Sentences with phrase «nothingness in»

This way of framing depression, stuckness, or nothingness in our lives goes very contrary to many of our beliefs, largely because of where we were brought up.
Talking into a void of nothingness in public just isn't a useful control mechanic.
Meeting directly with leading scientists on climate change and its implications would send a strong signal that the page has been turned after eight years of denial and know - nothingness in the occupant of the Oval Office.
The Big Nothing is a major group exhibition exploring themes of nothing and nothingness in contemporary art.
The artist cites these corporeal affectations as reminders of her own mortality, often speaking of the living death, a transitory state between being and nothingness in which a thing is left to molder and dissolve.
-- John Woo Being and nothingness In a taut and lean 100 minutes Jean - Pierre Melville somehow manages to condense and distill 30 plus years of gangster movies, police procedurals, and film noir into an astonishing existential tenor with Le Samouraï....
Watch six distinguished thinkers grapple with nothingness in the 2013 Isaac Asimov Memorial Debate, March 20, 7:30 - 9:30 P.M. EDT
And Liverpool handed over a dominant 2 - 0 lead against Southampton, completely fading into nothingness in the second half at St. Mary's.
I chose the plausible reasoning of nothingness in creating it's own something.
Why should one attempt anything at all, if it is going to be obliterated and end in nothingness in the course of time?
''... at each step you take on this road you will see so great certainty of gain, so much nothingness in what you risk, that you will at last recognise that you have wagered for something certain and infinite, for which you have given nothing.»
Bankrupt of intellectual honesty the blind materialist is totally unaware evidence of nothingness in his afterlife is based on the blind faith of an atheist.
Can science explain the entire process of evolution of human being starting from the beginning of nothingness in the universe?
Few can match Job for pure misery, a man who went from immense personal wealth and happiness to utter nothingness in a matter of days, and fewer can match him for stony faith — a resolute, steely trust that God had an answer, even if that answer didn't really make sense from an earthly perspective.

Not exact matches

At a second north - end site later that day, in a home that miraculously survived despite backing onto a section of the fire - razed city, another crew member hired by Feldstein swabbed windows that overlook the wasteland — a bone - white ash pit with roads divvying up the nothingness.
That's three flights over a nearly 30 year - span, which in the big scheme of things is close to statistical nothingness.
So the next time you have the opportunity to reach for the magic rectangle in your pocket or purse -; consider mastering the skill of staring into nothingness.
It can't just be left there in the nothingness of the universe.
Instead of allowing the wood to rot into nothingness, the company is going outs of its way to reclaim the wood and change it into something consumers can enjoy in their homes.
But in that nothingness, there is everything.
We have no idea but to infer nothingness is still thinking in our universe terms when all of that didn't exist.
God who was and yet still is the Holy Spirit is the Great Sea of Nothingness, therefore the outer - Cosmos is subjected to His Holy Spirit's wantonness and is yet a work in progress.
The Second Death that is referred to in the Bible is the return to complete nothingness because if one believes that Jehovah will permit anyone to suffer for an eternity can not believe that this same God is the epitomy of Love.
So if this view of mine is a noteworthy claim then, our spirited nothing is part and parcel our the celestial nothingness that holds this earthly cosmos of ours in its grasps.
As for the watch problem, its so hypothetical it's really not worth much more to pursue because you are right, I think it highly imporbable a watch would appear from nothingness, and since that has never in the history of the universe as we know it, to have happened, to discuss what I would do in that event is moot.
The atheists HAVE their own symbol already in the museum — blank space and nothingness.
There is no hope in the end, just nothingness.
We are never without a spiritualism and though some sense the apparitions of Nothingness as a finality, Nothingness is a Something in itself and connot be discarded by anything.
I am no mathematician nor quantum physicist but it does not take a rocket scientist to know that nothingness holds all mannerisms of every kind of matter in its nothing embodiment!
You'll almost certainly dodge that question by claiming he has always existed, so if that's the case, what suddenly prompted God to create a universe filled with over 100 billion galaxies containing a trillion trillion stars after spending an eternity extending into the past existing alone in an absolute void of nothingness?
I would say that nothingness encompasses everything great in sizes and even the smallest of sizes.
@Vic: For the sake of argument, let's suppose the universe was created by an all powerful being who had existed for an eternity extending into the past in emptiness of the nothingness that was before he got bored and created the universe with its 170 billion or more galaxies and trillion trillion stars.
This raises the obvious question, what was God doing for an infinitely long period of time all alone in complete nothingness?
During this short time, we don't have the apparatus to fully understand God, but many of us see the fallacy of believing in things like the «big bang» theory where ordered things come from nothingness.
This is the consistent double - theme that runs through the Bible: in relation to God all human greatness is as nothing; and yet because of this nothingness before God, even the lowliest is of immeasurable value.
And why is only nothingness promised to be left alone and perhaps, in due time, exalted?
The Cosmos is a Creation in Continuation's Making ever being made and continually forming within the vastness of Nothingness's Bosom.
Don't expect others to necessarily believe it, but for me, being thrown out into nothingness (in my tortured mind) and finding myself rescued from out of the nothingness is something not easily forgotten.
Alone one afternoon, I put my head in my hands and said to the nothingness, «I don't know how to do this.
Total surrender to a God who loves us will result in our being lifted up and rescued from that nothingness simply because he loves us beyond anything we can imagine, BUT, we do have to test that fact, in our human frailty.
If God will raise us from death to a new life of fuller communion with himself then this will be sheer miracle: God's re-creative Word affirming us in the moment of our utter nothingness.
In Oriental Mysticism, Altizer describes faith as the «will to nothingness pronounced holy,» 33 and in «Theology and the Death of God,» he states that «eschatological faith is directed against the deepest reality of what we know as history and the cosmoIn Oriental Mysticism, Altizer describes faith as the «will to nothingness pronounced holy,» 33 and in «Theology and the Death of God,» he states that «eschatological faith is directed against the deepest reality of what we know as history and the cosmoin «Theology and the Death of God,» he states that «eschatological faith is directed against the deepest reality of what we know as history and the cosmos.
He was just sitting there alone in the nothingness for eons and eons, doing nothing.
Every hope that is a hope in an end other than in the beginning is a hope in a literal as opposed to a primordial nothingness, a hope in «nothingness» as opposed to «no - thing - ness.»
Finally, the Christian hope in the Kingdom of God or the New Jerusalem is a hope in such a «nothingness,» for it is a hope that contradicts the inherent nature of reality.
Our only hope can be one of returning to our true sources in the divine nothingness or nothing - ness.
It is precisely because an epiphany of Antichrist abolishes the transcendent source of evil and nothingness by embodying a primordial chaos in the actuality of history that it is a redemptive epiphany, an epiphany unveiling the full reality of alienation and repression, thereby preparing the way for their ultimate reversal.
If we conceive of the Word or Spirit as moving more and more fully into the body of the profane in response to the self - negation of God in Christ, then we can understand how the Christian God gradually becomes more alien and beyond, receding into a lifeless and oppressive form, until it finally appears as an empty and vacuous nothingness.
In The Closing of the American Mind, Allan Bloom called it «debonair nihilism,» which might be described as a flirtation with nothingness that has nothing as a consequence.
When all evil and nothingness pass into the faceless epiphany of a total Antichrist, then the ultimate ground of chaos will be dissolved, every inherent sanction for all alien and compelling demands will be removed, and every opposing other will stand revealed in a lifeless and vacuous form.
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