Sentences with phrase «nothing more than a myth»

All religions, every single one of them, is based on nothing more than myths, ancient legends, fairy tales and imaginary friends.
The problem is that you base your beliefs on nothing more than myths.
I know I'm an apostate for saying so, but I think the proposition that you must invest most of your nest egg in equities to have a hope of putting food on the table during your retirement years is nothing more than a myth invented by Wall Street's marketers.
The story revolves around Lara Croft doing her best to follow in her father's footsteps by travelling the globe to find and confirm a Prophet who her father believed was real, but everyone doubted the existence of as nothing more than a myth; due to the powers of healing, resurrection and immortality, while Lara must face a deadly enemy group named Trinity that wants the discovery for themselves.
Jesus is nothing more than a myth, built from the stories of multiple deities.
Sounds to me like all religeons are nothing more than a myth, fantasy.
Religion is nothing more than myths and magic.
Who, having understood that religions are nothing more than myths, would choose to fall back into that trap?
Daniel is a myth and his visions an impossibility, John is an attributed name by the Church to some of the letters that make up the bible and Jesus, unless you can provide credible evidence, is nothing more than a myth, an amalgamation of different religions and created as the last messiah, before Mohamed came along — oops and NEVER existed.
While you are free to be offended by the banner proclaiming your religion to be nothing more than a myth, you have no right to expect anyone to not display it.
Wouldn't finding out Jesus was nothing more than myth or folklore or just an extreme case of the telephone game be quite embarrasing..
It is nothing more than myths and magic.
In fact, some people believe that successfully training the lower chest is nothing more than a myth.
The belief that doing decline bench presses will flatten your chest is nothing more than a myth.
Yet, over the course of time a number of studies have proven this age long «truth» is nothing more than a myth.
To help you avoid this type of information, here's a rundown of some of the most known and unknown diet, nutrition and food myths along with an explanation for why each is nothing more than a myth, or, in some cases, a flat out lie.
The second point is that the definition of «starvation mode» most people have in their head is wrong and nothing more than a myth.
Vice President Al Gore said the report proved that the «Texas education miracle» touted by his Republican rival was nothing more than a myth.
Hopefully, I managed to convince you that the belief really is nothing more than a myth, and one of many surrounding self - publishing at that.
Like its predecessor mercy is something XCOM 2 has only heard of in passing and is quite convinced is nothing more than a myth to give hope to the weak and pitiful.
For younger gamers the Game Genie is nothing more than a myth.
When I started The Abundant Artist, it was an exploration of the idea that the starving artist is nothing more than a myth that artists self - perpetuate.
The recent Court of Appeal judgment in Tchenguiz v Imerman; Imerman v Imerman [2010] EWCA Civ 908, [2010] All ER (D) 320 (Jul), however, has revealed the Hildebrand rules to be nothing more than a myth, condemning them as «unlawful».
However, now, Apple is finally weighing in on this, revealing that it is nothing more than a myth.
Well, there's little to suggest that the idea is nothing more than a myth.
Getting advice about child custody from somewhere other than a trusted, local legal source can be confusing and inaccurate — you might end up hearing something that's nothing more than a myth.
I've watched videos that say you MUST have and / or in the contract, and others have said it's nothing more than a myth and you don't need it.
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