Sentences with phrase «not smiling at»

Despite public outcry, the nutjobs went ahead and released it to the public a few days back and boys (especially me) are not smiling at all.
Do not smile at people as a defense mechanism to cover up your discomfort or to seem pleasing.
How can we not smile at titles like Slim for Him?
The sentimental «Touch me touch me Jesus / Jesus I am on your side» of the crowd and the inflated «Hey JC, JC won't you smile at me?
Who wouldn't smile at a nice, rich chocolate bundt cake!
Do not answer their calls, do not smile at them, but keep a straight façade and ignore them.
Cameron does not smile at that.
I was so humiliated by the «trashy» half - tooth that I barely spoke in the days between the accident and the dental appointment — and I did nt smile at all.
i didn't smile at all times but there is one thing i'll admit i did..
If they don't smile at this display, they're probably not on the same page.
Drinking Up Inspiring Words Who hasn't smiled at the memory of a favorite teacher, student, or teaching moment?
And can any reformer look at the coming Janus Supreme Court case and not smile at the prospect of the NEA and AFT having dramatically less money to spend on politicians who put the interests of adults over the needs of kids?
That's part of why I find her so dislikeable — don't smile at somebody and then put a knife in their back.
It's difficult to not smile at the prospect of a thirteen - second Mustang priced in the mid-twenties.
Who wouldn't smile at this picture?
Almost like characters from a cartoon, these pieces are hard to not smile at.
Who wouldn't smile at the sight of this big rubber duck floating down the river.

Not exact matches

Perth's business community could not help but smile at former Saatchi and Saatchi executive creative director Michael Newman's opening comments to a WA Business News branding awards lunch last week about «the law of simplicity».
Unlike popular perception, coworking does not necessarily mean you automatically have to fake a smile at dozens of strangers you have no intention of befriending.
According to Feldman - Barrett, smiling at a customer service counter might not be the perfect reaction for every person.
Don't get me wrong: I'm an incredibly competitive player, but I want to play, win, and still smile at the end of the day, like Branson.
Unfortunately, unless you're plugged into a car battery, this smile is hard to fake and hold, because for most people it isn't easy to control the related eye muscles at will.
You spend the week saying goodbye to coworkers you've enjoyed working with (you smile at those you didn't).
Not all industrial kitchens come with a microplane, so Chef Nina Clemente, owner of The Smiles di Alba in Los Angeles and summer chef at The Standard Plaza in New York City, has taken to bringing her own when she caters in someone else's space.
But I'm not much for small talk around the office; I just do my best to smile and grunt «hello» at people when I arrive in the morning.
They may not be able to make you feel as if you've just hitched a ride on a unicorn for a jaunt through a lollipop forest, but they hope to at least nudge the edges of your office face into a bit more of a smile.
«Lots of times when I just can't think of anything else because I am so burnt out, I take my phone out and look at all the little videos and the pictures and put a smile of my face and just collapse,» Clinton said.
As a sole proprietor of a travel consulting service and as a free - lance writer, I can guess at some of the reasons for failure: Undercapitalization Undercapitalization Undercapitalizaton Oh yes, then there is the fact that lots of folks just don't have the entrepreneurial personality, that can come up smiling in the face of crushing defeats (ask any real estate agent).
For the moment, at least, she still isn't talking about the affair with Trump (though she'd done her share of television appearances in which she smiled knowingly when the question came up).
«She looks at me and doesn't crack a smile — expressionless — and says, «I am really not that friendly.
I can't look at him without getting an immediate smile on my face.
When I look at companies trading under an 18 PE ratio these days, I can't restrain my smile.
A technique so sublime that as you read about it you are both mad (that you didn't think of it), but smiling at the sheer brilliance of it.
Black and white and Persian and Korean they come, not to mark the occasion of death, but to get where they are going — to pick up bulgogi from a nearby street cart, or fill a prescription at the Shoppers Drug Mart, or to make it to an appointment with the dentist whose office sits under the image of a broad smile just down the block.
I had in my heart and tongue the Name of Allah when ever I had fears, troubles or depression of any kind but from Jan 05 1995 when had lost my father and second brother in a car accident, it was the time I really felt am alone at age of 33 to face all the challenges my father has left upon me to run and manage among other partners therefore had been investigating the Quran as to understanding every word of it rather than to memorize it, have been did a lot of reciting verses of prayers begging God to look upon me and give me strength... am sure through such difficult times if I had no faith in God I would have perished and lost every thing long ago... Another thing my heart always gave me signs and my mind gave me logic of what to believe although have read many books abroad in my youth of many beliefs out of curiosity but could not belief in other than that God is one and Muhammed is his last prophet in all belief of the Quran he brought upon me / us in all that it says... Should mention at times had experienced dreams seeing signs and warnings long in advance of things going to happen A year or more before losing my father in a car accident I had seen him in my dream good bye wearing white cloth and going to board a tourist ship all crew dressed in white uniform rolling a red carpet on front of him and when was on the top of the stairs weaver smiling good bye... seen in another dream how or wealth will be stolen and what I will hold... so many things like that..
There are those who think that the Christian religion is what we should smile at rather than hold fast, for this reason, that, in it, not what may be seen, is shown, but men are commanded faith of things which are not seen.
In this case, smiling is not just inappropriate; it could also deflect from the urgent task at hand.
I was joking with someone in church on Sunday that if I haven't offended at least one person in a week, then I think I am going soft — they smiled;).
If the protesters» smiles are aimed at ameliorating that unwarranted «pro-lifers hate women» meme, it won't work.
So the guy looks at his slice, looks back at God — who never ceases to smile at him — looks back to the pie, and then sits and brings his hand up to shield his face so he doesn't have to look at God as he eats his pie...
That reminds me of my comparison of the Christian Industrial Complex and how they sell Jesus (like Apple sells ipods), the top down organization, not questioning those at the top, putting a smile on your face no matter what b / c life is perfect with Jesus, and now the patent on exclusive rights!
Yet they tend to reinforce an image of the Church as dusty do - gooders whom you might smile at but aren't part of a movement to which you would give your life.
I'd say the craziest, stupidest stuff, trying like hell to get a raise out of people, and not only would I not get one, I'd for the most part be completely ignored — smiled and nodded at, and then just waved on through into my seat in the megachurch.
I am a survivor and it will not bother me at all if you smile in your picture at the Vietnam war memorial.
I want to be in my Subaru, smiling up through the roof not at Christ but at blue trimmed with clouds.
Rich with the sap of the world, I rise up towards the Spirit whose vesture is the magnificence of the material universe but who smiles at me from far beyond all victories; and, lost in the mystery of the flesh of God, I can not tell which is the more radiant bliss: to have found the Word and so be able to achieve the mastery of matter, or to have mastered matter and so be able to attain and submit to the light of God.
Since then I haven't stopped smiling at people in the street.
«Not at all,» smiled Jesus as he reached for the door handle to the shop, «Most roads don't lead anywhere.
Maybe the response to that frequently is either a smile or laughter because let's face it, what one of us hasn't felt that way at times or at least been tempted to feel that way?
I can't say this is true for all but a can say that many live everyday smiling at the fact that something «eternally» bad will happen to those who they don't approve of.
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