Sentences with phrase «not unscientific»

No, the Bristlecone pines do matter, because the claims about the level of the Medieval Warm Period depend heavily on the Bristlecone pines (in nearly all of the studies — so far as I can tell) It's not unscientific to say so.
Its EASY to throw stones, but not unscientific.
In summary «anthropmorphism» is not unscientific at all!

Not exact matches

I suggest you consider the terms «introversion» and «extroversion» as detrimental to your personal development, keeping you from doing things like Cain did: to succeed at parts of life that an unscientific model shown to be at best poorly valid and poorly reliable claimed you couldn't do.
Tufecki's exercise was unscientific, and she writes that Google doesn't like sharing hard data with researchers.
Twitter (twtr), the popular social network which serves as a de facto news feed for many people, was not accessible to many users in Boston, parts of the New York Metro area, New Hampshire, and San Francisco, from approximately 8:15 a.m. through 8:38 a.m. EDT, according to an informal and completely unscientific survey of friends and family conducted on (gasp!)
Although that's hardly a massive sample size, the viewers» complaint that these claims were unscientific was rejected; the ASA said it «did not expect skin «toning» claims to be supported by independent scientific evidence.»
Neoclassical's glib mathiness is a gloss for its unscientific «don't worry about debt» message.
The Star's sample was highly unscientific, and should not be viewed as definitive.
Calling gravity a theory n saying religion is psychosis is one of the reasons I tell atheists that their religion is unscientific.
The scientific evidence in support of God's existence lies in the evidence that the universe is not eternal and that it is unscientific for something with a beginning to be uncaused.
Well, some relatively early Christian (not that early) did try to date the earth, with predicable unscientific results.
Consequently one feels less inclined to reject as unscientific the idea that the critical point of planetary reflective consciousness which is the result of the forming of humanity into an organized society, far from being a mere spark in the darkness, corresponds on the contrary to our passage (by a movement of reversal or dematerialization) to another face of the universe: not an ending of the ultra-human but its arrival at something trans - human at the very heart of reality.
I have a lot of faith in science, not in the unscientific assumption that atheists make that reality is purely mechanistic, but in the procedures of testing hypotheses, questioning assumptions, measuring results, replicating experiments, and in general debating and persuading based on actual evidence.
In consequence one is the less disposed to reject as unscientific the idea that the critical point of planetary Reflection, the fruit of socialization, far from being a mere spark in the darkness, represents our passage, by Translation or dematerialization, to another sphere of the Universe: not an ending of the ultra-human but its accession to some sort of trans - humanity at the ultimate heart of things.
If you want to push for a divine being, that's fine, but don't use a 100 % unscientific retarded religion such as «Christianity».
It is not even a plausible pseudo-science; it is about as unscientific as you can get.
Second, Pannenberg faults the Marxist historical analysis as unscientific, claiming that it has been disproved by historical events: the middle - class has increased, not dissolved, and the predicted socialist revolutions have not occurred.
As Charles T. Rubin argues in The Green Crusade: Rethinking the Roots of Environmentalism, unscientific, alarmist forecasts, irresponsible as they are, are not the greatest failing of the Green movement.
For any scientist to say «I believe I found god» is against the way a research project is to be conducted, meaning, you can not jump to conclusions, as that is unscientific.
A belief in God does not make you unscientific; however, I would argue that someone who denies the possibility of the existence of God is biased beyond what a scientist and or philosopher should be.
Preaching is not an appendix, an unscientific postscript, an application totally independent of exegesis itself.
How is not assuming something until proof is presented unscientific?
The multiplication of factors to reduce variability or lack of fit is also unscientific: overparametrization is not a scientific proof.
(And that is not because the «communist demon» wants to kill religious people but just because Socialism, Marxism and Communism as ideologies have no reason to support religion since they see it as something backward and unscientific — which of course it is).
========== @Momoya» a thing or being can not be tested with the tools we currently have available, then there's no point in considering whether or not it exists» @Chad «Any entity existing outside our time and space would not be detectable according to the methodology you propose, as such you are a priori excluding that possibility, which of course is unscientific, right?
One does not erase the other but if you judge only on one thats at best unscientific of you and at worst unfair.
But his argument was that just as the physical and chemical sciences (he distinguished the two on the grounds that chemistry developed from the pseudo-science of alchemy) were once vague and unscientific because they had not yet learned to properly discriminate the relevant data, so the social sciences were then (as now) struggling to develop adequate methods for discrimination of data.
Such language, as Rudolf Bultmann once said, is unscientific and can not be accepted by modern men who use electric light.
«Pollen is the ideal well - balance food for bees, but like any other material, is not a «perfect food» for humans and statements or claims implying that pollen is such are not only highly unscientific, but are also unprofessional and potentially damaging to the reputation of the bee industry.»
Renmin Vizconde, Advocacy Officer of the Philippine Network for Food Security Programmes added that «malnutrition and its resultant blindness exist because the basic rights of the farmers and people to land, livelihood are disrupted, due to government neglect and absence of social services, and not because the rice variety they consume does not have Vitamin A. Golden Rice is baseless, unscientific and nothing but a sensationalized product of giant agro-chem corporations to lure super-profits.»
«Wild boar» is the highly unscientific term we use to refer to any kind of pig that doesn't live on a farm.
That sign that the baby isn't crying anymore to me, is NOT a good sign, I know what I am saying is very unscientific — and that's how it's supposed to be.
(I don't normally eat oatmeal because I don't really like it, but I did an unscientific experiment to see if it would work for me and had good results.)
Now, I'm the first to admit that this is a highly unscientific experiment, and doesn't account for what Jimmy is or is not eating out of school.
My totally unsupported & unscientific opinion is that they are very suspicious of any food they can't clearly identify.
In an unscientific survey with a plastic bin and balls, Daily Politics reporter Ellie Price asked the people of Bedford if Labour had been too left wing, or not left wing enough, in its policies.
«People criticize the research, saying, «Well you didn't do this or that,» and of course, it's unscientific.
They dismissed (pdf) both Colizzi and Montagnier's report (pdf)(they said it was unscientific) and the medics» claim of having been tortured: The medical examination of the victims had not followed «correct procedure» and therefore should not be considered by the court.
THESE days most people think it unscientific to believe in «miracles», and irreligious not to believe in them.
Progressives, not conservatives, are the ones most likely to replace scientific research with unscientific ideology.
But conservatives don't have a monopoly on unscientific policies.
Public policy should not perpetuate unscientific and artificial distinctions between the two.
Critics of string theory have called it unscientific because it is not falsifiable.
This prompted an unscientific survey of my workplace, which found that tea - breaks are popular in Hungary but not in Russia, although allegedly these were encouraged under the old communist regime.
Usually it's not an aversion to science that motivates people to tout unscientific ideas, but some underlying cultural, social or personal issue, says Rosenau, of the National Center for Science Education.
Paul Steinhardt and George Ellis have argued, for example, that the multiverse theory is unscientific, because it can not be tested, even in principle.
We are convinced that both have to go together: Good science gives the credibility we need in a world where unscientific claims are not rare; good business allows us to fund exciting intellectual ideas.
«I'm amazed how many people say «polar ice caps» — it's totally unscientific and not, not something we ever talk about as researchers!»
Judge John E. Jones III wrote in the 139 - page decision for Tammy Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District, named for one of the parents who brought the suit, that ID was not only unscientific but was also a front used by those on the school board with a religiously motivated, pro-creationist agenda.
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