Sentences with phrase «not take things out of context»

For every verse there is an equal and opposite verse, so let's not take things out of context.

Not exact matches

How can we * not * argue that you're taking things «out of context» when, indeed, you are quoting things out of context????
THE RELIGIONS AGREE WHEN YOU LOOK AT THEM WITH AN OPEN HEART... They don't agree when you take things out of context and force them not to.
Unfortunately, taken out of context one can make the Bible say things it truly does not say.
Well, the comment is made that this author shouldn't take things «out of context
Chan takes lines of Bell's writing out of context and makes things even worse by attributing some statements to Bell that are not made in «Love Wins» («but some of his followers could easily construe these ideas»)
You have actually spoken like most people who do not understand the bible, i.e. taken things out of context.
Oh, and I for one have no problem with you using anything I say in your class as long as you don't selectively take things out of context.
Maybe he shouldn't be taking things out of context and trying deceive people.
youre the one not seeing it correctly... yo uarte adding stuff into it and taking things out of context..
Don't tell anyone, but sometimes I wonder if the best thing that could happen to this country is for Christ to be taken out of Christmas — for Advent to be made distinct from all the consumerism of the holidays and for the name of Christ to be invoked in the context of shocking forgiveness, radical hospitality, and logic - defying love.
We can't debate civilly, we can only take certain things out of context and point fingers everywhere.
Try not to take things out of context.
The church is made up of humans, therefore faults are inevitable, and yes the fundamental church have taken some stands that are not biblical, infact if you read the bible and read the chapters, not just the verses they claim their beliefs come from, you will realise that alot of fundamentalists take the scripture out of context, telling the churcht hat the bible tells us one thing when infact it tells us another.
Taking things WAY out of context there, aren't you Bill?
Can't we wait until Hannan actually says something racist (I mean aside from the whole Enoch Powell thing) instead of simply taking him out of context?
But when you have a killer body like those ladies have — and again, they're musicians, they're artists, they're not models — they're gonna take things out of context.
That's not evidence, even if the subjects were doing the things they said they were doing, in the stolen, taken out of context, heavily redacted emails.
We can go back to Stephen Schneider for that, and then a few dolts will claim his statements were taken out of context and what he was really saying was that scientists just don't have the time and space to provide caveats, assumptions, if / and / but, etc, even though he clearly advocated resorting to this very thing.
As for the rest, I'd suggest you ask the denier to some work, and actually point out where in the article it states that global warming isn't happenning or isn't caused at least in large part by increasing greenhouse gas concentrations, and to be on the safe side (because things can be taken out of context), ask him / her to also quote the abstract and the conclusion.
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