Sentences with phrase «not revulsion»

Squeamishness, if not revulsion, is the effect the artists are looking for.

Not exact matches

On the corporate side, Facebook, which is not known for being an open platform, has developed such a reputation for privacy violations that the launch of its Messenger app was met with a huge wave of revulsion, even though the permissions being requested were really pretty standard.
The «uncanny valley «phenomenon, coined by famed Japanese robotics pioneer Masahiro Mori, postulates that as facial features look and move almost, but not exactly, like natural beings, they cause a response of revulsion among some observers.
Therefore, it does not aim to out - argue its opponents, but to shame them, to drive them from the field in ignominy, to make them figures of ridicule, moral indignation, and revulsion.
Then my reactions would probably show some revulsion towards your mental shortcomings even though they are probably not your fault.
It goes without saying that the Psalms must be understood according to the canons of poetry, in which the point is often not to convey information or to argue grammatically and logically, but rather to express feelings of longing or anguish, adoration or revulsion through imagery, the juxtaposition of images and ideas, crescendos and climaxes of intensity.
I do understand why the sight of two homosexuals holding hands at a concert might have turned the stomach of a hardworking, dedicated churchwoman I know who has never in her life committed an act or espoused a position that her family, church, and society at large couldn't warmly approve; still, it's hard to forgive a human revulsion that won't question itself.
The charge of blasphemy expresses not so much a rational judgment as a passionate, almost instinctive, revulsion of feeling against what seems to be a violation of sanctities.
But when married couples use contraception, divorces are common even among Christians, and premarital sex is not the grave taboo it once was, where is the rationale for keeping up a barrier against same - sex relations, other than misplaced fear and xenophobic revulsion?
If the problem of sustaining this human impetus does not trouble the theorists I have referred to, it is, I suppose, because they assume that cases of revulsion will be as exceptional in the future as they have been in the past — that a sufficient degree of physical health or euphoria will maintain vital pressure at a positive level, moderate but adequate, within the human mass.
Sifton never mentions any of this, but Niebuhr's strident opposition to Roosevelt's preparations for war helps us to grasp the revulsion against war that his generation felt after World War I. Even for Niebuhr, Moral Man and Immoral Society did not lead straight to the interventionism of 1940; he had had to struggle for eight years to get there.
We have a natural revulsion to the idea of checking people's BMI before accepting them into the Church, especially when obesity is not necessarily reflective of gluttony (often, in this country, it is a result of poverty), and when we know from our own experiences or the experiences of those we love that an unhealthy weight can result from a variety of factors — from genetics to psychological components — and when some of our favorite people in the world (or when we ourselves) wrestle with a complicated relationship with food, whether it's through overeating or under - eating.
The revulsion I speak of is not war - weariness or relativism; it is a recovery of the New Testament.
I heard a man shouting out stereotypes and revulsion toward gays and especially toward children who don't fit his version of masculinity and femininity.
We have noted that we are witnessing today a violent revulsion from traditional sexual morality which it is felt did not do justice to the nature of man.
I would like to try it again, in theory, just to see if we get a different result but don't think I can get past the revulsion left in my memory.
The wave of revulsion we are all witnessing will not subside until we, as a nation take the necessary next steps.»
The political dimension enters because there was popular revulsion against weapons which most people did not understand; very few people have direct experience of being gassed, for example.
Why wouldn't fresh elections, occurring against this sequence of events, produce a revulsion against both Labour and the Tories and a further Lib Dem surge?
«In this way, porn is utilitarian, and because we are taught not to speak openly of the utility to which we put it, pornography can hit our naughty bits without doing much else, aside from tugging on our heartstrings with the shame, anger, and revulsion that cultural stigmas bring to the party.»
«I share the horror and revulsion at recent atrocities... but I'm not convinced air strikes will increase our security in Brtiain... On the contrary the evidence suggests it will make matters worse... the attacks are an incredibly effective recruiting agent [for Isis]»
But the popular revulsion at the unfairness of Inheritance Tax is so strong that this does not apply.
Cameron's steadfast support of Miller just wasn't enough in the face of hostility from Conservative MPs, contempt from party members and revulsion from the general public.
