Sentences with phrase «nothing about its book sales»

The book publishing industry is sadly lacking for accurate, actionable data because the biggest retail player, Amazon, reveals next to nothing about its book sales.

Not exact matches

I especially like this: * There's nothing about how to connect with fans in ways that will support future book sales.
Of course, much of the data is talking about ebooks over print sales, but as Walsh's assessment from AuthorEarnings shows, print book revenue for the actual author is nothing compared to their digital income.
While there's nothing inherently wrong with this if they're transparent about their operations — and not trying to deceive you about the type of deal you're getting — realize that such publishers may have less motivation to acquire books that have a good sales outlook; they may accept nearly any book where the author is willing to subsidize its publication.
I have 22 reviews of «Catskinner's Book» on Amazon, and the average is about 4.5, nothing below a 3, but it doesn't help me in sales, because there isn't much to compare with my novel.
Whereas I would see 150 - 200 books a day sold following a free promo in March or April, my May promos bumped sales to maybe 20 - 30 per day — still not terrible, but on titles where I see 10 - 15 per day without a promo, nothing to go crazy about.
Assuming what people thinks makes any difference — I've seen estimates that this thing may have cost Amazon something like 5 - 10 % of book sales among certain demographics who don't like what Amazon is doing, which is not nothing, if not exactly crippling — if Hachette is standing on the «we care about authors» moral high ground, Amazon is pretty much duty bound to point out why they are the ones who should be viewed as the Author's Friend.
A lot of us worry about quality of books in the self - publishing arena; could you break down what you foresee the editor's role will look like in a few years, if you think they will freelance, and whether the world will come back around to trying to guarantee that e-books available for sale will, if nothing else, have proper grammar and sentence structure and punctuation?
«There's nothing particularly new about special sales,» Lownie says, «except that increasingly nowadays they seem to be part of the initial marketing and sales strategy, rather than a just a useful tool for reinvigorating interest in a book or disposing of surplus stock.
As numbers come out and we learn at least enough about the big success stories to determine how little of the cash pool was available for other authors to divvy up, we should be able to get a clearer picture of how well somebody can expect to do through this program, After all, even if you were only making $ 1 per book sold on each of your hypothetical 30 annual sales through Barnes & Noble, that's better than getting nothing at all from a lending library for Kindle owners.
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