Sentences with phrase «not small humans»

To a dog, a kid isn't a small human as much as they are rambunctious, emotional critters that do things adult humans wouldn't think of doing.

Not exact matches

Speaking of cards, businesspeople get a lot of prefabricated ones and what - not, so small gestures that create real human connections can have an outsized impact.
As a small business owner, though, you probably don't need a full - time accountant or human resource manager.
They're typically smaller than rockets that launch satellites and people into space, but structurally, the missiles aren't too different — which is why militaries pay close attention to countries that develop human - spaceflight programs.
A small business's human resource management needs are not of the same size or complexity of those of a large firm.
The purpose of the disaster film is not to make small conflicts bigger but to make big ones smaller - to reduce unthinkable catastrophes to a human scale.
There was a very small chance it could hit a human, but thankfully it didn't.
«Horrific mass killings receive the most media attention, but as can be seen by the numbers, they only represent a small portion of the total costs - human and medical - of gun injuries in the United States,» said David Hemenway, director of the Harvard Injury Control Research Center in Boston, who was not involved with the study.
Often in small businesses, a human resource department is not a priority.
The idea of basic income — in which the government gives all citizens a small monthly stipend — has grown popular in tech circles, not in the least because it's seen as a possible solution to the looming problem of robots, artificial intelligence, and automation taking jobs away from human workers.
The biggest hurdle to achieving total autonomy: handling a small percentage of scenarios that a human understands and a car does not.
@ Concert: «I believe like a child that suffering will be healed and made up for, that all the humiliating absurdity of human contradictions will vanish like a pitiful mirage, like the despi.cable fabrication of the impotent and infinitely small Euclidean mind of man, that in the world's finale, at the moment of eternal harmony, something so precious will come to pass that it will suffice for all hearts, for the comforting of all resentments, for the atonement of all the crimes of humanity, for all the blood that they've shed; that it will make it not only possible to forgive but to justify all that has happened.»
Considering the human spectacle today, forty years after the document whose widespread rejection reportedly broke Paul VI's heart, one can't help but wonder how he might have felt if he had glimpsed only a fraction of the evidence now available — whether any of it might have provoked just the smallest wry smile.
I believe that throughout most of our early human history, when our species population was still relatively small, you simply didn't see rampant homosexuality.
The whole of God's way in the world can not be written on the small screen of one human heart.
But leaving aside all thought of systematization, is it not true that every day a multitude of human souls are created in the course of an embryogenic process in which scientific observation will never be able to detect any break however small in the chain of biological phenomena?
For Christians exile has been not only a condition forced upon a small group of people but a state into which everyone was called by God for their human maturation — a place of formation, where attitudes and motivations were molded by a community without earthly roots.
i think refusing to see another human as an equal is a sin, refusing to acknowledge that children are small versions of adults and have a lot of insight on things is a sin... but loving another of the same gender isn't a sin, it's love.
I just do nt get why god gets a pass philosophically when we immediately condemn a human when they do pretty much the same thing but on a much smaller scale.
He turned his light on it, expecting to see a small mammal but instead, «couldn't quite understand what I was seeing,» That's because human eyes were never meant to rest upon the South American Goliath birdeater — a spider that measures one foot across, with a body the size of your fist and two - inch fangs.
Though on a smaller scale than in the early «80s, political killings still go on, yet not one ranking military officer has ever been tried for human rights violations — not even in the Romero case, despite the unassailable evidence implicating (then Major) Roberto D'Aubuisson and his cohorts.
... one can change human institutions, but not man; whatever the general effort of a society to render citizens equal and alike, the particular pride of individuals will always seek to escape the [common] level... In aristocracies, men are separated from one another by high, immovable barriers, in democracies, they are divided by a multitude of small, almost invisible threads that are broken every minute and are constantly changed from place to place.
Darwin's famous scientific theory is anything but a small, insightful, steppingstone to understanding the reality that humans, (wither they believe in it or not), exist in.
So, it was not just the small group of Jesus» followers who were confused about the future; many in Roman society were searching for a system of meaning that would make sense out of their experience of human life.
If it is kept small enough and relevant enough to its members needs, it can be a wonderful (albeit not without problems, us humans being who we are) experience.
This new and developing form of human consciousness is still far from universal, but the world that we each create in our heads1 (our mental picture of reality) is now being constructed rather differently, by absorbing innumerable bits of knowledge and information from all over the world, not just from our own small locality.
