Sentences with phrase «nothing similar»

With them we have only one cute item and nothing similar for the other girl.
From my viewpoint there is often nothing similar about any of these artists's work except the materials.
To date, we know of nothing similar to such an historical center.
She wants an assurance nothing similar is taking place elsewhere in the government.
I honestly just grabbed random brushes, mainly those which I had nothing similar already.
It is full of contradiction as the parent breeds have almost nothing similar.
Please take a week off commenting, and when you return, nothing similar please.
Existing reports and renders did suggest that the fingerprint scanner is going to be found under the screen but said nothing similar about the speaker and camera.
The default rate on subprime adjustable rate mortgages has been rising steeply, from 3.3 percent two years ago to 6.5 percent in the first quarter of 2007, yet we see nothing similar among prime fixed - rate mortgages.
Major publishers produce lists of «educational administration» texts that number hundreds of books, though they publish nothing similar on managing pharmaceutical firms, retirement communities, or fire departments.
You hold dear one interpretation of one sentence in one book out of MANY that speak of the same times, yet mention nothing similar.
Sure, I've come close when both a girlfriend and I happened to be wearing, say, striped tops but nothing similar enough for it to be painfully obvious.
People normally draw comparison with the Niger Delta situation, but I think that there is nothing similar between the activities of the Niger Delta militants and the Boko Haram,» he stated.
Nothing similar with such a regular geometry had ever been seen on any planet in the Solar System.
But when I saw this sweater I decided to take the plunge and try it because I own nothing similar - it also comes in blush, cream, and stripes but I own so many items in those colors already.
I wear these bracelets ALL THE TIME — nothing similar apart off the #nsale but this option is worth a look -RCB-
The Wii had great marketing with the popular motto «Wii Would Like To Play» and that was very memorable, but they had nothing similar like that with the WiiU.
They found nothing similar in North American records; Barnola et al. (1987) found nothing like it in their Antarctic ice core, but admitted their methods would not detect very rapid changes.
His ethical enthusiasm and the directness and power of his thought remained inaccessible to them, because they knew nothing similar to this in their own thought.
(J.C.P.C. # 46, 1888) The definitions and understanding of the term «usufruct» come entirely from Civil Code — At the time there was nothing similar in Common Law, so the idea that First Nations rights were a from of «usufruct»... that provided a right of use, but not ownership, was a new, purely Canadian, idea.
I scoured the Internet thinking that someone must have made it and, to my amazement, saw nothing similar.
BTW, nothing similar on Mitt Romney's Wikipedia page, for what it's worth.
She points out that various websites and public information services helped people after hurricane Katrina to cope with the stress that they had experienced but that there is nothing similar for women who have had an abortion which can be a personal «hurricane» for them.
While Avnet said the studio has nothing similar to Sickhouse to announce just yet (though he said the studio has a variety of traditional and non-traditional projects in the works), it is possible that any future Indigenous Media social media releases could grow to include anything from partnerships with sp ecific platforms, such as Snapchat or Facebook (FB), to soliciting brands for things like branding partnerships or product placement.
Nothing similar has ever been accorded to any of the other biological conditions necessary for conception, such as ovulation (save, implicitly, for the woman's physical reception of the seed into her reproductive tract.)
The police band made way for a DJ, the marble halls remain as part of the Highbury housing development, but nothing similar was developed in the new ground.
What the Invincibles used to do was nothing similar to this silly sideways passing «possession» football.
Birthing centers are equipped only for natural births, so the facilities they offer to users are limited such as oxygen for the mother and baby, fetoscope, and some harmless drugs that can help manage pain, but nothing similar to the tools and medicines that you will find in a hospital with trained doctors for any emergency.
Disotell gets Bigfoot jibes over beers sometimes, but nothing similar to what Meldrum experiences: «I think what is happening to him is a shame.»
«As far as the multivalent cathodes, there's nothing similar in the world that exists,» she said.
ROSEGAL embroidered leather jacket H&M TREND cropped pants ZARA mules ZARA knit shirt The craziness continues — embroidered leather jacket is the newest edition in my closet and I'm happy»cause I have nothing similar.
The craziness continues — embroidered leather jacket is the newest edition in my closet and I'm happy»cause I have nothing similar.
I got contacted by Daniela D'Amico to try their cropped top and since it fits my style and I have nothing similar in my closet, I said yes.
Check them out there is nothing similar, Lily Tomlin is a wonderful character as an aging hippie.
Check them out there is nothing similar, Lily
Chrysler has nothing similar in its lineup, and there are no comparable imports.
We have three daughters, and one of them is just past the age I was when these events took place, and I must say I feel a certain relief that nothing similar has shadowed any of their days; but I also know that you never stop worrying that it will.
Nothing similar was provided for the ITT stub which is comprised of a hodgepodge of businesses left over after the others were spun off.
I have a idea for a web project that is related to video games... no nothing similar or a competition to GoNintendo.
While the writing is nothing similar to any symbols shown in Bloodborne, we do know that there are other locations outside of Yharnam.
At the moment, however, there's nothing similar in the Wii U's online ecosystem.
Again, the 3DS title has nothing similar to the DS one as far as beach graphics go.
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