Sentences with phrase «not viable options»

Unfortunately, they were not viable options for my plan.
Manipulating sun - size volumes of gas and titanic gravitational forces are not viable options.
The authors of the Army College study also «state that since non-compliance is not a viable option, leaders must choose which tasks to conduct to standard and which tasks to just «report» that they were done to standard,» Metz wrote.
«Innovation is upon us, and doing nothing is not a viable option.
I live in an area where houses are very expensive so that wasn't a viable option for me.
Spending additional time looking for a weekend job was not a viable option.
NOT a viable option people, just silly.
I have seen enough people hit the wall at 400mph to know that apathy towards belief is not a viable option.
Something else that most people are not aware of, is that as far back as 1900, the Boers were aware that, in the long term, apartheid was not a viable option.
Attempting to gain market share simply by lowering prices is not a viable option, as it will not be long before the business becomes unprofitable as a result.
A few balls came over the top, but for the most part crosses weren't a viable option.
If we didn't get the nod, for us to remain as Category 3 wasn't a viable option and couldn't be a viable option with the money the club has spent on the infrastructure.
Since burning out and quitting is not a viable option for you, the answer is to stay in the race by taking shortcuts.
June 1st and 2nd weren't viable options for training so we began on June 3rd.
This is simply not a viable option for most families.
We live in Singapore where part time help is not a viable option and so most people have a full time live - in helper, as do we.
«The biggest hurdle the business faces is the perception that cloth diapers are not a viable option, said Irene Watterson.»
How parents can use telephones, the Internet, and other technological aids to visit with their noncustodial children when face - to - face meetings are not a viable option.
For some moms and dads, traditional schooling for kids is not a viable option.
«It is not a viable option or solution for reducing traffic — it is merely a revenue - generating plan,» he said.
Unfortunately, switching off the ipRGCs entirely is not a viable option.
For many women of Schatz's generation, going off the clock wasn't a viable option.
Using cloning, sequencing and other biotechnology feats to re-create extinct species from their ancient DNA is not a viable option for conservation and risks selling the public false hope.
I would like to add that landfilling is not a viable option.
Importing nuclear - generated energy from «neighbors with lower safety standards than Germany» is not a viable option.
Ultimately, however, bacon and eggs is simply not a viable option seven days a week.
Simply waiting for flood waters to evaporate is not a viable option, as that could take months or even years, during which mold constantly works its mischief.
Of course, this isn't a viable option for everyone, so if you're able to do it — make the most of it.
Or is this not a viable option altogether?
Many people today find dairy is not a viable option for them due to an intolerance to lactose, the sugar in milk, or casein, the milk protein.
For instance, HRT increases * risk of breast cancer so it is not a viable option for high risk women.
For a single professional who is already short on time, sifting through 100s of profiles to find a good date is not a viable option.
School at home isn't a viable option when your daughter has advanced beyond triangles in geometry.
As a result, Xlink Kai was not a viable option.
Buying it for the competing platform just proves the publisher right that the Wii U wasn't a viable option.
Especially at launch, that's something that wasn't a viable option.
According to the developers, releasing the game at launch on Nintendo Switch wasn't a viable option, as the Unreal Engine 4, while having helped the team considerably, still required things to be reprogrammed in order to make everything work.
But Illinois is beyond tweaks and trims; the state needs a comprehensive structural reform, and filing for bankruptcy isn't a viable option for a state.
Or if that isn't a viable option, you could take the «crawl, walk, run» approach.
In circumstances where local integration is not viable option and where the conditions in their home country remain intolerable for refugees to return, the only viable solution is to resettle them in a third country.
Knowing the local public schools were not a viable option for their family, they had to make a decision.
I suppose my answer, leave it to the teachers, isn't a viable option.
Measured Progress and officials with the Montana Office of Public Instruction and the North Dakota Department of Public Instruction agreed the open - source system is not a viable option for the 2016 spring assessment.
Subaru New Zealand did however bring in an XT6 as a demo, but as New Zealand's fuel options were 91 octane unleaded fuel or 96 octane leaded fuel, it was not a viable option to sell the XT6 as the 2700 cc 6 Cyl engine required 96 octane unleaded petrol.
Waiting around for 45days, letting our income plummet in the meantime, is not a viable option for our businesses or a logical in a proactive environment and to suggest we wait and see is harmful to every indie author who need their royalties to survive.
POD is a not a viable option for books designed with foldouts, pop - ups, non-standard trim sizes, or for titles that you know for sure will sell in excess of 2000 + copies a year.
With the discrete size and horse power of SoCs these days I refuse to believe this is not a viable option.
E-ink screens work differently than LCD screens, so backlighting isn't a viable option.
So they're not a viable option either as far as I'm concerned.
Self - publishing, I knew, wasn't a viable option for most books, and almost never for fiction.
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