Sentences with phrase «not vulgarity»

Very short length is prohibited because fashionable is femininity and not vulgarity.
anywhere at all... where name - calling with the word «dick» is not a vulgarity.

Not exact matches

Democrats accused Republicans of selective amnesia, as Kirstjen Nielsen testified under oath that she «did not hear» Trump use a certain vulgarity to describe African countries.
As a woman, I don't like EITHER ONE of those songs which in Thicke's case promote the rape mentality to a catchy tune (great hook btw) and in Cyrus» case is just a degrading display of vulgarity which should be left in strip clubs for over 21 year olds.
Clearly momoya and Dari were never taught the art of debate... and one of the sure signs of a weak arguement in debate is accusation and vulgarity, Again not my words but Stephen Douglass
I don't equate a thumbs down (meaning I disagree with the viewpoint expressed) to be the equivalent of «character assassination, vulgarity, ad hominem arguments».
When we are lazy about our words, we are telling those at whom our vulgarity is directed that they are so far beneath us that they are not worth the effort of stopping to think how best to insult them; we prefer, animal - like, to make the first sound that comes to mind.
While I was talking with our longtime contributor Hadley Arkes this month, he quoted a statement that I haven't been able to get out of my head: «One man's vulgarity is another's lyric.»
In some sort of crude sense, which no vulgarity, no humor, no overstatement can quite extinguish, the physicists have known sin; and this is a knowledge that they can not lose.7
But that crude caricature of religious belief and moral conviction is false; it's adolescent, if not downright childish; it inevitably lends itself to the kind of vulgarity that intends to wound, not amuse; and over the long haul, it's as corrosive of the foundations of a decent society as the demented rage of the jihadists who murdered members of Charlie Hebdo's staff.
Did we really imagine that a culture of self - absorption and vulgarity, taking its cues from the passions of adolescence, was not going to cash out in our politics?
That Garber has written a competent and straightforward study of Shakespeare is a good thing, but her participation in the vulgarities of cultural studies and queer theory is not thereby cancelled.
That's because Stipe is a genuine, good person with real personable, established relationships in his life, not just an obnoxious tool with a fake persona spouting mostly stolen catchphrases & playground vulgarity / insults surrounded by yes men / women & gold diggers most of which are on his personal payroll?
There are loads of old couples and families with small children in attendance, but the chants are still there, the occasional vulgarity can still be heard, and the chanting creates a unique atmosphere we obviously don't get in the states.
It reminded me of the heckling my friends and I used to do in college at baseball games: If we stuck to straightforward and somewhat devastating statements without any vulgarity, security couldn't make us leave.
You must attack Giroud with vicious vulgarity or you will not get the love of the fans who live in a perpetual state of outrage that Arsenal will not win every trophy available right NOW.
After a public event Friday morning on Long Island, the Democrat said the vulgarity the Republican president used Thursday during a private meeting with lawmakers on immigration shows Trump «doesn't really understand what this country is all about.»
Gov. Andrew Cuomo, speaking at the annual Martin Luther King Day event at the Rev. Al Sharpton's National Action Network, mocked Republican senators who said they can't recall President Donald Trump uttering a vulgarity during a meeting at the White House on immigration.
At Sharpton's event, Cuomo mocked Republican senators who said they can't recall Trump uttering a vulgarity during a meeting at the White House on immigration.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, speaking at the annual Martin Luther King Day event at the Reverend Al Sharpton's National Action Network Monday, mocked Republican senators who now say they can't recall President Trump uttering a vulgarity during meeting at the White house on immigration.
I am fun loving guy am not looking for vulgarity looking for respect and to respect others as beauty differs from eye to eye
Not only is it rib - tickling, it works as a fine substitute for the vulgarity... [Read more...]
love to mingle with people, have a good time no vulgarity, eeasy to please, love to eat out maybe once a week if not that's ok, love my animals great company, entertain me, not a good housekeeper (like to be though), love to go to garage sales, flea markets look at antiques, love Christmas movies & love...
Thus, profanities, vulgarities, and insults are not allowed.
