Sentences with phrase «not upon a teaching»

Historic Christianity rests back ultimately not upon a teaching but upon a person, but teaching and person belong together and neither can be understood or even examined without the other.

Not exact matches

CNBC's Jim Cramer loves the public school system, but the truth is that it can't be relied upon to teach children about money.
About 20 years ago when he was working at Bell Labs (now AT&T's Image Processing Research Department), he happened upon a way of thinking about teaching computers to see that wasn't really used outside of academia until about three years ago.
BUILDING ON BEDROCK: What Sam Walton, Walt Disney, and Other Great Self - Made Entrepreneurs Can Teach Us About Building Valuable Companies For founders and investors — based upon research, and told through the stories of famous and not - so - famous American entrepreneurs.
In the real world, this is simply not true» Guy Spier «A whole body of academic work formed the foundation upon which generations of students at the country's major business schools were taught about Modern Portfolio Theory, Efficient Market Theory and Beta.
This is not an issue of the Catholic church forcing their teaching upon people, it is an issue of the Church being forced to disregard their teaching.
Such development of doctrine, typically in response to grave error and deviant traditions built upon such error, is to be understood not as an addition to the apostolic teaching contained in Holy Scripture but as Spirit - guided insight into the fullness of that teaching.
Very funny, the Statue of Jesus peace be upon him got burnt, and people in their comments talk about muslims and islam, very weird, but probably I should not be surprised, there are 1.5 Billion muslims in the world, and if islam really teaches terrorism then none of the nonmuslims will be alive.
If the 24 - hour news cycle has taught us anything, it's that one need not possess firsthand knowledge of a subject to orate upon it at great length.
Gods judgment rest upon all the corporate and local churches temples, tabernacles, TV evangelists, ministries and congregations ever for all their false teachings and deeds, and God does not want any of His people to suffer the spiritual plagues which are being brought upon them.
If, as the Church had always taught, the Bible contained God's revelation to man, every man (they urged) ought to be able to read it for himself, and not to be dependent upon what might reach him by indirect channels.
To look upon those prayer wheels not (as some of us were taught) as instruments of «vain repetition,» but as outward and visible signs of the intention to pray without ceasing, can perhaps lead iconoclasts to more compassionate reflection on the sacramental impulse and on the place of objects — statues and stained glass and candles and altar cloths, beads, bouquets, and kneeling cushions in needlepoint stitched by some faithful woman as her own act of participation in the prayers of the church.
We should stop imposing a teaching upon the text that is simply not present.
I don't think that's what Catholic dogma teaches — it is merely for the type of suffering you are describing, that during suffering, the strength one can draw upon is from a closeness with God (or a feeling of something greater that can help one).
This came as an irony to me later, because our wanderlust culture impressed upon me that travel should teach you that life is not ultimately about you; and yet, I traveled for me.
The teachings of Christ that have been hung upon this framework and that have found in it a serviceable explanatory tool can not in themselves change.
The teaching of the Catholic Church does not impose any extra duties upon them.
I left Methodism upon graduation from high school, concluding that while the community had nurtured me all my life, I could not accept all of the teachings in any kind of literal way.
If a missionary is not available, God could send angels to teach these people, or through the Holy Spirit moving like wind upon the earth, God could simply whisper more revelation to those who are responding to the truth they have received.
This Same man is the man that performed miracles, taught love and forgiveness and when he was beaten, spat upon, scourged and then crucified for who he was he simply said «Forgive them Father for they know not what they do.»
There is only one way it could not be, and that is if you decide that it teaches that nihilism is the truth, revealed here by the pointless failure of Davis's career, so that his having to obtain abortions for women he impregnated is just another absurd, annoying, and energy - sapping aspect of that, his irrational guilt instincts causing him to have to scrounge for money, and so that his learning that one of these abortions didn't occur is just another sort of misfortune, saddling him with sentiments that he will have no way to really act upon (it is unlikely the that the mother of the child wants to see him), and probably causing him to draw some kind of superstitious karmic connection between a random coincidence of having hit a cat that looks just like one he abandoned, and his driving by the town his child may be living in.
