Sentences with phrase «not syphilis»

Men who are circumcised are less likely to get sexually transmitted infections such as genital herpes and human papillomavirus (HPV), but not syphilis, according to a study of adult African men published Wednesday in the New England Journal of Medicine.
By Amanda MacMillan WEDNESDAY, March 25, 2009 ( Men who are circumcised are less likely to get sexually transmitted infections such as genital herpes and human papillomavirus (HPV), but not syphilis, according to a study of adult African men published Wednesday in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Not exact matches

What it does: The role of this bacteria, which is most well - known for causing syphilis and Lyme disease, is still not well - understood in humans.
«Hitler was not insane or deranged, or suffering from drug - induced delusions,» he writes, «or laboring under the effects of some chronic disease such as syphilis, or acting in an unresolved hypnotic trance: on the contrary, he was sane according to any reasonable definition of the term, and fully responsible for his actions.»
Though the Canadian Business of the 1930s covered many topics that wouldn't seem out of place in the 21st century — rising taxes, truth in advertising, the imminent death of the airline industry — it also ran many stories the editors of 2013 likely would never touch («The story of safety glass») or would at least think twice about («The «social» diseases and business: what is syphilis costing Canada?»).
GrammarNazi said «I am not validating these criminal activities, but some idiot catching syphilis is not as bad as an innocent neighborhood getting any of a number of deadly and painful health problems.»
was not the law put into place before HIV / AIDS, syphilis discovered about 1905/08, but the first laws were 1875 or so?
Until Paul Ehrlich's discoveries, however, syphilis could not be treated effectively; indeed, not until the development of penicillin could such treatment be carried out easily and safely.
According to the La Leche League that a mom should be healthy, well - nourished, taking no medication, ideally she would have an infant about the same age as the one she's going to be cross-nursing, she should be screened for tuberculosis, syphilis, hepatitis, herpes, HIV and other infectious agents, she should not smoke, drink alcohol, consume large amounts of caffeinated beverages or artificially sweetened beverages, and her own infant should already be very healthy, gaining weight on a regular basis and free of all infections.
If you use drugs or get a new sexual partner while you are pregnant, or do not totally trust your partner, you should be tested for HIV, syphilis, and hepatitis B at the beginning and near the end of each pregnancy.
While I have voiced my suspicion that Trump's behavior and cognitive functioning may result from tertiary impacts of syphilis, I have not «gone their» yet despite reading lots of speculation concerning incest.
«Since the syphilis bacterium can not be cultured in the lab, our results show that data derived from studying the Lyme disease bacterium is highly informative about the syphilis bacterium and can be used as a «surrogate» for it,» says Dr. Wolgemuth.
Apparently, the New World isn't all that intrepid explorer Christopher Columbus discovered; seems we may also have him to thank for spreading the pathogen that causes syphilis — along with news of the Americas — to Europe.
The other critical piece of information: a negative Wassermann test, which proves beyond all doubt that he was not infected with syphilis.
Don't spirochetes cause syphilis?
So if Treponema pallidum — the syphilis pathogen — was not a stowaway with Columbus, how did it find its way to England?
At one time, syphilis, like HIV, was not treatable.
We haven't seen that few cases reported in the history of reporting syphilis since the 1940s.
Is the perception, that relative to HIV / AIDS syphilis isn't something to worry about, a big hurdle for public health officials?
But, that's not what the numbers on syphilis indicate, correct?
In October the United States apologized for its reckless medical experimentation — not for the recent cia activities but for infecting Guatemalans with syphilis in the 1940s to test the effectiveness of penicillin in a precursor to the infamous Tuskegee experiments.
From a human perspective, these activities are not as dramatic as syphilis or food poisoning, but the whole web of life, including our own, depends on them.
Other notorious bacteria have been tied to depression, such as those behind syphilis and the cattle - related brucellosis, and not just because ill people feel sad, Dinan says.
It performs a triplexed immunoassay not currently available in a single test format: HIV antibody, treponemal - specific antibody for syphilis, and non-treponemal antibody for active syphilis infection.
In the 1940s, when it seemed that penicillin was successfully rooting out syphilis in the United States, Cutler worried that simply relying on the pill after the disease had been diagnosed wasn't enough.
Future patterns are uncertain, she says; 15th - century epidemiologists did not predict the «devastating» effects of syphilis in subsequent centuries.
