Sentences with phrase «nothing left over»

If these costs explain the property's price rise, nothing left over for passive land - value gains.
Account for every dollar of your income and leave nothing left over.
The result: They are tapped out from the start, with nothing left over to save and credit card bills that never get paid off.
So I think we can safely (and unfortunately) assume there will be nothing left over for shareholders either way.
Tough times can happen to anyone; it can be hard to manage all of your financial responsibilities and your student loans when they do, especially if there's nothing left over at the end of the month to put toward your payments.
All of which lead to unsustainably low and poor levels of Energy Return On Investment [EROI] leaving almost nothing left over in energy availability to power our civilisation after the energy costs of both building the wind and solar generator systems plus the energy storage systems to smooth out the intermittency of these wind and solar systems is given in an article in the «Brave New Climate» blog.
I've made several of your recipes now and served them up to my family and there's absolutely nothing left over — it's all gone Keep the recipes comin»!
Even relatively high income earners are often puzzled to discover there's little or nothing left over for savings once they're finished paying the mortgage and utility bills and enjoying an occasional evening at a nice restaurant.
First, use a present value of $ 347,767, monthly payments of $ 2,250 every month for twenty years, and nothing left over at the end.
And because the school spends so much to subsidize everyone's classroom instruction, regardless of income level, it has almost nothing left over to subsidize the high cost of living in New York, which hits needy students hardest.
It's merely the building and costs and inflation that are rising, nothing left over.
Imagine that you had just enough money to buy food for the week, with nothing left over to pay your utility bills or to purchase bus fare to get to work.
«And when the dust clears — when bankruptcy hits or a family member bails us out of our stupidity — there's nothing left over.
If you have nothing left over to save, it's time to put your fixed and variable expenses under a microscope in order to make cuts.
After you pay all your bills, make payments on your student loans, etc., it may feel like you have nothing left over.
In some cases, when consumers made the allegedly bogus payments, they had nothing left over to cover legitimate expenses...»
For example, a gearing ratio of 100 % (or 1) would mean that a scheme's assets just cover its debts (with nothing left over).
Drumming up money for a down payment on a home can feel like a lost cause: After you've shelled out money for rent, gas, groceries, and other expenses, you might have little or nothing left over.
You want to maximize your payments during the introductory period so that you have little or nothing left over that will cost you interest expense.
When those companies need all that capacity to meet customer demand during a cold snap, there is nothing left over for them to sell to the gas - fired electricity generators.
For example, blowing allowance money on video games with nothing left over to go to the movies sure beats not being able to afford rent because you have no ability to save and budget.
Because guaranteed - life insurance provides just enough to cover funeral expenses — if that — there's nothing left over to be used as a gift for loved ones or to help pay down debts.
Situation: Terrible credit, living check to check, running our own handyman business but currently only earn enough to pay bills with little to nothing left over (new business).
I have to learn how to price properties, because... with a guesstimated rent price, it will not really cover the mortgage / interest / expensive taxes and there is nothing left over.
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