Sentences with phrase «not suggested»

I have not suggested any techniques, this not being a story in which the names don't matter, but the way of telling.
No «moralistic arguments» were made, and it was not suggested to the children that they abstain from sex until marriage.
In my opinion, and the opinion of many others, religion is nothing more than a tool, created by mankind (not suggested by god) thousands of years ago to do nothing more than control people through force and fear.
And he's not suggested his shareholders swap their Berkshire stock for Vanguard index funds, either.
I wasn't too crazy about this feature, since it often didn't suggest an app I wanted to use.
I'm not suggesting that Rob ignore what competitors are doing.
I'm not suggesting you intentionally make mistakes.
Our mutual friend later asked why I hadn't suggested that Clarence just tell the bank he'd erred, and have him produce a corrected balance sheet.
And while we don't suggest you'll necessarily have the resources to do exactly what White did, there's still a lesson here: «Spend time on your plan.
We do not suggest otherwise.
While I am not suggesting that you dilute truthful ads to avoid the wrath of incredulous viewers, you need to be aware of the realities of online advertising and ensure that all of your ads appear professional and credible.
But Mahaney said the acquisition doesn't suggest that Whole Foods was in an especially weak state.
I'm not suggesting depriving yourself of all the tasty treats, but if you go to the gym, you'll feel less guilty when you indulge.
I'm not suggesting that you don't address your concerns or squelch your emotional responses.
«I'm not suggesting this is a pause for breathe, but it seems as if it's more than that.
I am not suggesting that you should throw in your job at the drop of a hat, but you should be honest with yourself and ask why you are staying if you really don't enjoy what you do or the company you are working for?
The report does not suggest anything illegal is being done and it does not suggest the need for any new regulations.
«Certainly this statement doesn't suggest anything like that,» said Carlin.
I'm not suggesting that sales commissions be cut and all sales contests abolished.
The recent action in stocks does not suggest faith in that response being adequate, but the chance that it's adequate isn't «nil,» either.
I'm not suggesting that you work forever.
I'm not suggesting blindly spending money just because something is important (as Mark Zuckerberg learned when he invested $ 100 million in the Newark Public Schools).
There are so many critical items that need to be addressed post-event, and I am not suggesting that you ignore these items.
They wouldn't suggest jumping into a project, as they did, without already having the finances to complete it.
Of course, that doesn't dismiss the benefits of stay - at - home parenting, and McGinn emphasizes that she's not suggesting that working motherhood is morally superior.
She says she wouldn't suggest that every 22 - year - old take eight years to find the path they want to pursue — but she does hope that they give themselves the time and space to figure things out.
Saying I can't suggests that you're not willing to do what it takes to get the job done.
The results, however, don't suggest that advisors are bailing out on bond allocations and buying more stocks for their clients.
Sialm is not suggesting people sell all but two stocks — that would expose them to greater risk than they're probably comfortable with.
I'm not suggesting that bankruptcy is the only option.
I'm not suggesting that switching an entire company over to Linux and other open - source software is a no - brainer.
«I'm not suggesting print advertising is dead, but sometimes there's no money for that.
While TechRax's video posting doesn't suggest it's a joke — the description says the video is «for those who don't want to get $ 159 wireless AirPods or have to insert your headphones into an adapter every time you listen to music» — his profile and set of videos suggest he has a long history of jokingly fiddling with technology.
«We are not suggesting to you that they got the wrong man,» Malvo's lawyer, Craig S. Cooley, told the jury in November 2003 during his opening statement.
Interestingly, the memo didn't suggest that the clutter was making staff less productive or draining their mental energy — two byproducts of mess that are often cited by clean freaks.
Now once again there could be all kinds of reasons why they are acting strange, I'm not suggesting that you get paranoid, but I am suggesting that you be observant to signs like this.
He doesn't suggest how this will be paid for.
The Wall Street Journal, in its editorial, did not suggest that the Trump administration is morally obligated to be radically transparent.
I'm not suggesting we dispense with those things, but we can't fool ourselves.
«I wouldn't suggest crying as a tactic, but I'm sure it makes me more human.
«Of course, Scotland is a nation state, so I'm not suggesting for a second that Liverpool and Manchester should join together to form some form of republic.
I'm not suggesting that you don't go after the behemoths, but it's really important that you balance your time with more reasonable offerings so you don't find yourself dependent on a single account.
A source close to Davis told Business Insider that the Brexit Secretary was merely referring to what is «theoretically possible» and did not suggest it was part of the government's plans.
U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross appears to be confident the developing trade conflict between the U.S. and China will come to a resolution in due time — though he didn't suggest when that time could actually come.
And while the Z10 has a creepy way of often guessing right, it's also wrong enough of the time — in that it frequently doesn't suggest the right words — that's it's not foolproof.
«We don't know what's store for Germany, in Europe and in the world, in the coming years, but if four partners aren't able to work out a common plan even for what can be foreseen... that doesn't suggest that they will be able to react appropriately to what can't be foreseen.»
To be clear, he is not suggesting that Gandhi and his ilk were psychotic; their disorders were of mood, not of fractured thought.
That may sound blasphemous, but we're not suggesting you withdraw everything from your business.
First we must make one important distinction: Goop isn't suggesting that we all start coughing up cash to repel blood - sucking mythological vampires.
Kirton doesn't suggest she's experienced any misconduct, stressing that her concerns were primarily focused on finding the best place to run her online wardrobe business, UnCo.
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