Sentences with phrase «notable selection»

There are other notable selections at the festival also.
Cycling India's Wildest Highway Notable selection, The Best American Travel Writing 2010 In a five - part series, Jeffrey Tayler pedals more than 1,000 miles along the Grand Trunk Road
Where no Travel Writer has Gone Before Notable selection, The Best American Travel Writing 2010 In a five - part series, Rolf Potts joins Trekkies aboard a «Star Trek» theme cruise to Bermuda
Lust in Translation Notable selection, The Best American Travel Writing 2007 When the phone rang in his hotel room in Xian, China, Jim Benning expected to face a frustrating language barrier.
Feasting in Lyon Notable selection, The Best American Travel Writing 2009 Jeffrey Tayler feared he would never feel as intoxicated with the sense of discovery as he once did.
My Senegalese Cousin, the Rice - Loving Pig Notable selection, The Best American Travel Writing 2009 When the woman selling peanuts at a Samba Dia market learned the Senegalese name adopted by Katie Krueger, negotiations took an insulting turn
Morning, Not Smart Notable selection, The Best American Travel Writing 2004 She coped with the slamming car doors and the fumes from the gas station next door.
Greek Paradise, Lost Notable selection, The Best American Travel Writing 2012 In the Aegean isles, Dan Saltzstein went in search of a mysterious cave.
The Lost World of Nigeria Notable selection, The Best American Travel Writing 2008 The Eredo once formed a boundary between the real and spirit worlds, and could easily contain Manhattan.
War Zones for Idiots Notable selection, The Best American Travel Writing 2003 The «World Series of Journalism» had begun in Afghanistan, and Tom Bissell didn't have to qualify to play.
Face - off on the Congo Notable selection, The Best American Travel Writing 2010 Jeffrey Tayler was cooking lunch along the Congo River when armed men approached, making demands.
Our Own Apocalypse Now Notable selection, The Best American Travel Writing 2012 Travelers» Tales» The Best Women's Travel Writing Volume 8 From a football stadium in Seattle to a sweaty nightclub in Saigon, Haley Sweetland Edwards wrestles with the f*cked up magic of war
Unlocking Beirut Notable selection, The Best American Travel Writing 2007 When Catherine Watson left Lebanon's capital city in the 1960s, she carried home the key to her former apartment.
The Burden of War Notable selection, The Best American Travel Writing 2005 Wendy Knight went to Sudan in search of compelling war stories.
Derelicts in the Sinai Notable selection, The Best American Travel Writing 2006 Israeli fighter planes flew over his kibbutz and suicide bombers blew up buses on the lines he traveled, but Porter Shreve still felt untouchable.
A Pilgrimage to SkyMall Notable selection, The Best American Travel Writing 2011 Can a trip to its headquarters make for documentary art, or just a closer look at solar - powered mole repellers?
On the Occasional Importance of a Ceiling Fan Notable selection, The Best American Travel Writing 2009 Travelers» Tales» The Best Travel Writing 2009 Emily Stone knew well the kind of moment she was experiencing in Puerto Rico: the guy, the Cuba libres, the accelerated intimacy.
On the Perils of Travel Writing Notable selection, The Best American Travel Writing 2010 David Farley broke into the New York Times with a story about an eccentric Italian village.
The Roads Between Us: A Journey Across Africa Notable selection, The Best American Travel Writing 2011 In a five - part series, Frank Bures explores the meaning of travel when arrival is not guaranteed
Innocence Abroad Notable selection, The Best American Travel Writing 2003 When the Taiwanese police hauled him in, Drew Forsyth experienced one of a traveler's worst nightmares: He went to jail for a crime he didn't commit.
The Art of Writing a Travel Story About Walking Across Andorra Notable selection, The Best American Travel Writing 2006 He traversed an entire nation in a long weekend.
Signs of Confusion Notable selection, The Best American Travel Writing 2005 Bad translations abound.
Girl Power in the Land of the Maharajas Notable selection, The Best American Travel Writing 2006 Terry Ward took heat from her American friends when she strayed from convention to travel the world.
Islam's Bloody Celebration Notable selection, The Best American Travel Writing 2002 At the Muslim Feast of the Sacrifice in Jordan, Rolf Potts unearths the quirky, intimate face of an Islamic world you won't find on the evening news
Lover's Moon Notable selection, The Best American Travel Writing 2011 Pico Iyer on the power of travel to make a forgettable Glenn Frey song last forever
Six Degrees of Vietnam Notable selection, The Best American Travel Writing 2009 Julia Ross went to Vietnam seeking relaxation and a place to recover from a breakup.
The Sexual Lives of Sri Lankans Notable selection, The Best American Travel Writing 2011 After a month of catcalls and groping, Hannah Tennant - Moore wonders what she's doing alone with a masseur
His previous novels Ventus (2000) and Permanence (2002), received a New York Times notable selection and the Aurora Award for Best Novel, respectively.
He is a graduate of the University of Iowa, and was a notable selection in the Best American Sports Writing 2012.
Some of the notable selections: Derrius Guice, Martinas Rankin, Jaire Alexander, Justin Reid, Maurice Hurst
Away from the official competition there are some notable selections, including Stephen Frears» Victoria and Abdul, which sees Judi Dench reprise her role as Queen Victoria two decades after starring as the monarch in Mrs Brown; and Loving Pablo, a biopic of Pablo Escobar starring Javier Bardem as the drug kingpin.
Some notable selections include the Mark Webber written and directed piece, The End Of Love, that stars Webber himself as well as a few famous faces like Amanda Seyfried and Michael Cera.
This story was a notable selection in the «Best American Travel Writing 2002» Anthology.
The Places We Find Ourselves Notable selection, The Best American Travel Writing 2007 Her official title was faculty sponsor.
Bad «Carma» Notable selection, The Best American Travel Writing 2012 David Farley wanted to drive only occasionally during his stay in Italy.
Four World Hum stories were included in the notable selections: On the Perils of Travel Writing, by David Farley; Where no Travel Writer has Gone Before, by Rolf Potts; and Cycling India's Wildest Highway and Face - off on the Congo, both by Jeffrey Tayler.
David Farley's A Sort of Happy Ending was included in the notable selections, and World Hum contributors Tom Swick, Tony Perrottet, Frank Bures and Doug Mack were also honored in the book for work published elsewhere.
This story was a notable selection for the «Best American Travel Writing 2007» anthology.
The 2013 edition of the annual Best American Travel Writing anthology hit bookstores last week, and we're thrilled to learn that three World Hum stories were listed in the notable selections: Jessica Colley's Catching the Gist, Translating Respect by Lenore Greiner, and Bali Belly and the Zombie Apocalypse, by Linda Watanabe McFerrin.
It includes a notable selection of works from his personal collection that were given in 2016 and are being shown here for the first time.
Contemporary Calligraphy brings together a notable selection of intricate and beautiful calligraphic artworks dating from the 1960's to the present day.
A web conference this week found a notable selection of industry thought leaders exploring lesser - publicized solutions for bitcoin scaling.
That said, Huawei had invested its time in making sure there are a variety of watch faces on offer with a notable selection (as well as the standard Android Wear faces that are on offer) in play.
A web conference this week found a notable selection of industry thought leaders exploring lesser - publicized challenges and solutions for bitcoin scaling.
To be held on 30th May, the Dubai - based conference will see a notable selection of Global Blockchain Council members discuss topics related to the blockchain ecosystem and its potential in the region.
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