Sentences with phrase «not white liberals»

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And don't get me wrong, we got a lot of white liberal votes, but they tended to be people who were involved in social justice.
It doesn't know if you are young or old, black or white, gay or straight, conservative or liberal, religious or agnostic, male or female.
Not so long ago, it was called â $ œthe Indian problem, â $ and although white guilt and liberal gentility has evolved semantically to the point where new locutions are required annually to describe C...
You know they love their white liberal MASTER, to think for themselves, to form their own opinion, to voice their concerns, and to bring black issues to light is not allowed.
I am not black, female, mormon, republican nor conservative but rather a liberal, white dem for the most part who does nt really have a faith I believe in however this women does nt deserve to be disrespected by you like that.
Did you notice that when liberals were talking about white terrorists, they didn't mean just any old white terrorists?
Too often, white liberals try to demonstrate their racial generosity by insisting that color doesn't make a difference, and that aside from the natural accident of color we have in common our humanity.
The same liberal media that wants to divorce us whites from Jesus by saying he wasn't white are the same media that works to tell us that Zimmerman IN white.
Because that's exactly what happened after I descended that platform and walked into a world inhabited not by the straw figures I'd been taught to defeat and convert, but by flesh - and - blood human beings who didn't stick to the atheist / Muslim / feminist / gay / liberal / poor / skeptic / foreigner script, a world less characterized by black and white certainties than by mile after mile and year after year of thick, impenetrable gray.
Even Martin King did not ask that question so as to expose the flawed white liberal thinking about God that he had encountered in graduate school.
Quite a number of white male theologians, while not buying into the more secular demands of liberation, still want to retain the liberal starting point of theology developed by Friedrich Schleiermacher as they seek to tie into the liberation process.
Despair at King's murder was the response of many blacks and some white liberals, but others were not distressed, and most did not care.
He doesn't rule out politics, considering himself «a crossover» — a liberal black man operating easily in a conservative white world.
A good many of the white ethnics (who aren't super liberals either) would also switch, and the change would guarantee Republican control of the Senate, and perhaps lead to the Assembly being less of a «lock» for the Democrats.
Even several of the «Exclusive» stories are essentially derivative: «Obama Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel admits weak messaging on health care from White House» does little more than quote his appearance on an MSNBC show, while «Liberal Ezra Klein and conservative George Will: Harry Reid wasn't wrong» is an even better example of copy / paste substituting for actual journalism.
Your daily meals should consist of lean proteins such as fish and white meat, vegetarian proteins such as beans and pulses, complex carbohydrates such as brown rice, brown pasta and wholemeal bread, and as much salad and vegetables as you like - a diet similar to the one Rhodri Morgan has switched to.Long hours and not enough sleep has a pretty dreadful impact on your life, Liberal Democrat health spokesman Norman Lamb tells Total Politics, says he has «lots of stress and not enough sleep».
The Liberal Democrats» Bob Russell made clear he will not be missing the previous White House administration.
In this sense, Robinson's enemies are now not so much Muslims, or Muslim communities as they used to be back in the EDL's heydays, but rather his own ideological opposites — namely white, British public figures that espouse liberal principles and have a «globalist» outlook.
(Oh... wait... I forgot... Liberals only believe in abortion for African - Americans and poor people, not upper - middle class married white folks.
For them, abortion is a «tragedy» because its not part of the Margaret Sanger - inspired genocide white liberals have waged against African - Americans for the last 40 years.)
She can win with everything he's got,» said Joe Trippi, who faced a similar problem when he was trying to figure out the math for the 2004 campaign of Howard Dean, another Vermont liberal popular among white progressives, but one who didn't have a primary opponent with the kind of strength among African - Americans and other minority voters that Clinton's shown in 2008 and so far in this race.
Watson's proposition, in other words, that black African intelligence is somehow «not really... the same» as white American intelligence was, I thought until October, squarely within the liberal range of views.
Many states that support a liberal view of interracial dating have a predominately white society, but it doesn't mean they have integrated.
Not with his preposterous penis / pussy portrayal parity platform, perhaps — but with his underlying claim that gays, feminists, and their «liberal» Hollywood allies have somehow succeeded in rendering the average straight white male a precariously endangered victim of oppression.