They are a small but important minority who can not tolerate having their human needs for food, shelter, work, and companionship satisfied unless they can at the same time be mutinously hostile at the personal or institutional provider.
It's not just that it would be much too small for any human being to see - theorists predict that it will weigh billions of times less than a typical dust particle, and will have only the briefest of lives.
That was a nonsense, because baptism was the new circu - mcision of the human heart, much better than the circu - mcision of a small human limb, which is not responsible for our inner decisions.
I won't ever understand how people could actually believe that something so massive, complex, and beautiful was actually started by some magical chance of a random explosion, and that humans somehow evolved from some small celled organism that happened to be created out of the explosion.
The part of God that finds itself in the second half of the «Am / Am not» equation explodes into an infinite number of units smaller than the whole — what Walsh calls «spirits» — and these spirits (what human beings are) have the same power to create that God has.
The Wonder of nature does not become smaller because one can not measure it by the standards of human moral and human aims.»
Amusingly, Gregory focuses on the nose, metaphorically viewed: if it is too small, the counselor may not discern the stenches of human existence, but if too large, even as big as a «tower of Lebanon overlooking Damascus» (Cant.
But we have to set against this the fascination of the small, so that in itself, the size of insects doesn't explain much about human attitudes toward them.
Shame implies the peculiarly human concern with self - perfection, guilt the sense of personal responsibility, whereas awe recognizes powers not under human control and beyond human comprehension, before which we feel shamefully small.
madtown, The evolutionary process that effect His will is not interventionary in its process, it follows the law of nature, God is not Human, we are only part of Him, our wisdom is infinitesimaly small, The reason is beyond us, just like History, it is only after thousands or millions of years that we understood why it happened, for example, Why the dynasours got extinct, millions of years ago, to pave the way for smaller animals and ultimately humans, Thats why to apply the present human logic on history is illogically simpliHuman, we are only part of Him, our wisdom is infinitesimaly small, The reason is beyond us, just like History, it is only after thousands or millions of years that we understood why it happened, for example, Why the dynasours got extinct, millions of years ago, to pave the way for smaller animals and ultimately humans, Thats why to apply the present human logic on history is illogically simplihuman logic on history is illogically simplistic.
Try not to think of God as a human king kind of thing, but really really really big and really, really, really small.
Well believers or not, lets say that all living things «plants, small animals and humans» were to attempt to join as one, reproduce, how long would life exist?
However, the fullness of what we experience in the human race, «not only the occasional rare and truly selfless individuals that there are, but the thousand small, routine acts of kindness that enable every society to run reasonably smoothly», simply can not, be based solely on the human genetic make - up.
Some of the lowest quality grain goes into animal feed - you don't want to buy grain to make your daily bread at a feed store, from accounts it is prone to be less clean than grain intended for human consumption and often has small stones in it which can damage many mills.
This sounds like the perfect meal solution for those days where I am weary of the constant need to feed small humans, and have not been able to bring myself to think of dinner until 5:30 pm.
A quote from this small chapter: Meat, which humans have been eating and relishing for a very long time, is nourishing food, which is why I suggest «mostly plants, not «only».
I don't currently feed any small humans regularly but the whole book seems very kid - friendly to me, with many fast & healthy vegan takes on familiar favorites.
Curt Schilling got a massive Jesus tattoo on his arm... Gronk is officially an investor in the racehorse named after him... Guy Fieri admitted he doesn't actually like everything he eats on Diners, Drive - ins & Dives... A train carrying millions of pounds of human waste has been stuck in a small Alabama town, preventing the people from spending any time outside... The expansion Golden Knights are now betting co-favorites to win the Stanley Cup.
Don't compare a child to another when they are small; wait until they're in their 30s and determine what kind of human being they became.
At the end of this week, your body begins to produce small amounts of the pregnancy hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), which can sometimes (but not always) lead to early pregnancy symptoms like tender, swollen breasts and fatigue.
But all this work of molding these small humans does not get noticed with paychecks or praise but with moments that reflect what quality human beings they are turning out to be.
Of course, there is the obvious consequences of pushing a small human out of of your body and then there are the not - so - obvious consequences like stretch marks, cellulite, lumps, bumps and a belly that either hangs over the top of your pants or you have to... tuck it in.
While it is possible for a woman to physically or psychologically be unable to breastfeed that sub-section of woman is statistically small — most certainly not 87 % of woman or the human race would not have made it very far.
Feeding straight animal milk was often associated with severe illness and death of the baby, either because the milk was not clean due to lack of refrigeration or infected with tuberculosis, or the ingredients were unsuitable for human infants, present in too large or too small quantities.
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