Sentences with phrase «not walk this path»

We do not walk this path of love and righteousness under our own power.
When we are tempted to judge others or to promote ourselves, we can remind ourselves that we do not walk this path of love and righteousness under our own power.
It's not the usual pregnancy that you can get support from others who haven't walked our path.
You shouldn't walk that path alone.

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Zhang Yiming, the founder of Junri Toutiao, said the app had «walked the wrong path» and the company «did not realize that technology must be guided by socialist core values.»
As a first - time founder slugging it out in the ultra-competitive world of startups, the path isn't exactly a walk in the park.
As users wave the cane from left to right when they walk, the ultrasonic beams bounce off of and identify obstacles in the user's path, particularly above knee height, a critical ability that old - school guide canes annoyingly don't have.
I don't even feel safe walking down the sidewalk without planning out my walking path.
We're also a networking site but not just any networking site; we are a community of like - minded individuals all walking the same path toward financial independence together, helping one another along the way.
I've written a lot this year about the unwillingness of many on Bay Street to accept that Poloz isn't going to take them by the hand and walk them down a well - marked, interest - rate path.
Sometimes going against the flow, not following the herd, walking your own path... whatever you want to call it... means admitting the seeming...
29:11), but He doesn't make us walk that path.
How other people relate to God is their own business, it's not for me to tell others they must walk our path.
The first thing I ask you is are you walking on the path of God and not sinning?
We Millennials don't have to walk in the path of our ancestors where the only information available came from the mouths of the people directly in front of us.
I walked this path years ago: it is not an easy path.
A progressive religion, like a progressive faith, is not an easy path because it can question the very ground upon which we thought we were walking.
If your spiritual journey consists merely of walking the path that «works» for you, are you not simply creating your own god?
God promises never to abandon the Christian in his pilgrimage towards Heaven, but not that the path ahead will be made clear to him before he walks it.
We should further learn from the same Constitution that the Church really does not teach a two - tier theory of her members, according to which some would trot along the common road, hoping nevertheless to arrive at God, while the others, priests and religious, constituting as it were the aristocracy, walk in more exalted paths.
They seek to walk alongside the other, not 20 steps ahead on the path.
I am spending lots of hours and money building a container, a nest... a place where a certain kind of person can feel safe to share, explore, discover and walk their own unique spiritual path.
Happily, for me, not every curve on the path away from institutional church has been like walking barefoot on crushed glass.
The goal is not getting to the end of the path, but love my neighbor as myself as I encounter them on the path I walk.
Not the path I pave as I wonder aimlessly through life, but the path that God has called me to walk down.
And WHAT century is this????? Better not break a mirror as a black cat cross your path as you walk under a ladder while spilling salt....
Let every man and woman know, by the whispering of the Spirit of God to themselves, whether their leaders are walking in the path the Lord dictates, or not
Nevertheless, this country is too big and too diverse to seriously expect that everyone walks the same path regarding spirituality, and it's completely reasonable to understand how and why our nation's President or Presidential candidates would not necessarily share our religious views, but still be capable of being great leaders.
Unless you've walked the sexual abuse path, don't say this.
I don't know if the path's all drawn out ahead of time, or if it corkscrews with each step like Alice's Wonderland, or if, as some like to say, we make the road by walking, but I believe the journey is more labyrinth than maze.
The theme of this Sophia Picture reminds me of a passage in the Dharmapada that says,» If you can not find a suitable companion to walk with on the spiritual path, then walk alone»... if it's clear that the people you are with, are not going to walk a path of love, justice and humility, then walk alone.
thx It is not an organized religion program, one has to have inner quest to walk on spiritual path.
Sorry to hear the writer of this column has achieved a place of being at the end of the road & found perfection in the form of being another «religious» that looks down his nose at anyone who might not agree or walk the same path as he does...
We did it regardless of me touching the rock or not and doesn't take away from the coolness factor, BUT getting to touch history is a pretty rare occurence, it's sort of like getting goosebumps walking around in Jerusalem because you know that the city has been around for an incredibly long time and that certain paths have had people walking around on it for thousands of years.
Not walking on the path of forgiveness, fairness and, humble awareness of our limits has real results.
My way is not your way and yet when we cross paths we receive each other and walk on.Therefore, walk placidly amid the noise and waste ever being mindful of the peace one finds in finding peace there about.
The Prophet warns, «Say not, «I have found the truth,» but rather, «I have found a truth,»» One of infinitely many truths, it seems, «For the soul walks upon all paths,» Which means that anything the Prophet says Falls like a perfectly formed olive leaf Upon at least one of those paths, So that His profundity is everlasting and without diminishment, As long as he pronounces oratorically After the manner of Sir Laurence Olivier Reading the King James Bible.
I simply wanted Jesus, and since I couldn't seem to part the weeds of my own tradition to find his face (that, most assuredly, was because of my own baggage), I began to walk in the well - worn paths that the pilgrims before me had craved out.
In the name of religious freedom, the christian conservatives are walking us down that path right now, but you are so busy defending them that you do nt see it.
it amazes me that we haven't only conquered landing on the moon and cured most diseases that killed billions throughout history, what amazes me most is our ability in times of need to help each other regardless of what path we walk in life.
Thanks for all of the encouragement and direction that you have given me... the journey does not seem so scary and lonely now... I have found courage and peace to continue walking my path.
Well I'm just walking with you, on my own path of course... sometimes I agree, sometimes I don't.
I could care less (each must walk the path for self), for Mr. Chopra is not the central point.
My way is not your ways nor are others» ways our ways or your ways and yet when we cross paths we receive each other and after a spell do walk on and are parted.Therefore, walk placidly amid the noisiness and the wasteful ever being mindful of the peace one finds in finding peace there about.
I understand how he might feel it is his responsibility, understanding what his beliefs are, but goodness I wouldn't want to walk down that path.
Are you saying that in your opinion one can't be walking a spiritual path if one maintains a belief in I?
Isn't «orthodoxy» the only path the Christian can walk if he or she has read, understands, and accepts as truth, the book in which he or she basis their faith on?
«You break the cycle, you break that pattern and you slowly walk the path of freedom and you're not in bondage anymore.
A little later my dad came in and sat down on the edge of the bed and said quietly that we should have a conversation about Sunday Mass, and probably I was now old enough to make my own decisions about attending Mass, that he and my mother did not think it right or fair to force that decision on us children, that we needed to find our own ways spiritually, and that while he and our mother very much hoped that we would walk in the many rewarding paths of the Church, the final decision there would be ours alone, each obeying his own conscience; that was only right and fair, and to decree attendance now would perhaps actually force us away from the very thing that he and my mother found to be the most nutritious spiritual food; so perhaps you and I and your mother can sit and discuss this later this afternoon, he said, and come to some amicable agreement.
God gave us directions and we need to stay in those paths He set down if we don't we walk outside His blessings.
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