Sentences with phrase «not shame on»

If the puppy gets into things it's not supposed to and you're in another room, then shame on you, not shame on the puppy.»

Not exact matches

The memo mentions the crowdsourced anti-Breitbart campaign known as «Sleeping Giants,» which encourages Twitter users and those on other social networks to shame large companies into not doing business with Breitbart.
I can't say I've seen a lot of eagerness on anyone's part within the funding power structure to do that, though, and that's a shame.
Earlier this month, that fuse got significantly shorter once the President weighed in on the issue, as he publicly shamed companies that are not collecting their fair share of local taxes.
If you don't, shame on you.
If you aren't aware (and if you're not, shame on you) Dave is the founder of Foo Fighters.
We're not exactly sure what that means, but we're definitely sure that no one who works on Wall Street is familiar with the concept of shame.
This way, you are not dealing with shame head - on, or catering to modify or amputate it in any way (which only amplifies the shame further.)
Trust me, there isn't a single person on earth who hasn't gone through the experience of shame in their life, whether in a one - time instance or as a constant companion.
The debacle led to widespread ridicule of the company — «The Force Is Not Strong With Emotiv's Epoc,» «Watch Emotiv's Performance Anxiety,» and «The Trade Show and Demo Hall of Shame» were among the headlines on gaming sites.
And by making a corporation the public face of shame for the crisis, the U.S. government can hang on to its record of not having criminally charged one single Wall Street exec for the crisis.
After much public shaming, Equifax backed up on some terms, but not before demonstrating that its first instinct was to gouge consumers and profit off the hack of its own system.
This is a shame, because, as I have previously mentioned on CoinDesk, Canada is an attractive environment for bitcoin entities to set up operations since our country does not have, for example, the state - by - state money transmitting regulations that currently exist in the US.
If you're not really into personal finance, it is very hard to figure everything out on your own and that's a shame.
This is not what Treasury Secretary Paulson is acknowledging, and shame on him for it.
I had more than one guidance counsellor admonish me for not trying harder in school, suggesting that «it would be a shame if a smart boy like you ended up working on an assembly line.»
It would be a shame if set - it - and - forget - it retirement income products like annuities were viewed as risky because they pay advisors a commission, or if providers felt that they needed to pay ongoing fees on products that don't necessarily require ongoing advice.
In situations where organizations have sales teams that are not kept entirely busy by the marketing department, (shame on you!)
Shame on me for not looking more closely.
Shame on those who can not admire a teenager who continued to compete without compromising what he believes in.
Without the guilt and shame and fear we wouldn't want Him to work on us.»
No, he's not a gentleman, and shame on his parents for instilling a belief system that treats women like inferior creatures.
But it is such a shame that we can't have intelligent conversation and have no means for rounding up the toddlers and putting them to bed with their dirty diapers on.
Shame on you for implying that others who do not buy into this are somehow not as good as you claim to be.
Christians should be the first to denounce people like Phelps and the fool that «put the Koran on trial» and burned it in order to cause crap — they don't represent Jesus BUT their actions combined with words claiming to be followers of the Nazarene bring shame on those who do follow Jesus.
A: «Shame on Mormonism is correct - not only are they against blacks and gays, but women have few rights in this religion.»
Shame on Mormonism is correct - not only are they against blacks and gays, but women have few rights in this religion.
The number one issue is abortion on every agenda, yet this is an issue which is not stopped by legislation, it is stopped by attacking poverty, by increasing love for children, by accepting everything a sinner does — instead the goal is secular laws, shaming women with ultrasounds.
I know that on my deathbed, I want someone who will listen, not someone who will take every last - ditch effort to guilt / shame / force beliefs.
He did not condemn Jesus or the Bible, but just like Jesus Himself, He did cast shame on those who called themselves faithful to God yet whose behavior did not reflect this.
The scripture dealing with Judas having been better off not being born, simply relates to the shame he will feel in due time when he is resurrected on earth to find earth's billions acknowledging him as the betrayer of the world's saviour, yikes!!
Shame on the Professor for belittling the student... his ignorance, narrow mindedness and bullying are not traits that I would want in a spiratual teacher at any time in my life, let alone in my final hours!
And shame on the Imam who would not take a question from a gorgeous blond but who stared at her in his response to the male reporter without ever looking at the male reporter!
Shame I wasn't on the jury to add a measure of common sense to their feeble / incomplete interpretation of the law.
Who are the people holding up signs (on national television, without a shred of shame) saying «Don't Re-Nig»?
When men, who have agency and voice, are silent against the sexual predation of women, they not only contribute to the shame that victims feel, they empower the predators who use wealth and power to continue their assault on our sisters created in the image of God.
I, too, commend Father Maturi, and shame on Mayor Williams and Chief Hughes for not stepping up sooner.
Shame on you.Deportation of muslims will not work legally.
Shame on the search engines for now not positioning this put up higher!
This year, however, you have the opportunity to not just provide food for someone on Thanksgiving Day, or presents for someone on Christmas Day, but to rescue a young girl from horror, shame, and fear.
It's a shame that religious people don't get that moment of clarity when they die that they were wrong and wasted their lives on utter stupidity.
You must be perfect to pass so much judgement on others you don't know, shame we have ignorant people like you who are allowed to cast their vote.
The procrastination, cheating and lying we do later on in the «real world» often get overlooked, but when they don't we bleed rivers of shame.
It was buried, not in shame, but in an honest act of moving on.
I think you are totally right in saying that most people do not even realise what is really going on, and the ones who do, generally leave — and are subjected to shame for it.
Christians may not all be able to agree on whether abortion should be legal, but we should be able to agree that shame is not a feeling we should seek to induce, at the legislative level or elsewhere.
If you don't see that the RCC has given itself its own bad name then shame on your for turning a blind eye to all the damage they have done and all the children they have let down.
I set your house on fire, shame you weren't in it when I set it off.
For most of us, there would be a label of shame placed on a man who has a child with a woman and not taking care of both.
I am doing my Master's thesis on the concepts of honor and shame as a primary social value of the NT world.
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