Sentences with phrase «noted uncertainty over»

The survey noted uncertainty over the tight credit market, foreclosures and the jobs outlook.

Not exact matches

Despite an appeals court's temporary lift this month of the funding ban, the injunction «has placed a cloud of uncertainty over this entire field,» Harkin noted.
A noted U.S. fertility researcher is relocating to England in a move that some researchers say underscores the uncertainty created by the current debate over government funding of research involving embryonic stem cells (Science, 13 July, p. 186).
When a foreign holder of Treasuries is willing to give up 40 basis points of yield on a 10 - year T - note yielding 3.80 %, so that they can get paid off in Euros if there is a repudiation of US Treasury obligations, there is significant uncertainty over the creditworthiness of the US Government.
Note that the model range encompasses all of the simulated internal variability as well as an increasing spread over time which is a function of model structural uncertainty.
*** «Perhaps concern over «uncertainty» in complex, adaptive, open systems should be investigated by inductive generalization from observations of the dynamics of a wide range of such systems: ecosystems, social systems, computer systems, immune systems, economic systems... It is curious that the following things are never admitted as «facts about the world,» but here goes: the observer would note of all of these systems that they undergo oscillations within apparent parameters and occasionally flip into new regimes; they often demonstrate novel emergence; and that increased forcing, whether of native elements or exotic ones, increases the rates of oscillation and catastrophic shifts, sometimes after a quieter period of sub-threshold build - up.
Over all, Pearce notes the report's strong focus on strategies that can limit harms even with the persistent uncertainty in important regions and sectors.
In comparing the track forecasts for Isaac with that for Katrina, he noted how much of what is called the «cone of uncertainty» — the wide area over which the track could range — had shrunk in comparing the forecasts seven years apart.
Note that expanding the uncertainty will reduce the peak, and broaden the area under the curve, but ill not shift the position of the peak, so that the most probable anthropogenic contribution is 108 % over that interval, and the most probable greenhouse gas contribution is 138 %.
The Boston Globe notes that potential contributing factors include: «uncertainty about changes in solar incentives; caps in some parts of the state on new net metering credits; and concern over a new charge on solar users imposed by [regional utility] Eversource.»
And note that it would still be fraught with uncertainties, because we know nothing about how uniform the taking of measurements has been over the years.
Note that there's some uncertainty over how high, exactly, China's emissions are expected peak in 2030, but no matter what assumptions you use, they're expected to peak much higher (the orange lines) than what would be required under «inertia» or «equity» approaches to stay below 2 °C:
The models, note, only over estimate recent temperature trends by 18 %, half the expansion of the uncertainty range - and that overestimation has been eliminated from the attribution by scaling in any event.
Hallegatte [8] notes that these sources of uncertainty will not go away in the foreseeable future: social uncertainties will play out over decades, and recent experiences of improving scientific understanding have often led to more uncertainty about the future rather than less [10], as the implications of unappreciated processes such as ice - sheet dynamics become clearer.
Note that our uncertainty in the temp change over Greenland from LGM to Holocene is of the order of 5C.
With uncertainty over Alice, US patent practitioners are taking note of Hughes, trying to anticipate whether his view may become the majority by potentially including more technical detail when drafting.
A note on precedents - a number of leading jurists in many countries have raised red flags that due to the increase in arbitration over litigation that this is actually stifling the development of the law in common law jurisdictions thereby increasing uncertainty about the law and therefore compliance costs.
But all over the commentary segment of the report were executives noting that the current trade uncertainty.
Judging from the latest hard data, the outlook for 2016 remains relatively encouraging, although regulatory uncertainty has made a forceful comeback and is casting a shadow over the ongoing progress in the sector,» says Jan Schildbach, banking analyst at Deutsche Bank Research, in a note on the sector.
Uncertainty in the CDO market has sidelined CDO issuers, and securitizations have dropped sharply over the last several months, notes Jim Shanahan, a senior analyst of specialty and mortgage finance for Wachovia Capital Markets in a recent research report.
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