Sentences with phrase «nothing unusual about that»

To begin with, as far as I was concerned, there was nothing unusual about how her weight loss journey began — she had tried several diets in the past.
There's nothing unusual about industry insiders sitting down to craft an image campaign to bolster a failing product's allure.
The council said there was nothing unusual about local people on a Commission project being paid less than foreign workers.
There is nothing unusual about members of a new administration coming in believing that they are smarter than their predecessors.
Here he is riding a fake ostrich, and there is absolutely nothing unusual about it.
I feel like we're somehow related since I, too, have a complete wardrobe of paint clothes and find nothing unusual about hemming the drapes without taking them off the rods.
There's nothing unusual about affiliate marketing, but Left alleges Shopify's financial relationships to its affiliates are not disclosed, running afoul of the Federal Trade Commission in the U.S., which has made a big push for transparency in advertising.
But there's nothing unusual about playing 50 - 60 matches for teams that spend # 100m per season on new players.
There's nothing unusual about sneezing; in fact, humans aren't even the only beings who sneeze.
There is nothing unusual about Rahm calling Blagojevich 21 or 51 times.
There was nothing unusual about Cameron campaigning for the union in Scotland's referendum.
«There is in fact nothing unusual about the total intake of aliments; it is the very high protein, very low carbohydrate and highfat intakes that have excited interest.
There is nothing unusual about single parenting - around 25 of households in the UK with dependent children are headed by a. Inform single parent dating uk friend or family member of your plans and when and where youre going.
In California, there's nothing unusual about suburban charters, and the resulting broad base of support from middle - class voters will make it very difficult to overturn the law.
But there's nothing unusual about keeping cats in horse stables and barns.
The coal tells us that, by itself, there is nothing unusual about climate change, «and when we tell people about it, they think that because it's a natural process, they don't have to worry about CO2 emissions,» Montanez said.
His mother could think of nothing unusual about her son's newborn period: in her words, he had been «like my other baby.»
There's nothing unusual about seeing a name familiar to F1 fans in the Indy 500, but what makes Fernando Alonso's entry special is the fact that he's a current F1 driver who has chosen to skip Monaco to race at Indy.
Note: This post will remain an extra day... ======================================= More than 70 recent scientific publications show that there is absolutely nothing unusual about the magnitude and rapidity of today's sea level changes.
Yet for Swedes there's nothing unusual about how cashless this inner city neighbourhood has become in recent years.
Many students found nothing unusual about the scenario, explaining that sex at a party is viewed as normal or acceptable, while sex on a first date still carries certain taboos.
As for requiring privately owned companies to adhere to government regulations such as the above, there is nothing unusual about it.
«We dropped 500 products in price and we have put a number [of prices] up... there's nothing unusual about our pricing in this quarter.»
nothing unusual about that four fall, and do so in such a way that they make a perfect square?
There was nothing unusual about the top three finishers in the 1992 Canadian Grand Prix.
But there's nothing unusual about this format: The older players get paid and the younger players don't.
Nothing unusual about this.
Nothing unusual about that.
Clegg says there is nothing unusual about having two elected chambers in a bicameral system, with one having clear supremacy.
A political group, Atiku Abubarkar Grassroots Ambassadors of Nigeria, has said there was nothing unusual about the decision of President Mohammadu Buhari's to declare...
However, while being cross-examined by Metuh's lawyer, Dr. Onyechi Ikpeazu, SAN, Ogunsanya, who maintained that he had been in the PR job for the past 27 years, told the court that there was nothing unusual about his transaction with the defendants.
There is nothing unusual about it.
He also maintained that they had all enjoyed long, friendly relationships with State Senator Skelos and had seen nothing unusual about the hiring of Adam Skelos until the U.S. Attorney's office began its probe.
He said there was nothing unusual about his visit except that he had been embarking on similar visits in the nights.
They're natural, and there's nothing unusual about them.
There was nothing unusual about this.
It also says that there was nothing unusual about the seismicity preceding this week's event that could have indicated a big quake was on the way.
To a British observer, there's nothing unusual about this scene.
But that explanation didn't deflect Posey from making his broader point — that there's nothing unusual about the current climate and that the past holds few lessons for the present.
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