Sentences with phrase «not taking»

The problem of not taking a few minutes for a team preparation meeting is that it doesn't give you and other interviewers the opportunity to get aligned on what you are all looking for.
Labeling yourself as a perfectionist and not taking action until it's right is nothing more than procrastination and fear talking.
For a company that makes no money, those numbers are astronomical, and Snapchat will regret not taking the paycheck when it had the chance.
«We are not taking a position on who has the best patent analytic tools,» Spangenberg said.
While some Canadians have criticized Trudeau for not taking a firmer stance against Trump's politics, he said he prefers to maintain «a constructive working relationship» between Canada and the US.
Snapchat will regret not taking that $ 4 billion: Snapchat, an app that lets you take pictures on your phone that disappear after a few seconds, doesn't make any money, but it sure as hell turned down a lot last year.
That doesn't mean that ice cream is healthy of course, but when you consume Ben & Jerry's brand you know that you are not taking in chemicals and artificial flavorings.
If responding quickly means not taking your time to fully understand the situation, however, your response may reflect the unpreparedness.
You might make excuses for why you're not taking chances.
«We're slow in adopting it and we're not taking it as a strategic asset enough.
It is too early to conclude that the Diewert - Yu results are definitive, but the study does make clear that not taking into account price - induced sectoral shifts can significantly understate productivity gains.
This would go against all economic logic, however, as the government should be putting additional money into a weakening economy, not taking it out.
I told Bergdorf's, «It's OK that you're not taking me, because Saks is.»
When you really have this feeling that you're both in it together and you're pushing and pulling one another, you're open to taking risks, you're brave, you're open to innovation, and you're not taking credit for each other's — together you're making things better.
Ask them why they prefer not taking breaks, and let them know it's acceptable and encouraged to take advantage of the outlined acceptable breaks in your organization.
And yet, so many businesses are either not taking advantage of email marketing, or simply not getting the most out of their email marketing efforts.
Waiting for the «right time» to take action is just another excuse for not taking the risk to go after what you really want.
And my husband said, «He's not taking the offer away.
The company could also reward the employee for not taking all available sick and personal days by offering cash bonuses, perks, or additional vacation days.
It's a good place to start because the big companies won't be as quick to respond if you're not taking their best customers.
Sessions, during the same drug caucus, went after President Obama for not taking a stand against legalization: «One of our President's great failures, it is obvious to me, is his lax treatment and comments around marijuana,» said Sessions.
The two biggest concepts in the book are not taking things personally and not making assumptions.
Don't worry, I'm not taking it personally.
It's not the prettiest mining rig, but it's in the experimental stage, so I'm not taking the time to make it look good as long as it performs the way it's supposed to.
Nine out of 10 times, Sha says, users face «serious» issues, including not taking proper amounts of risk.
Indeed, this story of intrigue might be just a salacious distraction were it not taking place at the top of the ruling class of China, which will likely be the world's largest economy by the end of the decade and a place upon which Canada's fortunes increasingly hinge.
Eric Roberge, a CFP and founder of Beyond Your Hammock, tells CNBC Make It that the biggest mistake most people make when saving for retirement is not taking advantage of their employer's 401 (k) match.
McAlpin: Because of the way we're approaching the business model, not taking commission and offering free memberships to farmers, we're connecting with people across the country who are volunteering to help us spread the word.
She says not only will this show that you don't take the situation lightly, but you also know how to be a communicative manager who helps develop talent instead of firing trainable staff.
You can't take its place but you can find a niche and offer expertise in an area Amazon can't.
But once that IUD is in your uterus, they can't take it away,» Streicher said.
Square didn't take on Visa, MasterCard, or American Express.
360 cameras are also the intermediary step toward virtual reality, which may not take off for a while because of its high cost and need for a high - end computer.
If you don't take care of your nutrition and daily exercise, you aren't going to be at your best — and you definitely won't be unstoppable.
When I asked David Jr. about how he will feel the night of the auction, and whether he will regret the loss of so many family heirlooms, he replied: «You can't take it with you.
If they work solo or have just a few employees, they can't take on more work.
If you can't take a vacation, consider neighborhood museums, cafes, parks, plays and other destinations.
Iran has not taken kindly to the idea of increased US influence or presence in Syria.
When the ball game is over, I certainly don't take it home.
A big business that has a reputation to protect won't take a risk on your small company if it doesn't think you can perform, Boykin says.
This may be a bit technical, but in essence, nominal GDP does not take into account inflation, and real GDP does.
According to maritime law, even though your merchandise has made it to port safe and sound, you can't take possession until you've paid for your share of the loss.
At Petrel, Wren and the firm's two other partners didn't take salaries for about 18 months.
I imagine most executives could say the same, but if you don't take the time to recognize those things, you risk your team taking them for granted... creating the monster of ingratitude.
They'll still be available locally (a big win over storing them exclusively in the cloud), but they won't take up any important space.
The news comes at the end of a week in which Scotland's energy minister said that fracking «can not and will not take place in Scotland.»
But the clerk waives it away with a weary «we don't take that one,» and points to a small sign delineating which varieties of Visas are acceptable to the clothing chain.
And this particular project was focused on body shape and didn't take into account other physical characteristics like skin tone, facial features, or hair color.
A weak attempt at repeating the truce was made in 1915, but a tradition would not take hold due to «the high numbers of dead and hardened attitudes on both sides but also because of actions of senior commanders.»
Fill the bulk of your portfolio with a combination of high - rated bonds (weighted toward corporate, rather than government, debt) and high - quality, dividend - paying equities, and you likely won't take a hit.
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