
I'm not a religious person, but I'm going to take 5 minutes to pray that God puts some sense into this idiot.
In a recent interview, Santiago said he was «not a religious person,» but felt an obligation to depict Clemente accurately: «I know as a society Puerto Ricans are very religious... mostly Catholic Christians.
Also, I'm not a religious person.
I'm not a religious person by any stretch, but this yahoo needs to go have a separate ceremony by himself.
I am not a religious person but I believe we are meant to be here for a higher purpose, maybe there is a GOD or a being in the universe that is older and wiser that we can possibly imagine.
I'm not a religious person, but I grew up in a religious home and don't recall the bible saying that it was good to judge and insult others.
I am not a religious person, either is my husband.
I am not a religious person in the slightest, but I often find myself pausing between channel changes when I come across Osteen's show.
While I am not a religious person myself I realize there is more to the picture than what many would have us believe.
Why can't you religious people just be stand up guys and gals because you want to be that way?
you are very good person i was looking over all the questions and your answer is divine i am not religious person i like the word divine you are very good empath nice to have you my dear we need more of us on planet earth, thank you
I am not a religious person, but if you asked me how I felt after birthing my daughter, I would have responded that «I now know there is a God.»
Even if you are not a religious person, it's a great place for ideas.
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