Indeed, it is You who is Knower of the unseen» (109)[The Day] when Allah will say, «O Jesus, Son of Mary, remember My favor upon you and upon your mother when I supported you with the Pure Spirit and you spoke to the people in the cradle and in maturity; and [remember] when I taught you writing and wisdom and the Torah and the Gospel; and when you designed from clay [what was] like the form of a bird with My permission, then you breathed into it, and it became a bird with My permission; and you healed the blind and the leper with My permission; and when you brought forth the dead with My permission; and when I restrained the Children of Israel from [killing] you when you came to them with clear proofs and those who disbelieved among them said, «This is not but obvious magic.»
For example, if a denomination declared in their doctrinal statement that the Bible teaches that all good Christians must wear pink hats and only those people who wear pink hats can indeed be true followers of Jesus, we would conclude upon reading this statement that we would never be accepted by those folks because we don't agree with this bit of ridiculous theology.
Gothard's teachings involve rules upon rules all dealing with the outward, dress, hair, smiling, bright eyes, no birth control or dating, no higher education for girls who must stay in the home until the father decides what they should do, how God blesses and is happy with you if you do such and such, so many rules, those who really wanted to please God were under the weight of things they could never accomplish... plus the male regime and women having to be careful not to defraud men by their dress or looks made it so easy for sexual predatory behaviors to take hold and the woman at fault for the man's problems and such... ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!! No wonder some of the children of this regime became athiests.
Those who do not believe this, still put great emphasis and significance upon the ritual, because they seem to think that this is what the Scripture teaches (even though it doesn't), and that this is the way it has always been done (even though it hasn't).
That's exactly why atheists don't want believers creating laws based solely upon their beliefs, why atheists don't want those beliefs taught in schools as science, why atheists don't want those beliefs posted on public buildings, etc..
Based upon the absolute belief in the primacy of the spirit, it taught that only spirit is truly real; consequently such things as evil and pain really do not exist.
We may not quarrel with the fact; but the whole development, beginning with a concentration upon the idea of Jesus» own person as of central importance for religious faith, certainly represents a shift in emphasis from Jesus» own teaching.
A former student said of his teaching: «He not only thought out the -LSB-...] doctrines upon which he lectured, but he felt their power, and falling tears often evinced his emotion while he spoke of some particular aspect of the truth.
No «moral» is appended, but in the light of the teaching of Jesus as a whole (to anticipate) it is not difficult to see that it touches upon one of its recurrent themes — that the people he addressed stood in a situation in which decision was urgent and delay dangerous.
well just thinking about these wars in the muslim / mid-east world over religious differences (which may reflect mental states in many ways) in a world where most realize that living in the present moment is best way to happiness and being in the moment in non-strife and awareness through the teachings of masters such as found in the buddhist, taoist, zen, etc., etc., etc. spriritually based practices of religious like thought and teachings, etc. that to ask these scientifically educated populace whom have access to vast amounts of knowledges and understandings on the internet, etc. to believe in past beliefs that perhaps gave basis and inspiration to that which followed — but is not the end all of all times or knowledges — and is thus — non self - sustaining in a belief that does not encompass growth of knowledge and understanding of all truths and being as it is or could be — is to not respect the intelligence and minds and personage of even themselves — not to be disrespected nor disrespectful in any way — only to point out that perhaps too much is asked to put others into the cloak of blind faith and adherance to the past that disregards the realities of the present and the potential of the future... so you try to live in the past — and destroy your present and your future — where is the intelligence in that — and why do people continually fear monger or allow to be fear — mongered into this destructive vision of the future based upon the past?
