Sentences with phrase «nothing about grammar»

Not exact matches

Physics and chemistry tell us nothing about how to utilize language, grammar and literary style.
While they waste time and energy on new grammars, they have nothing to say about falling school budgets, the crisis in teacher recruitment and retention, and the lack of good school places.
The link in the article says nothing about posting a warning to books with bad grammar, it just gives you advice on why you should have good grammar and formatting.
A lot of us worry about quality of books in the self - publishing arena; could you break down what you foresee the editor's role will look like in a few years, if you think they will freelance, and whether the world will come back around to trying to guarantee that e-books available for sale will, if nothing else, have proper grammar and sentence structure and punctuation?
It is perfectly normal to nearly faint upon opening an ESL grammar textbook and think, «How can I possibly teach something I know nothing about
It's not about spelling or grammar... in a nutshell it's about what the resume is actually communicating (which was nothing but confusion).
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