But the mix doesn't work here, maybe because both the vulgarity and the cheesiness are so amped up.
Vulgarity will only take you so far in comedy — at some point the novelty wears off and the audience realizes there's not much talent there.
Extremely fragmented, excessive, unnecessary vulgarity, no chemistry between the characters and not funny..
Her not - very - ladylike vulgarity and rampant use of the «N - word» balance out the many times she receives elbows and fists in the face.
It also doesn't help that the film seems conflicted in its aim to be a family - friendly adventure, while also allowing Eddie to spout of constant vulgarities (this is probably the film that has the most liberal use of the word «ass» that I can think of) and also elude to wanting to bed the lovely Kee Nang at every available opportunity alone.
It's not all the necessary vulgarities, but the assumption that it will be another revenge film, much like Inglourious Basterds, where a race can achieve a feeling of vengeance from the seat of a movie theater.
If anything, Rough Night isn't nearly rough enough: too mild - mannered, for all the vulgarity, and eager to please to offer much to write home about after the mayhem is over.
Now, if you've read any of my previous reviews about raunchy comedies, you would know that I'm not always a fan of these things since many of them rely solely on the vulgarity rather than actually making jokes.
Bad Moms is one of the more pushy raunchy comedies you'll likely come across, a film so reliant on using vulgarity as a crutch it has characters drop F - bombs at their children's schools and during PTA meetings because without them, the makers of this film feel like they won't get a laugh from audiences prone to guffaw just because they heard harsh language.
Some of this movie's crudeness is forced, its bodily gags and vulgarities certain to draw a reaction from audiences, but not one of laughter.
I've tried to make my peace with what I call The New Vulgarity, as Hollywood has jumped on the R - rated comedy bandwagon, but it isn't easy.
That's not enough to support a movie around, leaving Myers to reach into his standard bag of tricks, and time and again, Myers proves that, left to his own devices, what he really finds funny is vulgarity for vulgarity's sake.
If not for the vulgarities and three of the most uncomfortable sex scenes you've likely ever witnessed, this would have been a textbook Lifetime Channel movie.
The problem with Bad Santa is that it uses vulgarity as a crutch to inject humor where there really isn't any, gasping for precious air like a fish out of water, needing something to keep its feeble self alive, and only doing so by spewing out more of the same.
Those not quite in tune may miss out on some of the gags, but may still enjoy the more modern comedy styles in other capacities, which is to throw in as much envelope - pushing vulgarity, F - bombs, and pop culture references as possible.
Baynham and Winer chose to use the acting veteran as a mean for spewing vulgarities underneath replica Darth Vader helmets — so it's not only a reference, but rather an obnoxious reference!
It is very, very vulgar, but it's not the gross - out, disgusting style of vulgarity as showcased in this year's «Brothers Grimsby.»
While hockey comedy Goon, released in 2011, didn't completely transcend sports movie standards, it was a fresh mix of vulgarity and brutality with genuine wit and heart.
Both films will battle against Academy tendencies that generally don't favor the kind of ice - cold formalism and dark humor that Fincher uses, nor the impenetrable vulgarity that Anderson trades in with his latest.
This is probably a good place to mention that, for all the vulgarity of MacFarlane's impulses, he does not sexualize Ted, lest the bear become a version of Chucky from the horror movies.
I've tried to make my peace with what is known as «The New Vulgarity», as Hollywood has jumped on the R - rated comedy bandwagon, but it isn't always easy.
Filling in the air time of this wacky premise are nonstop vulgarities (worse than Superbad, pervasive drug use (not as bad as Half - Baked) and some of the most infantile attempts at humor not seen since the misunderstood Freddy Got Fingered.
Their second, at a black bar in a bad neighborhood, leads them to the more promising ex-con Dean Jones (Jamie Foxx), whose preferred first name is one of the few vulgarities that can't be uttered even once in a PG - 13 film.
It's a shame he didn't have a clue where to go with the material other than to inject vulgarity with a terrible East Coast accent.
Robespierre's films resemble much of 21st century Hollywood comedy in their openness, vulgarity and spontaneity, but they have an emotional depth and maturity that the Apatows can't fathom.
Hence, B.L.'s vulgarity should not be punishable.
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