Its a story that needed to be told, most would write it off as liberal or left wing propaganda but it doesn't demonize police or white people in the way some would say it does.
What results is a kind of photographic negative of the comparably more pastel - hued Annie Hall, a mellow, grayscale romantic melodrama with a liberal dosage of one - liners that would be taken for chemical impurities if the film weren't also manifestly abstracted by Gordon Willis's world - class black - and - white cinematography.
It's not the most promising way to kick things off (Brewer uses it to illustrate the deadly, post-party car crash that incites the no - song - and - dance law in the film's setting of Bomont, Tennessee), but its poor impression doesn't last long, as Brewer makes quick work of establishing a liberal and plausible adolescent atmosphere in which Big & Rich can be listened to just after Wiz Khalifa, an antagonist is offhandedly chewed out for using the word «fag,» and the black students nearly outnumber the white students in the high school hallways.
If Peele goes more for the jugular than the subtext in the final scenes, it doesn't distract from the provocative blend of scares and smarts he uses to stick it to the white liberal elite.
As we watch young African - American characters — and a few young white women, too — mistreated and / or killed in scenes that go on and on and on, it's hard not to wonder whether Bigelow (and the material) would have been better served by not teaming up with her usual (white) screenwriter, Mark Boal (who also wrote The Hurt Locker and Zero Dark Thirty), just to bring in the perspective of actual people of color, rather than that of white liberal guilt.
Racism is the word no one has the bad manners to utter, but Peele and his actors have great fun showing us white liberals trying and failing not to be bothered by blackness.
«Get Out» hits with the impact of a bombshell in the supposed «post-racial» landscape of America, lampooning not the overtly racist (they're scary enough) but the affluent white liberal set who think they have transcended concerns of prejudice while remaining oblivious to their racial micro-aggressions.
Samantha is, to some extent, the best possible version of the decent, liberal but unavoidably white, middle - class woman, and a patient, inspirational teacher too — but it is Jasmine who, by being so completely herself, makes the film's most important point: No matter how good your intentions, «rescue» is not ever really yours to give.
«Luckily, she rarely tried to cover this ground — probably a prudent decision, given the murky and not altogether constructive works of some of the white liberals who did,» he writes.
Rose's parents, Dean and Missy — played by Bradley Whitford and Catherine Keener, respectively — are the kind of affluent liberal white people who can't be racist because they consider their black servants to be «like family».
How about you put aside your white, liberal guilt and realize that not be such a knee - jerk, cartoonish anti-Western, anti-American stooge.
Jordan Peele's first effort as a writer / director fairly simmers with rage — not at the clichéd southern - fried racist rednecks of most horror movies that have discrimination at their root, but at white liberals who have all the right friends and say all the right things (or what they think are the right things).
Rather than attacking the obvious bigots, Peele's «I Am Not Your Negro» thriller goes after those who consider themselves liberal, launching a daring direct attack on so many cultural codes long enforced by Hollywood: the white male gaze, the mixed - race couple taboo, the hapless wide - eyed African - American stereotype and the myth that we are somehow living in a post-racial society.
In a much - heralded democratic concept like parents choosing the schools they want their child to attend, you wouldn't think folks — especially liberal white folks — would protest it so vehemently.
Even from a distance, you won't mistake the V12 -44-MR-01 / 02 for anything else, thanks to liberal use of the blue, white, and red color scheme, with either a white or blue dial as the base.
Systemic racism benefits from silence just as much as it thrives under white liberals who refuse to check their privilege — those who assume that proximity to their black friend, love interest or neighbor proves that they are not complicit.
This tribal theory applies to peoples political affiliations such as liberal or conservative, or membership of other social groups, and we know liberals do tend to accept climate science more than conservatives from polls by Pew Research etc, although its not black and white.
(John Michael McGrath has a nuanced view of the white belt, noting that it is not exactly open for development, and that the Liberals are not totally clear of any fault in all of this).
The Mulcair NDP, the Joe Clark Progressive Conservatives (or «Red Tory»), the Green Party, the Turner Liberals, and pretty much anything that happened between 1935 and 1970 anywhere in the Great White North that wasn't Trudeaumania.
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