Luther's insight that * sin * is not «man turned down toward the earth rather than up toward heaven» as the Catholic scholasticss taught; but was «man curved in upon himself» was an insight that has been confirmed by contemporary psychology in its teaching on narcissistic egoism.
i thought i was getting my first plan ticket to» the bad place» as what my sunday school teachers would say — but i was taught that God has a Pure heart and doesn't bestow hatred upon his children and forgives us for all our sins!
He also concludes that women are not allowed to teach over men and that they bear the burden upon their sex of being uniquely deceived and being «THE transgressor» in a unique appeal to a special kind of sinfulness based solely upon gender.
There had grown up a body of secret doctrine, an esoteric type of thought; not to be taught to the uninitiated in the villages, but to be meditated upon in the forest.
If this divine causality is insisted upon in the official teaching of the Church in the precise case of the origin of the human soul, that does not of course mean that a divine causality of that kind is found nowhere else.
I've spent far more time than I care to admit combing through complementarian literature, reading debates about whether women can read Scripture aloud in church, whether female missionaries should be permitted to give presentations on Sunday evenings, what age groups women should be allowed to teach in Sunday school, whether women can speak in small group Bible studies, what titles to bestow upon worship leaders and children's ministry coordinators so that they don't appear too authoritative, and on and on and on.
I noticed you said, «But after this initial preaching of the Gospel and water baptism followed by Spirit baptism, the baptism of the Spirit comes immediately upon a person believing in Jesus for eternal life, whether or not they get water baptized» I must loving tell you this isn't what the bible teaches about baptism.
Rather, in our preaching, our reading and our teaching we seek to find our place in the scriptures, and to find the scriptures» word for us that is not dependent upon the arbitrary lines of a Protestant or a Catholic reading.
The impact of Sufism has not disappeared completely, however, since everyone is free to pray as he pleases, to follow his own dhikr in seclusion, and to obey the commands and teachings of Allah and the Prophet (the Peace and Mercy of Allah be upon him).
In our brief discussion of the teaching of Jesus I more than once referred to the exalted terms in which he described the righteous will of God and to the utterly uncompromising way in which he interpreted God's demands; and earlier in this chapter I pointed out that this teaching throws light not only on Jesus» ideas but upon his character.
I think the argument could be made that this Church teaching is not based upon the idea that marital sex intentionally practised during infertile periods is intrinsically «imperfect» - read, «somewhat bad» - but upon the divine command of Genesis 1:28: «Be fruitful, multiply and fill the earth.»
If we can respectfully acknowledge that a majority of todays» generation of believers are taught into the faith by their parents, we reluctantly must conclude that the theology base of * a lot * of these believers is not upon careful reflection and personal choice upon the fervent divulgence of the Scriptures, but rather a hodge - podge compilation of «feel good» thoughts that have no biblical or moral grounding other than vague references.
People are not just called upon to follow the teachings and example of Jesus.
The English translation improves upon the original Italian text by shaping it to be more evidently in accord with Church teaching, but it does not succeed in removing all ambiguities.
Things such as in the old test do not commit adultry then in the new Jesus taught if anyone looks upon a woman to lust they have already commited adultry in their hearts.
fishon — ``... Well, Jesus just commanded them to go..., therefore it doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that that command to «go» and... now falls upon those the apostles were teaching.
------- teach them to obey everything I have commanded you ------ Well, Jesus just commanded them to go..., therefore it doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that that command to «go» and... now falls upon those the apostles were teaching.
As a transcript of a living community tradition, the Gospel of Mark relies not only upon the early passion narrative and the oral records of Jesus» life and teachings, some of which may already have been gathered into little collections, sequences, groups of sayings; it relies also upon the apostolic experience which supplemented and interpreted those traditions.
As Obama continues to rely upon Jesus» teachings for who to tax, who not to tax, who to support and who not to support, he dilutes his power as President and instead becomes a figurehead for special interest groups... Jesus, according to scripture, taught there was no difference between Jew or Gentile, freeman or slave, etc..
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