Sentences with phrase «not viable options for»

Unfortunately, they were not viable options for my plan.
I live in an area where houses are very expensive so that wasn't a viable option for me.
Since burning out and quitting is not a viable option for you, the answer is to stay in the race by taking shortcuts.
June 1st and 2nd weren't viable options for training so we began on June 3rd.
This is simply not a viable option for most families.
Using cloning, sequencing and other biotechnology feats to re-create extinct species from their ancient DNA is not a viable option for conservation and risks selling the public false hope.
Of course, this isn't a viable option for everyone, so if you're able to do it — make the most of it.
Many people today find dairy is not a viable option for them due to an intolerance to lactose, the sugar in milk, or casein, the milk protein.
For instance, HRT increases * risk of breast cancer so it is not a viable option for high risk women.
But Illinois is beyond tweaks and trims; the state needs a comprehensive structural reform, and filing for bankruptcy isn't a viable option for a state.
Knowing the local public schools were not a viable option for their family, they had to make a decision.
Measured Progress and officials with the Montana Office of Public Instruction and the North Dakota Department of Public Instruction agreed the open - source system is not a viable option for the 2016 spring assessment.
Waiting around for 45days, letting our income plummet in the meantime, is not a viable option for our businesses or a logical in a proactive environment and to suggest we wait and see is harmful to every indie author who need their royalties to survive.
POD is a not a viable option for books designed with foldouts, pop - ups, non-standard trim sizes, or for titles that you know for sure will sell in excess of 2000 + copies a year.
Self - publishing, I knew, wasn't a viable option for most books, and almost never for fiction.
Moving to a lower - cost pay - per - page scheme is probably not a viable option for ebook lending sites such as Scribd as the attraction for Big 5 publishers would be diminished.
Of course, the monthly payments on a 15 - year loan are significantly higher, so it's not a viable option for everyone.
Even bankruptcy isn't a viable option for most borrowers because student loan debt is extremely hard to get erased.
Gas prices average about $ 4 per gallon, but with 43 % of people commuting a half hour or more to work, public transportation is not a viable option for as many people compared to the cities higher on the list.
In fact, animal sanctuaries are not a viable option for most cats including socialized cats who have lived with people inside.
For too many reasons to get into here, taking the cats to be euthanized was not a viable option for us.
Generally, cat owners may need to place products in more than one location in the home, so the one - product approach may be not a viable option for all.
Hawaii, Tahiti, Fiji, Europe, Asia and other locales weren't viable options for an «all inclusive company.»
Unfortunately it's just not a viable option for Chase Ultimate Rewards transfers.
A more of a technical limitation would be that we don't have any animators on the team, so doing a third person game was just not a viable option for us.
However, it seems like this really isn't a viable option for casual players.
This report makes it clear that «business as usual» is not a viable option for the fossil fuel industry in the long term.
But now, after a few years of investigation, it appears that this technology is not a viable option for larger scale power generation.
If you have already decided that State Farm isn't a viable option for you, we should also look into the pros and cons of MassMutual.
This means that self - insuring, or hoping that your savings are enough to recover from a loss, is just not a viable option for most people.
«If you're an investor in a venture capital fund, typically you'll have to be putting money through a number of years and you won't get any money back until seven, eight, nine, potentially ten years which makes it not a viable option for a lot of people to invest», he said.
As SMEs seldom have the resources of their larger counterparts, this is not a viable option for them under current immigration laws.
Considering the under - valued stock prices, this is not a viable option for most REITs.

Not exact matches

According to those familiar with the matter, RIM didn't adequately determine whether porting was a viable option before it made the decision and set deadlines for various PlayBook elements.
If free public transport may not be a viable option for cities like London or New York — Tallinn has a population of just over 400,000 — there are other service options, White says.
Still, if those hardware and software elements continue to improve, the «loser bundle» plus broadcast channels could become a viable option for people that just aren't that into sports.
This could make the Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8 + viable options for those who don't want to pay around $ 1,000 for a smartphone, but still want a high - end device.
There is plenty of wildlife for hunting and trapping, which will be very important in the early years following a global castatrophe when farming is not really a viable option.
Called «Just Mayo,» the product is plant based and, as a result, a viable food option for people who either can't eat animal protein or don't want to.
Only for Schuback, victimhood was not a viable career option.
The document said the company wants jurisdictions to «think creatively for viable real estate options, while not negatively affecting our preferred timeline.»
As a business owner, you can choose purchase order financing if you feel that bank financing doesn't turn out to be a viable option for you.
If not, equity funding is a viable option — no need for a token.
Aside from the preferable rates, VA loans are also more tolerant of a range of credit histories, making them a viable option for veterans who might not be a great match for other loan options.
Spending additional time looking for a weekend job was not a viable option.
Governments have more options in this regard... drawing an example from Australia we had the «National Broadband Network» which was a project clearly not commercially viable, but government dumped taxpayer money into it, no bank would ever have offered money for that.
Crowdfunding can be a viable option for many small business owners and is one of the few options available to business owners who don't have an established track record or several years in business.
I guess I don't think simply pretending these stories are not there is a viable option for dealing with the text in a faithful, honest way.
There is little appreciation for the nature of conversion as an ongoing process made up of many steps forward and backward along the way; or, for marriage as only one option among a couple, or even a few, equally viable, equally «holy» alternatives for living out one's God - given vocation... I don't have to dig too deep into my own experience to recognize the hang - ups that this glorification of marriage and a one - time conversion experience can foster.
To take it a step further, if Jesus Christ walked the earth as a human man, and was tempted in all ways, just like us, and masturbation is not a sin, was that perfectly viable option for Jesus to relieve any «hormonal buildup» that he may have been experiencing?
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