The prevalence of sexually transmitted infections, including syphilis, rectal gonorrhoea or chlamydia, did not differ significantly between groups despite a suggestion of risk compensation among a small proportion of PrEP recipients.
Abrikosov didn't mention the disease in his autopsy, yet the blood - vessel damage he cited, as well as the paralysis and other incapacities acknowledged in official records, are typical of syphilis.
«When you use these medications, it is not like taking penicillin for syphilis.
Circumcision did not, however, protect against syphilis.
There is a rise in syphilis because people are having more sexual partners than 20 years ago and often do not use condoms.»
The rise in diseases like syphilis and gonorrhea is a constant reminder of what this hookup culture has become and reiterates that we can not grow complacent.
The site has over 1.2 million registered members, so it's not just the HIV - positive singles that you can find there but also users with herpes, gonorrhea, syphilis, and hepatitis too.
Continually suffering from the effects of syphilis from her first husband, Jenkins in her later years took up vocal opera, in which she couldn't carry a tune or hit any sort of impressive notes.
A Pictorial Tour of The Boleyn Inheritance: By the time The Boleyn Inheritance opens Henry VIII is about 50 years old, in poor health, probably suffering from gout, possibly syphilis, and has an open festering wound in his leg that won't heal (he hadn't always been old, fat and smelly - in his youth he'd been considered quite dashing and a lot slimmer, as can be seen by the armor he wore in his early twenties).
But his delusions during his Cotard's episode, which happened decades later, were not about syphilis but HIV / AIDS — which had supplanted syphilis in the broader culture as «God's punishment for sins of the flesh» (syphilis almost never shows up anymore during hypochondriac delusions in Cotard's).
Not only did he pave the way for European exploration there, he was also a very astute businessman, giving the natives yellow fever, measles, typhoid (among others) in exchange for syphilis.
Composed while the 31 - year - old Franz Schubert was dying of syphilis and not in a very good mood, the 24 - song cycle Winterreise sets to music a poem by Wilhelm Müller about a young man who, spurned by his lover, goes off in search of a lonely death.
If I was a representative of the CDC, took 40,000 blood samples, split them into 7 aliquots, then mailed them to seven different labs and they all reported that 0.56 % were positive for syphilis, but all reported completely regional distributions of STD infection, it wouldn't be something to worry about?
If I decide to say that the reason that Spencer is so often wrong is that «Roy W. Spencer is insane due to an advanced, untreated case of syphilis» then that would likely be libel per se, but I am not actually claiming that his many errors have occurred because «Roy W. Spencer is insane due to syphilis,» I'm just noting that as a hypothetical example that would be libel per se if I did say it, to show how inaccurately that legal jargon is being bandied about here.
While it is true that if used properly and consistently condoms are helpful in preventing certain diseases, such as chlamydia and gonorrhea, they may not fully protect against other diseases such as genital warts, herpes and syphilis.
Experts had begun flagging the possibility of eliminating syphilis from remote populations once and for all... but that was not to be.
That said, the capacity of syphilis to readily regain its foothold in so many locations across remote Australia should not surprise us.
In addition, STIs (excepting syphilis and HIV) are not generally lethal and, furthermore, some will argue, STI levels will eventually reduce as socioeconomic disadvantage improves.
Interestingly, such descriptions don't match modern forms of syphilis, which is mild at least compared to its apparent earlier manifestation.
When they disappear, thousands of syphilis victims think themselves cured, not realizing that instead of cure, this marks the end of the period when the best chance for it is possible.
The bacteria that causes syphilis, Treponema pallidum, is difficult to study in the lab, as it can't be grown in a test tube or Petri dish.
These sores can be hidden on the cervix or in the vagina, urethra, rectum, or mouth, making it not immediately apparent that one is infected with syphilis.
This suggests that the disease might have evolved into a less virulent form, possibly in response to selective pressure against symptoms that render the host sexually unappealing; the pustules of yore don't seem to decorate the epidermis of contemporary sufferers, making them more likely to perpetuate the milder form of syphilis through sexual transmission.
However, if the prospect of having to undergo five dozen vaccinations to achieve this immunity weren't daunting enough, here's one more thing to bum you out: That study was published in 1973, and was the high point of syphilis - vaccine research.
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