Once toads arrived, and people began to realize that many of their beloved native species were not really affected, the revulsion against toads began to decrease.
Despite its title, Revolt isn't a movie that will incite either revolution or revulsion in viewers.
Much of the revulsion to the film is little more than backlash for the «American Idol» pop star oversaturation, not wanting what has become a national obsession on the small screen to start spilling over onto the big.
Forced to watch Juno a second time under circumstances I prefer not to confess, I found myself turning away in revulsion at best.
It's not a bitter satire like Dr. Strangelove, but this hilarious 1966 comedy took advantage of a similar shift in sentiment: the revulsion against the potential for a world destroyed by superpower conflict.
, in which Will Ferrell comes up with additional ways to couch his revulsion towards fellating Matt Walsh, who doesn't quite possess Ferrell's improv prowess — at least in this scenario, with his pants down in front of a sniggering crew.
In A Fantastic Woman, Marina isn't just grieving the loss of her man Orlando (Francisco Reyes)-- she suddenly must grapple with his bigoted family, including his scorned ex-wife, who feel betrayal and revulsion at the fact that this transgender woman wants to insert herself into their funeral arrangements.
Often campy, the movie isn't, until its end, campy enough, turning its final sting into more a confirmation of the sobriety of its build than the release of revulsion that I suspect was the intention.
As the women of the Northern Minnesota iron mine encounter humiliation after humiliation at the hands of some of their male co-workers, the movie manages to elicit a gut reaction of shock and revulsion but not much beyond that.
United 93 is a heavy, draining experience, not only due to the emotions of the moment, but for people that have chosen to block out what it was like to live through that day of insanity and revulsion.
The violence is plentiful and invites a mixture of revulsion and amusement, not least because it is usually overlaid by Walter Carlos's mad reinterpretations of classical standards.
What we haven't seen to any real extent is «revulsion
Revulsion is not based so much on fear or panic, but instead on despair and disillusionment.
In November 2009 article titled Only White Swans on the Road to Revulsion James Montier makes the argument that that the housing bubble and the crisis following its collapse was not an unforeseen event but rather the result of over optimism and the illusion of control, two classic human behavioural mistakes.
Yes, I should expect this, but yet I can not help the revulsion and SHOCK I am feeling.
What is most striking about her full length portrait of another male critic, John Perrault, is not only that he poses nude, like an odalisque, but that she doesn't disguise the revulsion she feels at the sight of his hirsute body.
SYNTHETIC SEDUCTION explores how technology is striving to bridge the gulf of the uncanny valley (the notion that humanoid objects that appear almost, but not exactly, like real human beings elicit uncanny feelings of eeriness and revulsion in observers) to make personal devices as life - like as possible.
But Dada sprung from revulsion for the culture that devolved into World War I. And although Rauschenberg worked all sorts of topical details into his work, some momentous, some not, his work continues to radiate a love of the real, in all its perishability, utterly different from the Dada spirit.
[6] In 1967 as part of the group's Angry Arts Week, Golub organized The Collage of Indignation, a collaborative work by over 150 artists which he described as «not political art, but rather an expression of popular revulsion
Our instinctual revulsion towards our waste products is natural, and there's a survival imperitive for its existence, but we should be intelligent and aware enough to realize that our waste is actually needed to be wisely treated, and that is not synonymous with «washed awaw with clean drinking water» or «left to ferment and seep into our water table».
The idea of warmer climates doesn't produce anger, revulsion or disgust.
Not only are most of them poorly paid, Ms. Jeethan said, but the revulsion people feel for accused criminals is transferred to their lawyers.»
A simple and relatively neutral UI won't accidentally generate a sense of revulsion, so that over the long haul — delivered across the world through many different cultures — a relatively simple and slowly evolving UI actually might help Apple sell more devices.
All said and done, the Moto E remains a plain and ever so slightly tubby Jane — it won't make people faint with revulsion, but it won't attract too many second glances, we are afraid.
Tech buyers of a certain age will most likely recoil in revulsion upon hearing the name Bush, a company which is perhaps best known as a purveyor of cheap and often not - so - cheerful electronics during the 1980s, and is now owned by the parent company of Argos.
I'm saving my revulsion for when I adjourn to the nature strip again, this time with a stick, to scrape the rest of the dog poo out of the crevices of Sprog 1's sandal that the wet grass didn't reach.
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