Sentences with phrase «not utopian»

Verdict: Move If you're dreaming of another neighbourhood that's attainable for you financially (a neighbourhood that exists, not a utopian world of your imagination), then move there.
«It's not utopian, it's realistic,» said Esperanza Martínez, of the Quito - based Acción Ecológica.»
In the 9th Berlin Biennale, art is not utopian or an agent of change, but an instrument of the market, with images often meant to reflect the glossy apocalypse only an accelerated future can bring.
«Wholeness is not a Utopian dream,» Anni Albers wrote at Black Mountain.
However, the relevant comparison is not a utopian ideal but the far - from - utopian status quo and other feasible alternatives.
Policies must be designed for the reality of the schools we've got, not the utopian schools we wish we had.
A goal for the latter part of the book is to try to reconstruct a thicker view of how to connect knowledge to public action, one that recognizes the importance of values, welcomes democratic decisionmaking, is aware of the limits of different forms of knowledge, and is not utopian in its aims but is still hopeful about how we can make public progress on a range of social problems.
Because, again I'm interested in trajectory not eventuality; I'm not a utopian in any way.
As our report finds, this is not a utopian dream.
Thirteen countries have already achieved zero population growth, so it is not utopian to expect others to follow.
It is realistic wisdom and eternal vigilance, not utopian dreams, that may guide us through these rapids.
Such guidelines are not utopian.
A democratic economy, in which appropriate technology is combined with high productivity and therefore with the possibility of increased leisure, is not utopian in terms of present possibilities.
It should be stated in advance that this is not a utopian proposal.
The economics of caritas is realistic, not utopian.
So, you see, «paperless» isn't a utopian concept.
«Paperless» isn't a utopian concept.

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Maybe in the utopian world, but in the real business world, that simply isn't true.
In the ranks of Silicon Valley solutionists, you won't find one more utopian than Peter Thiel.
For some reason I can't understand, many would - be entrepreneurs have a sort of utopian belief that the rules of business, finance and competitive markets don't apply to them.
A utopian case for Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in general, if one even exists, is still struggling to articulate itself as merchant adoption hasn't caught on nearly a decade after the first block of Bitcoin transaction data was generated, and prices continue to fluctuate too wildly for it to be considered a store of value.
Blockchain will not take these bricks apart one by one, contrary to the whims of technology investors, crypto - utopians and speculators.
I won't paint a utopian scene in Crypto because it doesn't exist.
The utopian dream of the free thinkers from Santa Monica to Riga and Tel Aviv of an anonymous community Digital Autonomous Organization, DAO currencies, managed by the membership will not happen on any significant scale while central banks exist.
Of course the atheist will kill you just as dead as the Christian if you happen to get in the way of their big picture utopian City - on - the - Hill social plans but at least they won't be hypocritical about it.
But the difference between Christian and techno - utopian hope: The Christians have the reasonable view that they can't possibly save themselves.
Most scholars believe that the jubilee legislation was utopian and probably not followed to the letter.
My criticism is not that Bellah and his colleagues are utopian, but that they are not nearly utopian enough; or, to use terms I prefer, the problem is not that they are insufficiently realist but that they are insufficiently radical.
I think early Christians invented that as a scary - sounding disclaimer because they were always talking about how utopian heaven is and how much life on earth sucks, so they didn't want anyone getting any ideas.
Such people, defining suffering by the pleasure that it is not, are at least implicitly Utopian.
My father was a lawyer and used his own life as an argument in court against his idea that it was utopian and that we couldn't build a compassionate world or business structure because he did it.
And your saying that if religion didn't exist, then we would have some kind of utopian society?
It is precisely their utopian nature, which reaches out beyond the existing productive forces (it follows that the productive relationships are not to be permanently overthrown), that makes them precarious, leads to reversals and defeats.
Lutherans and Lutheranism would not seem to provide very fertile soil for the utopians who have tried to revolutionize sexual ethics in other denominations.
If one considers, however briefly, what conditions will make possible the flowering in the human heart of this new universal love, so often vainly dreamed of but now at last leaving the realm of the utopian and declaring itself as both possible and necessary, one notices this: that if men on earth, all over the earth, are ever to love one another it is not enough for them to recognize in one another the elements of a single something; they must also, by developing a «planetary» consciousness, become aware of the fact that without loss of their individual identities they are becoming a single somebody.
These are the goals of a Christian civilization, imperfectly realized, to be sure, in any society but sufficiently manifest in Europe and America to make it evident that a Christian democracy is not merely a utopian dream.
n the Grimms» world, evil may rule, but there is also the utopian promise that with a sense of right and wrong, plus some magic, one might be able to live happily ever after.
This is not to minimize the reality of sin or tragedy, nor is it to buy into some new utopian delusion.
Second, if one does not believe in God, any idea of a world based on radically different values seems simply utopian in the negative sense.
The desire of so many people to «stop suffering» now, not in some utopian future, needs to be integrated into theology.
As Johns sees it, such statements were not only unseemly in their haste — memos and family pictures from the World Trade Center towers were still drifting over Manhattan and we were ready to announce to the world what we would and would not do — but they grew out of an unattractive combination of national self - loathing and utopian pacifism.
Here Stapledon's narrator perceives the panorama of not only a continent or a future civilization, but of all the cosmos, from its inception to its utopian culmination, and finally to its demise.
The conception of peace as an ordered tranquillity which must continually be worked for through history contrasts markedly with the utopian ideal of peace found in some religious and nonreligious thinking about the possibilities of international order, not to mention with the empirical reality of conflict within states and conflicts between states and nonstate actors in the contemporary world.
Then there is the tacked - on conclusion: that all of American politics, ever since the Progressives, has been a dispiriting and disappointing enterprise, precisely because, for better and worse, it has not lived up to the Progressives» utopian dreams.
Although this may sound utopian, it is not totally disconnected from patterns of government that now exist.
Not, of course, that they will find any consolation there, but it might liberate them from the utopian delusions whose persistent failures make them so disconsolate.
When the ten - year - olds fell short, as was inevitable, the utopian guardian didn't adjust the benchmark.
The sense of the end of history has been expressed, both in the extraordinary popularity of dystopias, as well as, paradoxically, in liberal philosophy that does not lack utopian traits (Francis Fukuyama).
Yet when the mind is not confused by utopian illusions it is not difficult to recognize genuine achievements of justice and to feel under obligation to defend them against the threats of tyranny and the negation of justice.
But despite the real gains in social morality that came in the wake of the abolition of the slave trade, despite the rise in the status of women, despite the benefits that came from the enactment of child - labor laws and the establishment of the welfare state, did not the nineteenth century also bequeath to us those proposed «solutions» to social ills that led to mass starvation in Russia and China, to the utopian nightmares of communism and fascism, to wars unending, and ¯ in those societies that actually managed to abolish most social evils ¯ to a hedonism that is undermining society from within?
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